Why is Hillary actually bad for America?
(Please no misogyny/racism/xenophobia/islamophobia/homophobia)
Why is Hillary actually bad for America?
(Please no misogyny/racism/xenophobia/islamophobia/homophobia)
A promise to destroy the Second Amendment is a promise to undermine liberty.
shes not
trump would just be funny. president doesn't do shit anyway.
Wants to impose a no fly zone in syria which conflicts against the geopolitical interests of russia.
She's a cunt.
What is a xenophobe?
she wants to start a new cold war.
>No flight zone
Guess if you want war on Iraq all over again, but this time on Syria, plus extreme tension with the russians, i guess she is fine.
>why is a career criminal who turns politics into her own personal cash-based business that can't even handle classified documents as Head of State bad for America
Gee I don't know man, why is Arsenic bad for dinner?
She wants to go to war with both Syria and Russia.
She wants a mass influx of Syrian refugees.
Her intress lies within big banks
She rigged the Democratic primary in her favor.
She voted for Benghazi.
She had no business with a private email server.
Fear of xenomorphs
You're saying like that's a bad thing.
Because she is a crooked incompetent selfish self centered whore who would and previously has sold us out to the highest bidder. A pox on that bitch
My biggest fear is her foreign policy. Hillary has overseen numerous regime changes and meddled in foreign affairs which have led to disastrous power vacuums and help foster the blossoming of Islamic terrorism in places of the world where it had not existed before. Her failure at Benghazi and the subsequent loss of American lives is evidence enough she should not be put in charge of our nation's foreign policy. And this current administration's methods of funding "ISIS lite" groups like Al-Nusra front and the Kurds is totally bizarre - it's giving financial and military aide to two opposing factions. She and this administration is leading this country down a road of proxy wars with Russia and is frankly being reckless with our country's safety, I don't want more of it.
fear of foreigners
She's actually not, considering it looks like the Republicans will hold on to the senate this election.
Syrian No Fly Zone
>past job
>did illegal things that should have gotten her fired AND ARRESTED
>got people killed and tried to blame it on a youtube video
>muh experience guise
>vote for me because i have a vagina!
>"i want to be nuked by russia"
Cares not about the sanctity of this country. Will do anything for a dollar. Will further justify sjw nonsense. Will continue the gutting of the middle class by selling American jobs out to other countries. Will raise taxes (dispite what she says). Will keep marijuana a schedule 1 narcotic. Will start war for money and power....
Rhinos aren't republicans.
War with Russia, war with Iran, more intervention in the mid-east, massive corruption.
WW3 would be a bad thing
Not wanting a religion that want to kill you and rape your women is Islamophobia?
Enjoy the millions of muslims that are waiting to enter your country, right now they must be fapping with your women and praying for Hillary to win
You can tie her to terrorism in less than ten steps.
Blatant falsehoods
Double trips. Kek flows through you.
Fuck all your other replies.
Hillary is bad for the country because she's a literal cuck.
Because she embodies the worst what the current pro-globalist establishment offers. She will lead you into slavery and then the whole world. I don't understand how can anyone even vote for this crooked sociopath.
The eternal planet Zion is upon us. No escape, no hope. Just slavery forever.
She lost six billion dollars as SoS.
War with Russia
She's lied and cheated her whole life, the DNC primary is a great example.
She is everything the left says it hates about the american system. Pure pay to play, has already stated that she will be helping the banks fuck america over more. Supports globilisation that undermines working class america which goes hand in hand with open immigration jsut really hitting home with the pain.
But people always use it to mean not wanting or liking foreigners I general. No phobia about it.
>Wants to go to war
>Wants to murder whistleblowers
>In favor of shitty immigrants
>In favor of corporations over citizens
what about crimeaphobia
because shes a career life long CRIMINAL
>(Please no obvious reasons)
Cucking for israel to help the rothschild family establish their globalism. One bank to rule them all. Intentions fueled by secret societies.
The foreign leader she admires most is Angela fucking Merkel. No further information required.
Because she is a warmonger with a lick of sense
Correct. It's some same as homophobia. I'm not afraid of fags, I just don't like them.
>>got people killed and tried to blame it on a youtube video
This is the most damning. People blame her for the events of Benghazi but really, deflecting blame for it on 1A's right to free speech by blaming an "Anti-Islamic" video tells you EVERYTHING you need to know about this pig cunt.
She's been involved in more scandals than any politician I can think of, from way back in the 70s to today. Whitewater, the emails, cattle futures, Benghazi, travel gate, the Bosnian sniper fire, Clinton Foundation funds, rigging her party's primaries, bank speeches, etc. How can you possibly trust someone who has so many scandals they need their own fucking Wikipedia page? And these aren't "he said rude things" scandals -- these are all characterized by pathological lying, nepotism, and manipulation. None of which is terribly surprising, given that persona is basically a flip-flopping robot with no charisma.
Her actual positions, as much as I disagree with them anyway, are completely irrelevant. She represents everything wrong with American government in physical form.
Actually even leftists believe that. But here you go anyway. They'll stop paying (You) after today, anyway :^)
Her choices as Secretary of State destabilized the Middle East to the point that isis was able to obtain as much power as it did and over 400,000 Syrians died. And why? To protect an Israeli nuclear monopoly in the region. That in combination with her blatant lies as revealed by the e-mails and the fact that every major banker supports her. The only people I see support her only say "not trump" or "vagina". I don't think she's beholden to the citizens.
Saudi arabia funds isis- state approved largest arms deal ever to saudi arabia under leadership of hillary- hillary funds and arms isis
Double trips
She's going to sell our rights away for the sake of a global community and money in her own pocket.
Add to that the fact that she doesn't care about half of the country and corruption follows her wherever she goes and you'd have to be either an idiot or evil to vote for her.
If you vote for Hillary you can go kill yourself. I will actively make your life a living hell whether or not the bitch wins.
First question is why isnt she in jail.
Anyway, the clinton and bush crime families are the same.
American democracy is a joke. Electronic voting machines owned by soros? Lmao
get up on out of here with my eye holes
She was a world wrecker as sec of state.
She also has no understanding of info security.
Scary. Perjury. Espionage. Obstruction. She belongs in jail tbqh
She is the beautiful lie. Sure, she may seem more likeable to people who get easily offended but running a country requires more than being 'more likeable than trump'.
She will further globalisation.
She will give more advantages to Goldman-Sachs and consorts.
She will push Russia to the brink of going to war with her no-fly zone.
She will intervene in Iran.
She will give countless of immigrants the opportunity to enter your country and since they all vote democrat she will create a mono-party system.
I don't like Trump his stance towards Israel and I don't like his views about abortion and stuff.
His wall is also quite idiotic but hey, these things are a lesser evil compared to what Hillary has in stock.
It's your last chance, America, don't become like us.
Media bias is my main reason for supporting Trump. It's so fucking obvious it's rigged for #Her and I want it to stop. Drain the fucking swamp.