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Come on, people. Please tell me you don't support this lunatic.
Stfu lunatic
Truth bomb!
Half of my grandparents were born in europe.
Same with leafs.
Blacks would actually qualify under that rule. They are, you know, descendants of slaves.
Jesus. So fucking stupid, some of you people.
if she got her way trump wouldn't be able to run lmaooooo
Would that not stop Trump from voting?
>Not implementing the Nuremberg laws
What a frigid, unloved bitch.
If she knew anything about family values she'd have one of her own.
Thank god I had 5 grandparents born here, then!
Wow, it's almost like you completely forgot about Spics and Muzzies... Oh, you did... well then. kys I guess.
Mexican grandparents are like 29 years old
is she so sour and angry because she missed her chance to have a family?
what happens to women when their pussy withers and they have no kids? what do they do with their lives
this is actually kinda fucked
>at least
Neither would Clinton iirc. We all win
She's a whore who says whatever pays, like Beck and Hannity and all the rest, so no.
Trump's mom emigrated to the US when she was 18
How could you fucking have more than four grandparents? Two for each parent.
Based Anna banana. I would stick my dick inside her sandy old cooter and cum inside.
Usually become Democrats
3 of mine were. 1 was born in Poland.
just be glad that she won't reproduce.
Buy a load of cats and go mad
step parents, moron
All four of Trump's grandparents aren't American. Trump BTFO
Stupid bitch should have said "at least 3"
Actually Trump would win the landslide if you didn't have the retarded Electorate College.
The Democrats in the north don't care about immigration policies, they would never go to the voting booths in massive numbers.
The Republicans in the south would vote in MASSIVE numbers, because the mexicans who cross the border is their problem. They have the urgency, they are living with the problem.
It would be a landslide in favour of Trump, just like you have seen right wing policiitan win landslides in some European countries.
But your Electorate College system has killed this urgency factor.
It's a system where the majority of your country can suppress the minority issues of the south.
b-but Trump's grandparents weren't born in America
Which is a shame because I would happily impregnate her retarded ass.
Ugly bitch. All four of my grandparents were gassed by the Nazis in 1944.
some blacks are like that, some blacks are like Eric Andre and have dad from another country
>import 70M people to vote democrat
>s s see its democracy
France soon will have a funny situation also when 30% of voters are muslim
t. American lawyers
stfu Jew
Ann Coulter is smart, hot and cool. Consider self-deportation, unamerican traitor.
you wouldn't be able, she shares ancestry with snakes, your chromosomes aren't compatible
of all the insufferable right wing cunts, she is by far the worst
they become female version of fedora, for females the evolution is pretty much backwards than males, males usually keep getting better, females shrivel down and become salty
yes jamal, we all took middle school american history
trump would win huge if the country was still 90% white like Ann is basically saying
>Jim Crow laws
If she passed this I would not have been able to vote for Trump
If this were the criteria, then Donald Trump couldn't vote.
She so nativist she just disenfranchised MAGA.
too edgy even by Sup Forums standards
>if America wasn't America, the election would be different
Wow, what a powerhouse of thought Coulter is.
Oy vey! Lies!
Yeah, how could anyone support Clinton?
It would be better to make it how it used to be, and make it so that only tax paying land owners can vote. Founding fathers were against a full Democracy for a reason.
Compared to the other candidates, she's the only choice.
Even just two parents born in the US would be enough, I think.