90 Mil to 325 Mil already

90 Mil to 325 Mil already.


It will be fine. Stop worrying people.

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How in the name of fuck

the 94 million was domestic, the 325 million is global

It hasn’t even been a full week since it came out and it already made almost its entire budget back?
This is some bullshit. Sup Forums said this would never happen and that DC was gonna lose money on this
Fuck all of you for lying to me

Chinamen love to eat shit

With advertising taken into account, it needs to make about 7 trillion dollars to be a success.

BUt I thought China didn’t want to see this trash

The fact this can't make 200m domestic is the real sign that something is wrong.
It took Michael Bay 5 films to drive the Transformers domestic gross that low.

So basically -- people are reacting to the DCEU like it's the Transformers franchise -- the most loathed film series that people still pay to see.
But still the last one made absolutely disastrous money in America, where it should be the easiest to sell. And DCs superheroes should be an easy sell in America.

This is Time Warners fault. It's nto a single mistake, it's a series of mistakes, being doubled down on, going back to the earliest conception of the first film.

>It’ll be the next two weeks, specifically the Thanksgiving holiday in North America and the general worldwide legs overseas that will determine whether the film will be a disappointment or an outright money loser.

Nothing is certain yet. I know 325 sounds like a lot, but it is not uncommon at all for movies to make over half of the revenue very early on. Also dont lie to people by saying it went from "90 Mil to 325 Mil." The 90M number was always domestic and 325M is global

What the fuck does it matter where the money comes from?
Money is money and profit is profit. I bet you fucks are still assblasted that Wonder Woman made more money than Civil War

It opened in all markets, faggot. Add all that up and it's going to see a massive surge at first, but it will peeter out faster.

Also, movies need to make TWICE their budget to BREAK EVEN. It's a flop.

>What the fuck does it matter where the money comes from?
We're just pointing out that you're being intentionally misleading by implying that teh amount made went up from 94 to 325 over the past few days, giving people the impression that there is a severe upward trend. $325M globally after a week is ok but not great for a movie with this budget. It could still go either way.

>I bet you fucks are still assblasted that Wonder Woman made more money than Civil War
I liked WW more than Civil War, but keep thinking that everyone that doesn't suck Snyder's cock is a Disney shill

The absolute state of DCfags.

What happened to the Transformers movies? The last two cracked one billion despite the typically dreadful reception, then the most recent one barley gets over six hundred million.

You didn't add the theaters cut of the money to that.

No, it did not.

Theaters take a huge chunk of the money out of individual ticket sales - somewhere around half - so a movie that sells $100mm worth of tickets has only made around $50mm for the studio. This is why films must typically earn twice what it cost to make and advertise before it becomes a profitable film.

Justice League reportedly cost $300mm to make, and while WB would never provide the real number for advertising costs, industry pundits have pegged the number around $100mm. For Justice League to start turning a profit, it must first earn at least $800mm in total box office gross.

>What the fuck does it matter where the money comes from?
Because foreign countries give less money to WB, you nigger. Even US theaters stop giving back 50% of their gross after the first week.

Op here. Just letting people know I'm not the guy who posted I liked both movies.

Because over seas markets take a huge chunk of the lrofits comapared to the domestoc market.

>ANOTHER shitty Sup Forums thread, this time not even about the subject itself but just money

Fuck off.

People are tired of seeing "group of people travel the world looking in exotic locals for 3-5 pieces of the Macguffin before the bad guys can get them." Which is the exact same plot as JL coincidentally.

Despite what company warring shitheads will tell you. They will watch *anything* that lets them escape their factory working lives for 2 hours.

Reminder: the whole "needs to make twice its budget" thing comes largely from the fact that distributors and theaters need to make money, too. In the US, theaters tend to eat the cost of the film and upsell their snacks to recoup that money (especially on opening weekend). Elsewhere in the world, theaters ask for a much larger cut, which combined with international trade stuff means that studios aren't swimming in money the way you might think. It's not absolutely nothing, mind you, but it's not as much as the numbers suggest.

The most important thing, though, is that you as a consumer should not care about losses/profits. Consumers do not get enough information about ALL of the costs and investments behind a movie to gauge whether a movie is actually profitable. If you track a movie's box office performance, you should only care about how many people go to see it. And that's it.

We all like to have money user

Money makes the world go around, boy.
There is nothing more important than money and power.

I love pasta

this movie was not good

>There is nothing more important than money and power.


You need money to be able to take care of a dog, user

you can thank Rotten Tomatoes and Box Office Mojo for being tools for retards thinking they're fucking Ari Gold living out some bullshit entourage fantasy.

>90 mil to 325 mil
Are you retarded?
It went from 280 mil to 325 mil
In 6 days it hasn't even passed Ragnaroks 3 day domestic total



It went from 95M To 111M. 95M was domestic. And only domestic has the good (read, at best 70%) profit deals, so no, its still a failure.

Still not two times the budget. Still not a good movie.

It's not even the budget yet. With deals they're probably at around 200M

It won't even pass BvS' first weekend total ($424 million) until this weekend is over. Then it'll really slow down due to Coco being released. It has an even bigger budget too. They'll be lucky to get $700 million from this

OP you should delete your thread for acting smug over false information like that. It actually make DC fags even more desperate.

Don't forget that BvS at least got over its budget in domestic gross. This movie isn't even halfway there.

>JL may not even reach BvS final worldwide gross
Screencap this

Nice film you got there.

I'm curious, if I use a monthly subscription to see the movie, how much revenue does it gets?

A movie can make money back and still be a failure if it has high expectations.

Doctor Strange, for instance, made a decent profit, but Marvel is looking to mint a new big franchise/character to replace Iron Man, and "decent" isn't good enough to build phase 4 around. That's why Strange had the bare minimum appearance in Thor Ragnorok. Even though it made money, it still kind of failed because it didn't do what Marvel wanted it to.

Justice League wasn't supposed to turn a profit. Justice League was supposed to get one and a half billion dollars like the Avengers did. Justice League isn't just a movie, it's the entire point of the DCEU.

It's not even halfway to BvS' take yet.

And it might get there eventually, but the movie all the execs are comparing it to is The Avengers, not Thor 3. This is meant to be the flagship movie of the whole DCEU. It's supposed to be a cultural event.

>Justice League wasn't supposed to turn a profit. Justice League was supposed to get one and a half billion dollars like the Avengers did. Justice League isn't just a movie, it's the entire point of the DCEU.
Yep. JL is literally meant to be a money-tree, what Warner was aiming for for the last few years. If it can't make a billion then the entire experiment is a failure.

That would depend on the specific contract your theater (or whoever your subscription is with) has with the studios.


Every time I see this poster I think it says JEX at the top

This is honestly the best thing to come out of JL.

It will barely make 500M and most of that will be with the worldwide box office, depending on the deal it might cost the budget of the movie and some of the advertising.
COnsidering it's at 111M after 5 days, I just can't see it reach it its own budget domesticlaly. meanwhile shit like GotW or wonder woman made quadruple domestically alone.

Not a good idea DC. Especially since all those movies are doing better then you.


I liked affleck in BvS, but hes turned into a joke in this one.

>BUt I thought China didn’t want to see this trash

It did about the same as Ragnarok in China. I think a fraction less. So JL opened bigger there than GOTG2 did and that made 100mil there

Literally been the case for all the films this year. If people weren't talking about Ragnarok's finances they weren't talking about it at all. This is your brain on company wars

Yeah i don't think that's an official poster user

I'm not being serious

>Money is money and profit is profit. I bet you fucks are still assblasted that Wonder Woman made more money than Civil War

Not super knowledgable on movies but didn't Civil War break a billion? And using Wikipedia's numbers Civil War made much more of a profit than Wonder Woman

also pretty sure the "foreign money doesn't count" argument was used a ton in Homecoming is a flop threads

poor dcucks

i almost feel sorry for them now

Homecoming had a 175M budget and made almost twice that domestically. A triple A movie like this one isn't a success if it doesn't at least get its budget in domestic.

TvTropes explains it well enough: tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BoxOfficeBomb

We know for example disney themselves have a 70% deals with studio, and its fucking disney. DC has less leverage than them.

Hey that's great, maybe it will catch up to Thor in a couple weeks

ah alright, thanks user

For example, remember Ghostbusters is considered a flop. This despite the fact that they made 130M Domestic (and just as much worldwide.) With a budget of 144M. So technically you can say they got their money back, but with the insane advertising they had, they didn't, and after one mention that "this is fine" we didn't have any news since and a sequel seems pretty much scrapped.


>Ghostbusters made almost 40m more domestic than JL
Jesus Christ


>Bad word of mouth: Sometimes a movie does poorly because everybody's just expecting it to be a bad movie - maybe it's a sequel to a bad film, or it's in a genre that the Director isn't known for, or it's assumed to be a rip-off of an older movie, or a remake, or another Continuity Reboot, or the trailers were terrible... and often people just don't want to go to see a movie that they aren't sure they'll enjoy. This doesn't mean the movie is bad.

...JLA had all of these things going against ti at once.

And more than that, when a movie opens as low as JL did, it needs legs to survive. And you got a Pixar movie coming out today, and nearly three weeks after that, you got a fucking Star Wars movie coming out, which will be the final nail in JLs coffin.


Thats total though, remember it's only JL's first week, as usuall you expect a mutliplier of between 1.5 and 2.5. for example ghostbuster's opening weekend was 45M.

With JL's opening weekend you can expect a 200M total domestic, which again, considering it's the ACE movie with all of the DC stars, and doesn't even cover its full budget, is a failure.

Just saw it. Not near bad as Sup Forums was making it out to be.
Was alright. Certainly didn't leave the sour taste in my mouth BvS did. Probably because it doesn't with a funeral.

I liked the first part as a collection of vignettes. It didn't have that Whedon feel of "every scene needs a joke." None of the jokes were laugh out loud but there weren't any groaners. They were there, it feels, to simply shoo away any dour atmosphere leftover from BvS.
Except Barry Allen. He was the dead weight in this thing. I was about to say The Flash parts were okay but then I remembered he runs like a girl. And every time e opened his mouth I wished he would get to the point where he shut it again.
Cyborg was whatever. We've seen this exact Cyborg story before.
I liked how Aquaman came 'round, got all chummy and that.

The music was good. They're sneaky buggers for slipping in the Batman Theme and the Superman Theme.

Didn't mind how the movie didn't really feel like it needed to be bogged down by a second act.
It was just Get the band together -> Fight the guy.

>None of the jokes were laugh out loud but there weren't any groaners.
"Clark always said you were the thirstiest woman he'd ever met......I mean hungriest".

The audience fell silent in my theater at this one, even the two retards who guffawed loudly at every other quip and snark in the movie.

>then I remembered he runs like a girl
He dresses like one too

I could hear the stoner in my audience smirk.
Heh, "audience" It was the 9 o'clock show on Wednesday night, there were like 8 us in there.

>The Flash parts were okay but then I remembered he runs like a girl.
So true, here you can check your memory at .
His fett go places, I'm not sure that's normal.

>Just saw it. Not near bad as Sup Forums was making it out to be.
JL's failure is mostly based on it being the third film of two previous films that weren't as good.

Is it better than film 1 and film 2? Yes. But would anyone bother to even show up to film 3 when they didn't like 1 or 2?

Being a better movie isn't good enough, it needed to be a GREAT movie. And it wasn't great.

I had a small crowd too. Like ten people total and that's including me. It was a giant screen showing too so the theater felt extra empty.

There were 2 dozen of us at the 10pm Friday show in my town of 18,000.
Myself and the three friends I came with, used theater gift cards from our work (and bought tickets for the 10pm Ragnarok).

They thought I was being silly and petty until they saw the movie.

Ghostbusters probably made a profit once Bluray sales factor in, and any toy stuff they got as well.

It "failed" more in that it didn't create a Ghostbusters expanded universe franchise, which was always a stupid goal because literally no one watches Ghostbusters for the worldbuilding. If the movie had been better, it might have made another $50 million and been firmly in the black, but a Ghostbusters reboot was never going to be what Sony wanted.

I'm not saying the actors need to be a 1:1 duplicate of the character, but this is just fucked up.

I was originally angry about the CW Flash with the drab suit and dark hair, but holy fuck. We got off easy the first time.

no GL in the JLA, fuck DC !

It already released on China Brazil Japan and UK, is getting out of juice

Not only that,JL released worldwide unlike ragnarok. These numbers should be higher. No way wb is happpy, sure they won't scrath the universe even with this financial failure they had WW, but drastic changes are coming, hopefully for their own good.

Could you contradict yourself more?
WW barely outgrossed CapCW domestically. But worldwide CapCW grossed $1.15 billion or something whereas WW stopped at $820 million.

Changes, sure. But drastic? The same retarded executives that drove DC into the sewer will still be in charge. I'm expecting more disasters in the future.

Their biggest problem is Snyder, fire him and things will improve

Ghostbusters needed to make $500 million to break even, I doubt DVD and Blu-ray sales were ~$350mil

>90 Mil to 325 Mil already.
What the fuck is this misleading bullshit

>Ghostbusters probably made a profit once Bluray sales factor in,
Ghostbusters' blu-rays were in stores' bargain bin like around a few weeks or so after they came out

Theaters take about half across the entire run with the percentage going up the longer its out. That's why opening weekends are so important these days since that's when the studio gets the most back.

>hurr durr a 300 million budget movie needs to make 301 to make a lot of profit

user, no studio in history ever invested over 250 million in a movie expecting it to make less than 1 billion.

>That's why Strange had the bare minimum appearance in Thor Ragnorok
No, because it was a Thor movie that's why you fucking retard. Hell Thor was filming before Doctor Strange was released.

Feminists BTFO

So still half of what Thor Ragnarok made?

>It hasn’t even been a full week since it came out and it already made almost its entire budget back?
Making budget isn't enough Lots of these movies are expeced to make 2-3x budget to be considered a success.

I can't believe 500m would be any less than 300 millions lost to WB.

I'm pretty sure that was already happening anyway, JL2 was cancelled and he isn't involved with any of the upcoming announced movies.

I still can't believe I live in a timeline where a Thor sequel has been making an order of magnitude more than a Justice League movie.

On one hand, yeah it's clearly a better movie, but the fact that a JL movie was so poorly handled that it's being trounced by a b-list hero's second sequel just boggles my mind.

How do you fuck up a team up movie of a-list heroes this much?

>JL2 was cancelled
What about Darkseid? Will his new home be Man of Steel 2? Or just dropped completely?

How do you fuck up a team up movie of a-list heroes this much?
hiring snyder