Cartoon contains mean spiritedness

>cartoon contains mean spiritedness

>OP tries to be Mr. Enter

Is that why TTG is hated

Are you the same poster from the PB&J thread that wanted strong values?

stop crying, Looney Tunes never killed nobody.

gee, i wonder who OP is?

>cartoon does not contain only explicitly positive themes and messages

Is Phantomstrider secretly kino?

>>cartoon contains some hot goth chicks.

>writing contains ideas

Sup Forums is a very rotten place inhabited by morally bankrupt people. They are just trolls who are merely losers in real life and they want to compensate for that by insulting people on the internet. So pathetic. I laugh at them.

>cartoon is written with love and care and tries to not date itself by inserting political shit and memes

>Cartoon contains frames drawn in such a way that when shown in rapid succession they create illusion of movement

>cartoon has an edu in the corner

Are there any cartoons that don't do this?

Looney Tunes was almost never mean-spirited except near the very beginning. One of the core rules of the characters was that they wouldn't start shit in earnest until someone else wronged them first.

>cartoon references a political or social fad

T. Edgy 10 year old

Phantomstrider is secretly DREADFUL.

everything you said describes me to a t


Mr. Enter is a Jewish opinion policing neo-nazi. What happened to letting people decide for themselves if a cartoon is good or not? Also I really hate how he gets triggered over opinions not matching his.