Chase is now a jock instead of just a general all around loser

>Chase is now a jock instead of just a general all around loser
>Alluding to him being actually a tech-savant
>Chase and Gert Shipping being this fucking obvious


I still think I enjoyed it though,

The Gert lust was kinda annoying. Chase being smart takes away most of his charm and jokes but I guess they wanted to make Victor a super dick by making him an Asian parent.

I tapped out about ten minutes into episode three.
Decompression is killing shows for me.

They couldn't fit the first issue in three episodes. Three.

How far do they get by episode 3?

Not even based James Marsters could save this shitshow. It's so slow.
The only interesting part is the OC story about some gangbangers taking on the Pride. No idea where they are going with that.

Still no running away.


The big reveal at the end of episode 3 is that the sacrificed girl from episode 1 is really dead. You know. The girl that was stabbed to death in the comics. But here they replaced it with some stupid teleporter thingy and had to devote half the episode to flashbacks and sideplots and shit.

This shit ain't even worth a hate watch.

Them being friends and splitting over a read OC is shit too. It changes Alex's character a lot and the group dynamic over all. It's more CW than some CW shows

Yep. They really fucked it up. It's not bad, mind you, it's nowhere near Inhumans-tier. But it's bland as fuck.
At least Gifted is watchable. And AoS is coming back next week.

I hope they include Topher. It's a perfect single issue story and it shows an element of Karolina's power. Unless they change that of course.

Well they ran away a lot, but just from small situations. They pulled a lot of elements from the comic after they ran and put them in the first few episodes. Power discoveries and the like.

Oh god are you serious. I thought they just pussed out on showing her getting stabbed

the powers being revealed before the parents reveal was stupid.

How's that? It sets up the characters nicely, and that origins shit is stale otherwise.

Nope. She was teleported somewhere, then dad-Stein found her in the second teleport chamber and then she washed up dead on the beach. Oh, and there was an entire plot of hiding her death by saying that she went on a cult-sponsored trip to Europe. And then non-characters started questioning the truthfulness of that. And there were like three flashbacks with that girl. Because it matters so much. Jesus.

Oh yeah, and Gibborim aren't ancient gods. Gibborim seem to be Ayyylmaos from Carolina's race. Seems that Carolina's grandfather is one and is on life support and is consuming lifeforce of victims or some shit.

Yeah. I think they wanted to let Non-comics readers in on it right away. Casual TV viewers are kinda dumb so you don't want to scare them.

I think it was a detriment though because a lot of their bonding was discovering powers together. A lot of Alex's subterfuge was leading them to it. Etc.

I thought they brought the chamber back to his lab because it's a like the box in the comic that's supposed to have her soul. The implication being that she scared Victor so shitless (Possibly for failing) he dumped her in the ocean.

that's pretty much my issue with it. Adds to the tension if you think they're regular kids against their superpowered parents...even if it's only momentarily.

That part sucks too. All parents are incompetent morons or straight up comic reliefs.

>Chase is now a jock instead of just a general all around loser
He's always been a jock, he was on lacrosse dude, can't be more of a jock than that, they just made that a bigger thing with the school stuff on the show

and he used steroids while playing lacrosse

How are they getting away with one of the girls being a mutant? Are they allowed to say the M word?

Probably a science experiment or an alien.

they'll be called muggas

Gotta make the cheaters the pushovers in their relationships so you don't completely hate them when they cheat.

I 'm a little mad they took away the partnerships in the parents. Janet is just as smart as Victor. Karolina's parents were equally stuck up their own asses and racist. Even Alex's mom seems more controlling than his dad. I guess they were a little afraid for an Angry black man.

Gert's Parents are close to how I pictured them but a little less hippy ish. I always figured they were the fucking cutest parents who actually wanted better for their kid even if they were willing to kill everyone to do it. Since they've seen the future.

The straight up killed off her parents so probably science since it's been set up that Gert's Parents do that shit and she lives with them.

I look at it the same way I look at something like Preacher which spent an entire season on useless stuff before actually starting the plot of the comics.

Yes they can go at a breakneck pace and have them runaway in an episode but I'd rather they take the time and develop the characters how they want and run out the stories they think they can get out of the parent/kids dynamic before they actually become the team.

You can't undo the kids running away and you can't really have them interact with their parents again once they're gone so they have to develop everything they can now so the payoff is actually worthwile