I'm working with a nice blue pill guy. We are often time speaking about politics and stuff. He is completely indoctrinated by our financial press (Steve Jobs fanboy) and is constantly talking about how brexit is going to destroy england.
I'm trying to explain him that what he is reading is full scale propaganda and that brexit could very well be the opposite and that we are way more fucked than Britain regarding economics, at least. But no muh financial passeport, muh pounds droping, muh article 50.... everyday day, all day.
So I'm looking for arguments to convince him that Brexit will not be apocaly pse 2.0 and also for some compilation of all the retarded predictions we heard before the brexit win regarding. The latter could at least prove him that his press is complete garbage.
All you need to know about Brexit. Remember what this guy says and present the same arguments to your friend.
David Myers
Mason Bell
Trying to redpill the people with good people of this earth should be our first priority.
Thanks man, i'll look into it.
Carter Hill
>tfw ancestors are from Yorkshire
Am I an honorary Brit?
Logan Stewart
Okay, I will say it once, because it has been running in my mind for a while, now.
I fucking loath the expression "red pill". I fucking hate it for the stupidity it represent.
Allow me to explain myself.
When someone talk about redpilling, they act like the sole owner of the truth. When one want to "red pill" someone else, they aren't "going "we are going to have a conversation about our conflicting view and maybe we might learn something from each other". No, it act in a patronizing way, as in "I am the sole owner of the truth, you are wrong, I am right, now let me tell you why and if you disagree, you are basically a brainwashed moron who prefer to remain in the Matrix".
But it's not the worst part, the worst part is, anyone who say they are "red pilled" should, by definition, know better. But they don't. Here is the thing, someone "red pilled" has basically got their former conviction shattered down and have opened their eyes about what they believed to be true.
you'd think that from that, they would go "from now on, I will be more critical of the information I obtain and will be more careful about forming myself opinion, knowing I could be mistaken again". But no, instead, they double dip once again and get to have as fierce and blind opinion as before, except joining opposing side.
Truly depressing.
Nathan Edwards
t. Guardian t. Huffington Post t. every butthurt remoaner
Henry Perez
he's right
brexit is natsoc and though natsoc is the least shitty kind, socialism always is total utter shit (you should know, franchouille) what they'll win not being part of jewrope, they'll lose by attempting to self-sucking and ownbuttsniffing
europe is shit because it's a super state the problem of europe is being a socialist superstate, where we need less socialism and less state
Kayden Scott
Ad hominem.
Parker Parker
Europe is conservative.
Samuel Davis
Scotland isn't fucking leaving, polls show majority would not support another Scottish Independence vote. Besides if they leave, what are they going to do? Spain said they would cuck Scotland from joining the EU, their economy is shit and they rely on England.
John Ross
I disagree lad, exposure to the right information (read: Sup Forums) is very effective at creating redpill converts. I voted for Obama 2012, but I'd vote for Hitler if he were on the ballot today.
Josiah Thomas
Maybe if you're so sure you're right you should be able to come up with your own arguments you fucking idiot
Brayden Morales
stop talking to him, he probably hates your guts for bringing up politics with him but is too polite to say anything about it (as is the British way).
Brandon Collins
It's glorious isn't it? The salt since the vote has made my cock diamond hard.
Mason Allen
I like this post
Xavier Davis
not just spain every fucking EU country has potential seperatist movements
Ian Scott
In my view the term is more related to the regurgitation of MSM without any understanding of the people spreading the message and their interets, rather than anything related to the "truth". But fair point, you're making sense.
Jayden Hall
Northern Ireland was not all cucked. Brexit won because Eurocucks do not have immigration under control.
Blake Ortiz
I've been redpilled by Youtube and some Brexit and Hitler and William Luther Pierce speeches. I've never condescended to anyone who is bluepilled.
I always felt kind of sad though, that they were not in possession of the truth, not the whole truth and not even part-truth.