Throws the parrot at the enemy leader

>throws the parrot at the enemy leader

>Have 1 tank, 2 low cost fighters, the fucking rats and a ranged unit
>The enemy parrot always goes to your ranged unit
Yes i'm fucking salty

>enemy parrots snipes key units the entire game
>the last parrot he throws hits me, finishing the game
Cowboy Tweek and Hookhand Clyde are the most RNG-cards and I fucking hate them

*brocks your path*

>Shitty fucking Clash of Clans ripoff
>Packs cost a small fortune
>Little faggot of a Butters forcing you to do pvp
>PvP opponents are childish emote-spamming faggots
>Dogpoo and Cartman can go die in a fucking fire

>opponent is two levels higher than you

Are you guys still on team Denver Bron/co/s?

I'm curios to know what the general rank is over there?

Denver Bron/co/s got filled, there's another one called Sup Forumsck magic

Invest in the commons early Dogpoo becomes really underwhelming in more experienced battles. Friar Jimmy, Nelly, Angle Wendy, Heidi, Stan the Great. Those guys level up fast and are used all the time. Also nobody buys Packs, just trade with other members.

Hell some chummy players will trade and trade back just to gain experience and money.

git gud

Cool I'll join them, I should warn you, I've played sense the beta

Wish they'd change the flag to something better, the rainbow flag is bland as fuck

Can't wait for the next big updates.

I wonder, depending on how the season ends, we may get Fat Heidi or Skinny Heidi for future cards.

Oh shut up and fuck off with your ginger Jew. Kyle’s fucking worthless in this game with his crappy little peashooter
>b-but muh attack buff



Also, Kyle's not a ginger, he's a daywalker, get it right :^)

I wonder what his ability would be?

Heals all surrounding allies by 50 and increases their HP by 50. I can imagine this is devastating with Pigeons.

>Opponent tries to swarm
>Just fucking zap Kyle with the wrath of Zeus and watch his shitty team fall apart

Remember, always kill the Jews first.

Jesus, that's Medicine Woman Sharon on steroids.

Keep in mind that's a War-cry so it only happens once. I imagine he'll cost a lot and be rare so it evens out maybe.

A 5 energy epic would seem fair if its a warcry. But you're right, combo that with Pidgeons and a regen and someone's gonna be fucked without a good counter.

Poison, Arrows, a few good rangers. The ability only adds 50 and if it's too much they may Nerf it.

Looks like Bebe, will be playable soon.


>tfw at this point the game is just grinding for the free stuff until you get all the cards you need
shit's tedious but I can't stop

>making Dogpoo OP

Feels good when I get strong enough to the point that I can grind in PVE at the hardest settings.

>tfw haven't even beaten the main story yet even though I'm over rank 25 in PvP
I can't beat Magician Randy, haven't had the interest to build a deck around his cock bullshit and the lightning poles at the end

Is there any Sup Forums team? Or should I join reddit's to get free commons?


Harvest your commons from the virgin teams then make like a Viking to the Chad homeland.

I'm the leader, any suggestions?

Poison or lightning bolt?

Gonna leave the team for a while to check the logos, give me a sec

Ok, I suggest Mr. Hat, Scuzzlebutt, Mr. Kitty or the Jakovasaurs

I second Mr. Hat

Mr. Hat it is

Also, has no-one requested cards but me yet, or is something wrong on my end? I haven't seen a single request since starting the team

>Rats are good
>Invest all on rats
>They fucking suck

Ah I see I have fallen for another meme just like in Hearthstone

Use them on tanks like cartman or behind your own tanks so they absorb damage while leaving your rats safe

Most people are stocking up, but what I did when I was on team 'Canada eh!' was get friendly with a few guys and he would give me 12 Sally's, then I would give him back that 12 Sally's. We both gained quick cash and exp that way.

Rats work with combos, speed up or attack up.

Beware of Nelly's and other Area damage cards.

>wakes up
>gets this beautiful boi out of cartman’s shop

How’s everyone else’s day been going?

I know people rag on those early SP games, but I unironically love South Park Rally.

Nice dude, that Kyle can be your trump card with either swarms or area dmg attackers.

>Use a lot of Wild West cards
>At the Ninjew section of the story
>The stores only sell Space and Ninjew stuff upgrade stuff now
>Only way to get Wild West stuff is by the lockers at the end of replayed Wild West missions
>Missions are too high in level for me not to get slaughtered in them
you tell me

>Drop Cartman
>Drop Rat
>Activate gunslinger jew
>other guy drops a nathan
god damn it

Spam Gizmo Ike and you can beat him

i feel ur pain. Fuck hermes kenny

>seeing all the complaints for really useless cards in this thread
>hate for the best card in the game
god damn it how come reddit has to have better players than us, id be surprised if any of you are above 35 pvp rank

>Gizmo Ike
>mfw pair him up with Enforcer Jimmy
>mfw pair them both up with one or two tanks and/or fighters

Post New Kids

I wish there was a way to be hatless

How do I improve my deck?

well the best improvment would be swapping from sci-fi to mystic

but for real just replace kyle with pirate ship timmy, replace dogpoo with nelly, and sherrif cartman with awesome-o if you have him and fireball with marine craig

thats the cheapest way to use sci-fi to its peak currently since its the weakest theme

kyle isnt THAT bad but outclassed by both craig and timmy and you want a max of 3 rangers in a deck, awesomeo has a lot of utility for this deck and with nelly and maphesto you dont need sheriff cartmans charged shot
dogpoo is bad with his shit attack speed and slow as death attack animation, if you get your clyde to lvl 3 he outscales him in the health department too and for every one attack dogpoo puts in clyde puts in 2 not to mention his warcry

fireball is very strong too but with a deck like this you can utilize craig and clydes poison and awesomeos freeze for 2for1s while still keeping up pressure, fireballs more of a mystic/adventure spell

I guess I'll swap to mystic then.
What card would you recommendo to swap in?

angel wendy, zen cartman, regeneration, frair jimmy/poseidon stan, and purify is the standard mystic package
then youll want maphesto, nelly, and rats

then ike, pirate ship timmy, heidi, and sally
if you arent comfortable with purify you could also go with a fireball which is what I go with

>New Kid

Nah man Mexican is a different shade in South park that's like Hispanic or some shit

That's the exact same color as the Mexicans.
What's the difference?

Why can't people play the game normally without resorting to cheating?...

Im tempted to install nox and speed hack myself if this keeps up.

I've literally never ran into a cheater. Is it because I'm just a rank 22 shitter and they're all in the top tiers?


also if you have "network issues" for one game while every other game is stable thats one of them

mother fucker is that what that was. that cheating shit.

Just tried that deck and it helped a ton.
Thanks a ton user.

>PvP opponents are childish emote-spamming faggots
It make me happy to know that using the farting emote near the end of every battle win or lose is pissing someone off somewhere. I do it just to get a reaction. If the time get extended I sometimes use the laughing emote as well even if I am the one who lost. I felt the emotes were made to be insulting regardless of how you use them so I use them as intended.

The thing about the multiple units as one card is that I believe if you get an effect (such as Spaceman Butters dying speed buff) then it effect all units belonging to that single card. I can see it potentially being powerful with the right setup but I'll go with the pigeons just for the flying buff over the rats.

no prob buddy

current meta is mystic/fantasy tho so when you get to the fantasy shit look out for stan the great, catapult timmy, paladin butters, princess kenny, and underwear nomes

One eats tacos the other eats rice and beans

Mexicans eats rice?


Why? rice isn't native in the americas,is it?

are you serious right now

I thought Mexicans ate all three.

Shit was introduced like 500 years ago, why wouldn't they eat it?
Are you retarded?

R8 me.

This deck's been serving me pretty well at rank 20+.

Is Zen cartman really all that good? what's a good combo for him?

Zen cartman is the best tank in the game, his waifu angel wendy is a solid combo for him

his scaling and energy cost is SO good he actually doesnt even need his ability
probably gonna get nerfed but fuckin hell hes served me well
I got him to lvl 3 which has him at 929 health

low ranks arent a very good gage for card strength

when you climb up and start having trouble heres some thoughts

if you move heidi to sallys place those are all of your strongest cards
youll want to replace butters with smuggler ike, ike is everything butters is except faster attack animation and a charged ability that gives him more damage (hes strictly better bandita sally btw)
that kyle should be your tarrence maphesto for your 4 cost
storyteller jimmy should be frair jimmy, with a few lvls he outscales him and his aura is MUCH stronger
the dogpoo should be pirate ship jimmy and the kenny should be kelly

your deck is being carried by your top tier cards, I mean sally and kyle are pretty good but youre kinda handicapping yourself
just some tips for when stuff starts getting difficult, you also want to look into leveling your power cards, tho if you can you wanna wait till the next update since im pretty sure wendy, heidi, and clyde are probably getting some nerfs

I have him unplayed. I guess i can try him. I also see regen card, i have the halleluja as well. should i build a adventure mystic deck with those?

halleluja is too expensive and doesnt have much synergy with low health cards

so new kids typically take 2 bolts to kill a rat right?
well with regen you can keep a single rat tanking new kid aggro while they all beat him down since the regen keeps giving them back the low health, same with things like smuggler ike
halleluja on the otherhand is a SINGLE health boost that only really helps tanks

if you want adventure mystic Id say you want:
zen cartman, pirate ship timmy, terrance maphesto, and regen for your key rares
then heidi, smuggler ike, rats, and angel wendy for your key commons

that leaves you 4 cards for some leeway based on if you have access to them or not
with these options you want 2 more fighters which you can look at frair jimmy, nelly, hookhand clyde, and poseidon stan for those options
then youve got bandita sally, fireball, and purify for the last two cards

the key cards are really where mystic/adventures power comes from so its hard to find substitutes for those, the only one that comes close is gunslinger kyle to replace angel wendy but thats kind of a reach

i have all of those but pirate ship timmy is gnna be stuck in level one until i get another copy.what about trading fireball or purify for an energy totem?

no energy totem isnt really just a toss in card

both purify and fireball serve purposes in the deck depending on your playstyle

purify is like a counterspell since it fucks over the enemys regeneration, if/when they freeze/poison/mind control your guys
meanwhile fireball lets you bait your opponents into assassin spamming your cartman so that you can dick them

yeah i havebeen getting people wityh mind control and program stan leately. I'll try this build once my pvp timer cools down.

cyborg kenny is annoying as fuck too and you dont always have rats on hand to deal with that shit making you either 2 for 1 yourself or lose a bar

you also gotta start leveling up your guys, id say when you have your 12 set up get them all to lvl 2 and then pick your best to start leveling to 3, maybe 4 and then do the next one

for mystic I say you should prioritize
frair jimmy/poseidon stan>zen cartman>angel wendy
for adventure its
calamity heidi>smuggler ike>timmy>sally
and for neutral its
rat swarm>maphesto>nelly

right now my heidi, rats, and jimmy are lvl 4, im working for lvl 4 ike, lvl 3 wendy, and lvl 3 maphesto

god damn, i don't nearly have enough feathers and arrowheads to upgrade my adventurers to max lvl 2 yet. Mystic no problem since i can still get more without trying but im gonna need some serious luck with lockers if im gonna be able to level up my adventure deck.

You use it to counter tanks, assassins, and whichever iteration of Kenny that can fuck you up. Specifically Cyborg Kenny, sucks losing a fighter to him but rats are great to counter. Just make sure to only play them on your side of the field.

I farmed the lower ranks in order to get those materials. And I didn't advance into the story past mystic. Once I got a few of my cards to lvl 2 and 3 I moved up to rank 20 and farming there now.

Anyone else notice to be getting a whole lot less PVP tickets or is it just me? I only got one 250+ locker the past 2 days when before I'd get several a day. Max average I've been getting is like 30-35. Shit sucks.

Just applied to Sup Forumsck magic. Do you guys need my name to approve? It's Inixis

leaders probably asleep, he takes a little bit

Im making a PvE deck for farming mats. Any essential units?

>Cowboy Tweek
to be fair i rocked tweek untill i got the hookhand clyde

>Gizmo Ike
Jesus tap dancing Christ, this kid's a monster in PvE. Too bad about the limit.

>read threads
>amazingly randy one of the most hated
i beat the guy on my third try using my pvp deck just make sure you have units out and already attacking the lighting poles when the main fight starts

>have shitty phone
>accidentally buy that mystic bundle which cost like 1500 tickets
>new items in store
>a tots adorbs witch hat
>price 1500
>no tickets

>Im only just realizing that shops are randomized per player
Well damn


thats wrong
both paladin and spaceman butters only give their deathwish to a single rat

>Fighting grand wizard Fatass
>over 500 health and high level cards

>tier list place dougie cards at low tier
>still manage to lose sudden deaths thanks to barrel dougie
i guess its time to formulate my own opinions although it doesnt help that my phone is a toaster