So this is the ultimate result of Brexit. Tell me bongs, are you still proud knowing things will only get even worse from here?
So this is the ultimate result of Brexit. Tell me bongs...
Good riddance, fuck toblerone and fuck parliament
that's so depressing.
Toblerone is swiss.
You must restore the Monarchy and the Empire. Make Britain great again.
Yeah fuck them. This is obviously political activism on the company's part. They could have just made it shorter, but they did that to make a statement.
>Toblerone is American
Brexit means we will regain our sovereignty from Aryan and Swede cucks.
And the down sides to Brexit are nothing compared to whats going to happen when you elect Hilldog
yeah im sure brexit is the reason
the fact that nobody buys the fucking thing is irrelevant
Toblerone more like ToblerDONE
It honestly baffles me that they'd do this. They could just have made it shorter and avoid scamming their own customers, but instead they've shafted their customers and likely turned some off for the product.
Sure in the short run you retain the same sales, but as soon as people realise they've been fucked, your sales are going to drop massively.
I don't get it.
Brexit made someone bite every other peak off?
People only buy those things at Christmas and at the duty free shops in airports anyway. Its just the meme of over-reacting to absolutely everything
>pyramid shaped food
dat culturial apropiashun muddafuka
I didn't even vote for brexit but since the vote have become proud that we voted out.
Fuck the EU
I wonder if it still hurts your gum when biting off.
Fuck Toblerone. I'd be happy to buy a shorter bar or pay more for a normal sized bar, but they're harder to eat like this.
u did gud
That was the first thought when I saw that thing.
I bet it's easier to eat with a bit of space between the pieces.
n sheit
Toblerone is owned by whatever the name of the comapny that was once Kraft is called. They're a big globalist multinational.
Personally, ever since they ruined Cadbury's, I've just not bought chocolate at all. If I want something sweet, I go down the bakery and get an iced bun or something.
I've read _1984_, I know how this shit is going to go down.
>liberating themselves from Swedes and Aryans
Are you immune to irony?
Oh no! Not some shitty chocolate! Time to let in the sand niggers.
Bullshit. It's the result of cost-cutting by the producers.
And they're shit for it. It got done in part because they wouldn't have to resize the packaging.
>This is obviously political activism on the company's part.
I think they're just that stupid and greedy.
It's actually alright chocolate. Overpriced as shit though.
Yeah. It sucks. There's a shitty feeling in the air now. Everyone's pissed off all the time. Still no word on a plan or anything. I've seen proper racist acts I never would have seen before on my bus route. Shitty graffiti on seats etc. It's pretty gloomy and now we're just waiting to see how much our economy gets shafted.
Welcome to capitalism. Fortunately it's going to go away in about 20 years due to automation.
I never liked Toblerone, it's soo fucking sugary and harder than granite.
>so lazy you can't be bothered to break off each triangle.
Come the fuck on Hanz.
This is just embarrassing, but not for the British people.
Being willing to sacrifice the appeal and integrity of your brand to make a political statement is ridiculous.
They should have made it smaller, and kept its pride instead of that travesty.
Toblerone2016, a bunch of clowns.
>just a few months after
>britain consumes only half of the empty calories it used to
Sounds like a success story to me.
>Muhhhh less chocolate
good, less fatasses
This. It's just petty.
***All posts like this are designed to waste your time to stop you from voting, go vote Trump, if you already voted, go post this comment in all non-voting related threads like this one. MAGA l
>butthurt company mad trying to make more shekels cause look what brexit did
they will go under
>A spokeswoman for Mondelez acknowledged that the foreign exchange rate was currently "not favourable", but added: "This change wasn't done as a result of Brexit."
However, she was unable to clarify whether the change in shape affected only bars sold in the UK and not the rest of Europe
Doublerone amirite kek
It's wide-spaced enough to hold toast now.
Ok sorry if this is dumb, but what does this have to do with Brexit?
Brexit will be awesome, fuck Toblerones
I do feel bad for all you Americucks as you wake up tomorrow to find out the state controlled media has brainwashed a nation into voting for the corrupt Clinton Crime syndicate, that must sting a little
Maybe it is just because I live in the US but how is a business decision made by a chocolate company in Switzerland affected by a trade decision made in Britain?
The logic is that the value of the pound decreased so they had a choice: increase price or decrease size.
So toblerones in uk were made smaller?
how are you supposed to eat that thing? can we just nuke the entirety of europe please
Americans invented the Toblerone, the internet, the toilet and most other stuff to.
They've been planning to do that for a long time to ripoff customers and just found a convenient excuse that some people are very happy to accept because they can use it as evidence for their political argument
>less fatasses
Correct, and they know the people who voted Remain will argue on their behalf (as they have been all day).
Ah, yes, the mighty Sweden, always oppressing those British people trough the EU.
>Gemma Pryor, the head of external affairs for Britain at Mondelez International, said the company had to choose between changing the shape of the bar and raising prices — a significant issue in Britain, where the economy is facing uncertainty and the value of the pound has weakened after voters backed leaving the European Union in a June referendum.
>“We need to make sure it remains on shelves and it’s still affordable,” she said, adding that, “it would be disingenuous to make the link between this and Brexit.”
Retarded faggots posting this shit BTFO
I like that shit.
Toblerone said it had nothing to do with Brexit
Thank you for posting this. The other Europeans like to pretend that we weren't when in fact we was.
Also witnessed
We did invent most impotant things yes.
It's the same company that bought Cadbury and literally ruined over a century of goodwill by closing factories, jewing people over, changing recipes and shapes to save money and ruin the taste/texture.
knife and fork
>btirburkas think they wont be cucked without the EU
my sides. as if it's the EUs fault you are not allowed to own knives or that you'll go to jail for insulting Mohammed.
looks like police spike strips
>your ancestors died to preserve your independence
>want to back down at the threat of less chocolate
Here they look the same as always but they made them fucking tiny
Germany has worse knife laws than the UK though.
> that's the result of rampant shrink-inflation.
They are blaming it on brexit because they can and the average bong is retarded enough to believe it.
And you just got an influx of the entire UK's Muslim population over the last two years ontop of your existing goatfuckers.
Nice no-go zones Germany wanna come to the white house?
Hear, hear.
Sales are gonna increase, the company gets more publicity.
I expect them to revert it and make the overall bar shorter to satisfy the die hard consumers.
There is gonna be some people that will buy it just to see the new revision.
It's a win-win for Toblerone.
what a world
Wowie talk about a weird boner, do you have an unedited one and do you have more?
As an American who only ever buys Toblerone maybe three times a year, this makes me really want to go buy one
Put up the trade barriers. Trade barriers mean we'll start producing our own shit and it'll stop the homogenification of the world.
Sorry but I don't, maybe someone else does.
Unlike in Britain, our toblerones contain way too much chocolate which makes it impossible to just break off a piece.
>speak to a Kraut
>they've never tried a Terry's Chocolate Orange
I could knock you over with a fart, Kraut. Such is the state of German men.
m-m-muh candy
t. obese fatfuck
I need to cut down on chocolate anyway. Brexit has my back.
What the fuck does this have to do with brexit?
props to finbro
Pounds aren't worth shit.
Toblerone is made by Mondelez.
they also own oreo which Trump told Crish Christy to stop eating because they was moving to mexico
their ceo is irene rosenfelt
I'd rather this once-great nation economically die than culturally die.
Fuck the EU and fuck Germany most of all.
Germany is the cancer of this world.
toblerone is nasty as fuck. you want real chocolate?
try cote d'or
I've tried it. It's alright. I'm jelly of nando's tho.
You have to bite it off by the pieces pretty much.
Same as your country.
Britain is slowly but surely becoming an actual nation again, unlike you retarded ass Americans who are about to elevate the most corrupt bitch in the country to the Oval Office.
God you're a fucking retard. Is that picture trolling or do you really believe americans invented astronomy for fuck's sake?
He was taking the piss my friend
The internet is famously a British invention as well as most things in the world.
w-what flavor? bet it's oranje
Have a kinder egg Hillary.