Just voted Trump. He's getting the black vote, trust me.
Just voted Trump. He's getting the black vote, trust me
Stupid nigger we dont need your support.
This is part of the reason he is going to lose, retards like you
Good job
Shut the fuck up you dumb nigger
t. Nerd virgin
>Good job
>one black guy with a trump hat
Why are whitebois so servile? You're like little girls who never grow up.
You're a fucking shill for sure.
Shut the fuck up, you retard.
>expecting anything less from Sup Forums
i bet the op just laughed it off like a non-chimp, acceptable black man
Fuck this guy ^ I bet he is just a leaf using a proxxy
Welcome to the Trump Kingdom my black friend
G's up Hoez down
A true patriot.
A worthless faggot.
Oh, look, a Democrat.
This retard is a shill
Every vote counts after 3 months of none stop shilling I finally convinced my GF to vote Trump as well. It's in maryland so it doesn't really matter, but still every vote for trump is a good vote.
thank you for correcting the record
Kys ahmed
only a europoor would equate "good job" with "now let me suck your dick"
hi shill
Does mommy Hillary know you CTR drones are being racist on the internet?
Why am I asking. Of course she does.
Nice bait CTR
Fuck you dude.
Liberals have no problem calling people niggers when they don't get their way. Funny.
Thanks for doing your civic duty
fuck off nerd virgin
This is actually true. Just yesterday I walked by a group of niggers and overheard them talking about how Hillary is corrupt and that they are voting Trump.
And then they mugged me.
Using a proxy?
It's a German. They are the lowest form of European too. I truly feel sorry for the non cucked Germans.
hello CTR
The retarded black vote. Like the retarded white vote.
Record Corrected!!!!
Based OP
This is what one of the black guys I went to high school with said earlier today that got a shit ton of comments telling him he's dumb for going to vote for Trump.
>Hillary will be the same as the last 2 presidents, if you want change why would you vote for the same type of president we been had? if you want TRUE change vote for something we've never had
This is what he said a little while later.
>Will likely be ALOT of I told you so's after today. There will also be a divided people/nation which will be no good for anybody. All this election caused was major division among the people more so than what it already was. I just hope this doesn't end up in civil war.
kys shill ctr bitch boy.
much love for you OP. thank you for actually doing your research and choosing the right side.
fuck off CTR
Good on you, brother. We're taking this country back for EVERY citizen.
Thanks bruh! Hillary hates black people. I think she hates everyone desu. But black people more. Haha sorry bro.
Your mother was a prostitute.
mah boi
>Just voted Trump. He's getting the black vote, trust me.
Oh look, an Alt-Right stormfaggot
The fuck outta here
ctr sure is mad
Thank you based black friend
nice try CTR
Thanks nigger, but after we win this election, you're still gonna be sub-humans.
Can confirm, got a bunch of black bros that are all voting for trump
Where from?
I just voted. He's getting my white male vote.
MAGA my nigger!
*Thumbs Up*
Black in JAX. We out here!!!
Fuck off redneck
Hey there CTR.
Good man!
Based black!
Respectable person!
High energy!
All these things apply to you my good man.
I work near a barber shop that has all black or Latino employees and they had a trump rally on their tvs last night blaring loud af. It was honestly very surprising, they all seemed very much like Hillary supporters, before last night.
The OP is a troll you fucking idiots. You're getting worked up over nothing. Also pretty pathetic how you're willing to grovel to minorities just because they happen to agree with you.
Nice job man. I hope you're right about blacks rallying behind Trump. With testosterone under assault, we need all the people we can get.
MAGA 2016
>trust me
Fuck all niggers, left and right
Gonna be hell at the welfare line tonight
I hope you're right OP.
Fuck off CTR. Once this is all sorted out you will be the first ones to be judged.
I live in a high percentage black district. Turnout today was much lower than 2012. I had no line at all. (I waited in line an hour in 2012) My buddy who lives in a rural district said he has never seen lines as long as the one he was in in his life. He voted almost an hour before me and his voter number was almost the same as mine (around 200.) My Aunt reported that her red district was absolutely slammed and another buddy ssid his red district also had a line. A friend in the City of Richmond in a very black district said that most of the people in line were white. He said this was the polar opposite of 2012. Guys on here in blue parts of NOVA are reporting low turnouts in Fairfax and Arlington (apparently a news station has said this too) while somewhat red areas like Loudoun have higher turnout.
CTR shill
Good job OP
OP will save the white race
CTR shilling hard I see.
shut the fuck up bitch he is a respectable black man you fucking shill
I hate black people. Does anyone else on Sup Forums hate blacks. I'm voting for trump.
Thanks for helping make America great again! Glad you understand Trump means great again as in business, jobs, family values, ect.
Democrats btfo this election
I feel it
Shut up dumb stupid ass cracka
my dude
This is the reason Trump will lose, and republicans will always lose. Thanks faggot.
Kill yourself faggot.
husqvarna is good
Now you see what CTR and the Democrats really think of black people
Pretty all my black friends on Facebook hate hillary because of shit like her packets of hot sauce comments and her pathetic attempts at pandering. Not because of the actual bad shit she's done
Good job. Keep fighting!
Shut the fuck up you asshole.
Fuck off you stupid nigger cunt. Us the alt-right really don't need a fucking oooonga booonga nniggerlips faggot supporting our candidate. just fuck off NIGGER
>not knowing this is CTR
D&C = divide and conquer - jews and their CTR henchmen do it all the time
is an example
>1 post
Right on brother.
Great job, OP! Now convince the rest of your family and friends to do the same.
>all these responses
Holy shit this board really has become reddit. Niggers need to be killed, the "nigger =/= black man" is the shittiest Sup Forums meme.
its CTR - duh
Blacks are literal slaves to the Democratic party
How do they not realize this
Maybe 5℅ at most voted for trump
go away germany.
until you get rid of Merkle you aint sheit. ok
we did brexit, burgers did trump - ITS YOUR FUCKING TURN AHMED
Its the hivemind. when they want to bash niggers they will, when they want to act like cucks they will. its just aslong as the majority do it
>niggers are okay when they vote for trump
it doesnt work that way.
Have a (You) my fellow American.
I'm driving. Do you not see the car around me?