Captain Marvel #126 Storyime

Doin it for the archive.
















What's going on? Alternate dimension or something?


You remember that one episode of Justice League with the Justice Lords? yeah that's it.






Even as a villain, my favorite costume will be the OG Star lord costume.

This comic is shit but this page was worth it.

I love that helmet.

Predictions for next issue:
Carol fights her "Evil" version, which probably has her wearing her EMH costume or the black variation of her current costume, they fight, original alpha flight comes in to help her out, "good" guys win and Captain Carol continues to hemerage money

This issue was pretty good. Can't go wrong with a mirror universe storyline.

"Are you Skrull?! We'll have to strip search you, Widow!"

I wonder what Jessica is up to in this alternate universe.

I can't wait.

It's pretty meh, I am not impressed with Stohl's run so far.

I guess it could be worse but it's a huge yawnfest.

Well, it's Opposite Land, so probably being a compelling and popular character who deserves to exist.

OG Star-Lord is great. Not this shit

As long as she's not shagging the Hopeless Porcupine and doesn't have a bab, She's probably having a good time building up her gallery doing hero stuff.

Why does evil alternate universe Star Lord get a helmet with his current costume? This isn't fair. It looks great

Because anything that references a better era of Marvel history isn't considered "Progressive."

why do all the men have soyboy haircuts

Because our current generation has shitty fashion taste or at least push shitty fashion that on one wears.

People think the helmet makes him look more evil, but honestly he just looked more like a badass.

The mask makes a better job at making him unfriendly.

Because hipster artists think it looks cool but they look like shit right now and in a decade or so it will look even more like shit.