It shows different numbers for me
What filters?
if trump wins it's the end of the world
They cut off the date to Nov 3. Clearly there is some fuckery going on.
Looks like they updated the site and removed everything after Nov 3
How kike
Reuters is so full of shit
>uh oh, we're getting close, quick "adjust" the polls!
They just didn't want to get BTFO like yougov did in 2014
Same for Hillary
That's a very... VERY relevant statement from you sir.
>see Hogan
>think it's going to be a Hogan v Gawker table
>Washington post wrong by 23 points
Fucking hell.
Ravioli Ravioli let it all burn downioli
>Hulk Hogan (R) +99
It's definitely the end of the world as we know it.
That is a very good thing. The world was collapsing. Globalism was about to cause mass civil unrest and nuclear catastrophe.
PS this happened because literally no one in a blue state remembers to vote in the midterms
the tears were, and occasionally still are, hilarious
t. Marylander
Shut the fuck up, kike
The polls in that race were a pure propaganda effort, Obama, Shillary, and Biden were all campaigning with Brown and the media wouldn't shut up about how great he was.
this, Trump is the last chance for peace. Voting for Hillary is voting for wars at home and abroad.
Which news outlet is the best for unbiased information?
Based upon what I am seeing from Tampa and numbers have remained stead all day, Hillary will lose Florida and badly.
This way they can say they were right either way
CNN obviously.
I am watching tyt live as we speak
its not even subtle anymore
To be fair, majority of those polls are months out from election day.
Here is was my view earlier.
>436 respondents
Oh goy.
Obvious bait
Maybe for you, Shlomo. We're cutting your welfa- I mean, foreign aid payments.
For you
Please tell me this isn't what I think it is.
Sup Forums
They showed this but then took it off to Aug 1st. Rigging polls for Hitlery AGAIN.
Oh vey! The goys won't let us rape and murder children in the name of Moloch anymore.
Hogan is fucking based as hell. He is god emperor number 2
Well, what do you think it is?
If Trump doesn't win, Iran is going to nuke your ass.
There are 850 respondents on the point that is tied.
For you.
Left - actual polling
Right - "corrected" polling to match the election results
I can only see Nov. 3. Did (((they))) shut it down?
that isnt even in real time. its far away from accurate.
Fuck off shlomo
what the fuck is that picture
Most likely it's internal projections; statewide on right, county on left.
She is so cute. Even if you are taking pictures of her breasts.
Someone had a periscope and supposedly they swept the camera past Kelly-Anne Conway's office and that's a screencap. I would guess it's their internal polling, left is by county and right is electoral college results
yep! they sure did!
>Adblock plus
>Not ublock origin
Hey I helped make that a reality. Thank goodness we dont elect governers during presidential elections...
Quiet samson, Freedom is talking.
au revoire fucker, better the end than world like this one
so what's that like, mean basically?
they fucked it up, this was a link that worked
no it displays shit