My goodness. They're like some kind of Fantastic...Four.
My goodness. They're like some kind of Fantastic...Four
Other urls found in this thread:
>Big guy(for you)
>Bad boy with elemental powers
Who the fuck designed that shitty Valkyrie costume?
Say that again.
Is Loki a genius?
in the same way that Wile E. Coyote is.
More than the other three.
They're The Revengers
Now, he just got massive plot armor so everyone always trust him no matter how may time he fuck everything up and no one try to punish him for his bullshit, not Thanos, not Thor,not Odin,not Shield, not tthe united nations
Reminder that Lady Sif was suppose to be the heroine of Thor Ragnarok but actress Jaimie Alexander couldn't reprise her role so we got a shitty generic female character in her place.
>make a Defenders movie
>call it Thor Ragnarok
>make a Heroes for Hire show
>call it Defenders
I don't understand.
He's low key a genius
Even for you that was weak Carlos.
And I thought Tranktastic 4 were bad.
>implying Lady Sif wasn't shitty and generic
Her character as history with Thor. I have a feeling they knew Natalie Portman would stay on for multiple movies and set up Lady Sif as a love interest.
She not as generic as the strong female badass who drinks and fucks bitches too bullshit character.
Oh shit.
Is Thor that much of a bad boy?
The way he used to treat Loki even when they still liked each other proves as much though he'd never admit it. Not that he's deceitful, he's probably just mentally incapable of acknowledging that he is kind of "bad" in that respect.
>Loki exiles her because she could pick up he was Odin
>The other 3 guys (Asian man, big man and white man) are not banished
>did not pick up Odin was Loki
Am I not getting something here? Didn't those 3, Sif, Thor and Loki hang out all the time?
Hulk shouldve had a cape
I’m sure he’s really intelligent in 616 and it’s just one of those qualities that aren’t played up as much.
I just want more Hela.
>She not as generic as the strong female badass who drinks and fucks bitches too bullshit character.
Nah she’s just a warrior woman who has a crush on Thor. Way less generic.
>Loki is a magic user
>He keeps on getting himself involved in fights where he uses daggers instead of magic
What kind of garbage is shit?
In a way I guess, since he's always scheming and getting away with shit
>tfw no Loki vs Dr. Strange fight
Loki has some serious cape action going on there and he's not even trying.
they're DUMB because they're MALE
>Bruce jumping out of the spaceship expecting to be Hulk by the time he hit the bridge
you'd thin he learned his lesson the first time
MCU Loki is more like illusions and mind fuckery. He's not really capable of high-end sorcery
No, that's not even the worst of it. Even IF they fought Loki would get bitched out by Strange because it's funny. Same shit as with Loki "vs" The Hulk back in the day, the MCU seems to actively avoid having characters with actual superpowers fight each other all out.
It was clearly conveyed that it wouldn't have been much of a fight. Loki's base powers are supposed to be kind of underwhelming in a fight, he prefers to avoid combat unless he's secured some kind of unfair advantage
Where in there says he's the God of magic?
Do you even read the comics? Loki being a god-tier wizard is a core part of his character.
who the fuck is saying he's the god of magic? Don't act like Loki isnt one of the better known magic users of Marvel
Pick one to focus on
Loki originally was Marvel's equivalent of Mxyzptlk
>nigh immortal
>access to all of asgards libraries and teachers as a royal and years to use them
>can only mindfuck and shapeshift
>can't sidestep a magic circle forming underneath his feet
MCU Loki a shit
Only in trolling, not power.
He turned himself into a snake, he turned Thor into a frog. He even calls Strange a second rate magician.
In the movies he's also the Prince of ice realm so why not at least give him that? That ice shank that spreads ice from the wound would be useful for him, and didn't he do some jedi style force push in his cell in Thor 2? Even in the movies he's not using his power to the fullest
just replace that frumpy, frog face, black midget
that again.
Yeah, but in the Marvel Universe being a genius is like taking a few classes at night school. No one's impressed.
>the MCU seems to actively avoid having characters with actual superpowers fight each other all out.
>every single Iron Man villain
>Cap vs Winter Soldier
>Thor vs Hulk (twice)
>Hulk vs Hulkbuster
Hulk vs Abomination
what DID he mean by this?
Is it wrong of me to wish that the reason she couldn't do Thor Ragnarok was because she was cast as Wonder Woman? She'd be excellent in that role.
She would have been so much better than Gal Gadot. Gal Gadot isn't bad, but Jaimie would have been better, though.
She wouldn't have needed Chris Pine to carry the movie.
the person who wanted her to look as much like black sue storm as possible
Loki stabbing Thor for fun when they were kids totally have nothing to do with it.
And Strange wipes the floor with him, which shows how much his word is worth when it comes to his own magical skills.
Loki is also officially recognized as The God of Fire but MCU nor 616 ever brings that up.
Doctor Strange with an infinity gem and several other magical items that boost Doctor Strange's magic. If MCU Doctor Strange is anything like 616 Doctor Strange, he is fairly weak without his outside power source boosting him up.