Super Sons #11 by Francis Manapul

Super Sons #11 by Francis Manapul.
Conner Kent.

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Why are so many people on this cover suffering from nose bleeds?

Teen Titans #15 by Chad Hardin.

Nazi Timbats vs Supersons.

Are you sure? The hair looks like his, but he's never worn an outfit like that. My first thought is that we're seeing Daimian and Jon as kids on the right and adults on the left.

Also I guess Black Wally becomes white as an adult? I dunno.

Wasn't Titans of Tomorrow Bart a good guy?

it is Conner.

>Kon-El (Calvo)

Oh, I get it now. Wasn't this the future bad-guy Teen Titans from some pre-Flashpoint storyline?

Nigga it's Titans of Tomorrow Conner, Bart, Tim and Cassie

It's Connor, Tim, Bart and Cassie

Superman #37 by Jonboy Meyers

Super Sons #11 by Dustin Nguyen.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I figured it out a moment after I posted that reply:

Thanks for making the effort to clarify for me, though!

So i guess that Tim vs Damian rivalry is back on.

Batman 666 comes to our timeline.he we fight against Natzi Bats.

Damians Robin ?

He's not here for Damian. No he made this trip for the 10 yr old Jon Kent.

is that the actual same Tim from the Lonely Place of Living story?
weird they'd use him in two different stories in succession

Wait, how does this work if the OG Wally West is already in the Rebirth Universe?

that's just the philtrum

Does anyone else find it kind of shitty for DC to make it canon that the Post-Crisis Universe canonically has a bad end? And on that note, doesn't it conflict with Convergence?

hypertime senpai

>Wally West
>with Connor, Tim and Cassie

Shit, you're right my bad. I was thinking of the NTT era titans. Though I will be curious if they address the fact that Wally "knows" all of these guys.

OG Wally isn't involved in this crossover.


I'm saying he should be. They made a huge fucking deal when they brought him over from the PC universe, and now all his friends are coming too but they won't even address it? That's ridiculous and a huge waste of potential.

Si Jonboy is crawling back to DC. Guess he need competent inkers to make him work pasable.


That's not a real name

Finally we get to see the covers for SS 11. Was wondering why it took so long.

He wasn't really friends with Tim, Conner, Cassie or Bart

He kinda just kept giving Bart away to the first elder speedster who walked by

Neither is Clay Mann, but hey it exists so why not Jonboy?

>He kinda just kept giving Bart away to the first elder speedster who walked by
Wally was really a shitty mentor for Bart, he deserved better.

He didn't come back with his memories intact. if he can't remember his own freaking kids, he won't remember these guys either.

how so?

Clay Mann is obviously just a really shitty secret identity for Basil.

It looks green + purple to me, so very unlikley. If we assume its carrying on from his last appearance it could be whats left of Jackanapes, who IIRC he was confronting right before the nuke hit.

Please tell me this is going to be weird for Tim, since his Bart and Kon and Cassie were nothing like these

Well hopefully Tim will get his Young Justice-era memories back, and all the shitty New 52 Teen Titans stuff will be retconned.

>Please tell me this is going to be weird for Tim, since his Bart and Kon and Cassie were nothing like these
His Bart, Kon and Cassie were a terrorist from the future whose name isn't even Bart, clone of an edgy prick and a BDSM demigoddess whose origin doesn't work in a post-Rucka Wodner Woman world. I'd say that Titans of Tomorrow are a change for the better.

Who is the woman behind Jon? And they are going to meld them (as they did with the two versions of Superman and Lois)???
At least maybe Conner???

>that Bart
Rebirth was a mistake. I was promised Impulse.

Wow that's gorgeous.


Oh right, thank you user, then why is she the counter for Cass??? I understand the others but Kory vs Cass???

Because it was either her or Raven.

Where are you aiming to hit Jon?

Those are Titans Tomorrow Connor, Cassie, Tim, and Bart.

After this cover I'm sure that they are never coming back, right Sup Forums???

that Johns YJ apology tour was really great, very comfy

>Wally was really a shitty mentor for Bart, he deserved better.
He get Max first and then Jay, the two are better mentors than Wally.

Maybe if Empress was invited

It's Titans tommorrow. Shown as one of the hypertime lines still linked to on earth zero.

They got Eleven's powers now

>And on that note, doesn't it conflict with Convergence?
What? Convergence had stuff like Silver Age Legion with Superboy and present Pre-Crisis Earth 1 with Superman at the same time anyway.

He still remembered stuff well enough to notice that the "new" Superman had come from the same world he had.

Are they going to meet with CrazyDonna?


They've already put his origin back the way it was, so I assume they're taking the steps

How many bad alternate futures have we seen in Rebirth already? Crazy Donna, NaziTim and the Titans of Tomorrow, Nightwing’s New Order, the JL children...

So this Cassie will be the good girl of the pre-FP.

Or the dirty slut post-FP.

>Ma boy Conner is finally back
>Fucking Titans of Tomorrow version
well I'll take what I can get

I like the slut design better and she will probably fit the story better as a cunt

How is the one in the halter top the good girl?

Post-FP is more covered up

Pre-FP Cassie didn't go around sucking faces of every passing boy

Bart is a fucking mad man for pretty much wearing the costume of the guy who killed his great grandmother and fucked up his grandpa's life.

RIP Cassie concept

yeah why would bart dress as Zoom?

I just remembered that Teen Titans story where they fought their evil future selves and they had the costumes from OP here so I guess it has to do with that.

It's just Kid Flash costume with covered head though.

I-Is that bart?

Is that Bart? The fuck is he wearing a Reverse Flash costume?

Is the Titans Tomorrow costume, from a future gone really bad, if I remember well Kon and Bart are not even really them, they are clones made by Tim after the dead of Conner fighting against Prime and the dead of Bart against the Rogues and Inertia, in this future they never came back on the "Legion of Three Worlds".

>that raven

>they are clones made by Tim after the dead of Conner fighting against Prime and the dead of Bart against the Rogues and Inertia
Fucking hell Tim, this isn't how you make friends.

>He get Max first and then Jay, the two are better mentors than Wally.
That does not excuse Wally, I bet Bart could have been a great mentor for little Irey.
The real Flash costume of Bart is just the one of his grandpa (pic related).

Usually I hate Tim but to be fair he was really desperate back then, first his dad dying in the "Identity Crisis", then Conner (his best friend) on the "Infinite Crisis", and then even Bart being killed on his own "Flash" run, and if remember well Bruce was Omega Sanctioned a little bit later by Darkseid in the "Final Crisis".
Even so Tim was a jerk for consistently try to bang Cassie all around that time.

They're the closest things you're getting to Bart and konel. Considering the main timeline has no Kon el or Bart.

Rebirth only restored tims history while erasing nu52 superboy.

Tim is the middle child Robin, so he's the one family member that's never going to amount to much
Conner is one of the OG Superboy and the one that comes to mind when people say Superboy, while Bart is the second Kid Flash as well as being Impulse.
Think about the line of succession here,
>Superman: Clark -> Kon or Jon
>Flash: Barry -> Wally -> Bart
>Batman: Bruce -> Dick or Damian

Let's be real for a second though. Clearly the best person to take over the Bat mantle is Cass. I mean, it'll never happen, but she's probably the top choice in terms of ability and also not going batshit insane with it.

That can't be Tim, he is way too tall.

Beautiful cover

If he's still doing Aquaman Earth One, I hope his writing gets better

Is Wally joining Super Sons?

Why with Damian allow worst Wally anywhere near his BFF?

Did Wally steal Reverse Flash's shirt and mask?

It is Tim.

Without the shadow you'd look pretty dumb Tim.

You mean you don't like to squat on your desk with the monitor behind you?

My slav coworker does that. Management told him to knock it off.

I will never understand why they did what they did on the N52 with Conner, Bart and Cassie, they literally destroyed the characters.
Actually I was even ok with the general concept of the N52 and I still think that not all was bad but with those characters they were really cruel.
Aside the way butchered Bart, Conner and Cassie were one of the best couples of the old universe, and they just made them so different in so many aspects.

The New52s main goal was to make the properties more easier to adapt into movies or tv so they tried to make much of it stand alone. Unfortunately the teen titans are all about leagacy so they needed to take that away

You can do that kind of thing without turning Conner into an edgy clone, Bartor into a mass murdering terrorist, and Cassie into an angry slut.

Coulda woulda shoulda, it all happened, so there's not much we can do about what damage have been done.

To think the same Lobdell that destroyed TT is now doing a good job with RHatO though, that's quite a trip
>He brought back his OC Donut Harvest to RHatO

She fucked Tim because neither of them could fuck Kon after he died

As supposed to Post FP Cassie fucking Tim, then fucking Kon when Kon admitted he was jealous, went back to fucking Tim when Kon died during He'L on Earth, got mad at Kon when he returned and didn't let her know, then back to fucking Tim when Kon kamikaze'd Harvest

Honestly by this point they need their own Earth (like the Earth-2 run but well done), maybe some kind of follow-up for the pre-FP universe, in this universe they have no place and their respective versions are totally different and/or absolutely awful (like the slut they made of Cassie).

His costume looks like 1980's Undertaker

Im confused whats going on here

And how does wally factor in

He doesn't, this is the Titans Tomorrow team (from the pre-FP age ) against a team-up of the Supersons + (actual) Teen Titans.
I think Blally is just there to fight Bart (speedster vs Speedster), just like Starfire is there to fight Cassie (female vs female).