HEY Sup Forums!
21 DAYS TILL Sup Forums DIES!
HEY Sup Forums!
21 DAYS TILL Sup Forums DIES!
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Net neutrality.
doing it now since i won't be able to after
It'll be just like the dark days of 2014.
not again
So your saying soon we will be free?
>Miss, you can stay but the megaphone has to go.
Jokes on you, I'm in England.
But seriously sucks ass for your Amercians.
user, with the amount of web pages hosted on America you can bet this shit is going to affect everyone who uses the Internet no matter where they live.
Sup Forums is a goner, for starters.
how can americans decide on such global matters all by themselves?
also this shit has been popping up for months now and nothing ever happened, sounds like a lot of bullshit
Well shit.
So who's up for blaming Sup Forums like we always do.
its nothing to do with hosting, its to do with access to said websites through the ISPs. they will artificially throttle your bandwidth when trying to connect to certain places unless you buy their ____ package
Only a crack team of Sup Forums's finest can stop this
The reason why this keeps happening is normies don't really understand net neutrality, but once it's out the window and they start getting throttled they're gonna be pissed and loud.
This has nothing to do with net neutrality. It's a smokescreen for sonething else ( not sure what)
This time it's real. America's institutions are all Republican now, so there's a lot less opposition to make sure thus moves smoothly. This is also a private company's doing, so no voting is gonna influence it.
Well, you wanted Trump? Here is your Trump.
But those small sites who won't be able to pay for the higher prices will die either due to being not profitable or because of their userbase dying.
The Internet is going to turn into TV again.
>21 days
I thought that they said a vote would be done before Thanksgiving weekend was up. Source?
What about Tor?
They've been dumped more information than you'd think. I still trust their sheer numbers to fuel the outrage when this shit becomes implemented.
I believe the voting was to take place the 14th of December.
I dunno about you, but Sup Forums doesn't allow Tor users to post.
therell probably be 1 ISP thats willing to carry on being 'net neutral', comcast have been putting out a lot of anti-FCC articles lately so i wouldnt be surprised if comcast do it, at least for a while
im pretty sure if you can get google fiber or your city has a decent local ISP (good joke) theyll have to stay 'neutral' to even be close to competitive
gotta assume itd work but its a bit much just to browse regular shit
Friendly Reminder anything you try to say or do will do nothing
...farewell, Sup Forums.
sign me up.
Are you ready for the oncoming winter Sup Forums?
What are you saving?
Sup Forums seems to be okay with anti net neutrality, so we'd be on the right blaming them for it.
Google and Netflix use more bandwidth than the rest of the internet combined. You bet your ass they want to make sure they're getting the lowest price.
It was never about small websites like this. It was a corporate slap fight between internet providers and major internet users.
>the internet will die in your lifetime
well it was a good run
but sadly all good things must end at some point
Just like they did in the dark days of 2014, right?
Im going to get a couple shows and the entire Half-life saga before it all goes down.
What about you Sup Forums?
If only there was some way to work on the two people who are probably going to vote against net neutrality.
It won't die, it will become captured and tamed. That's even worse.
Yes, it'll be a shitty year or so for all of us, but the market is just like nature: it abhors a vacuum. If there's a demand for sites like the ones that'll get killed by greedy republicans and their wage lords, other places will pick up the slack. There's nothing unique in terms of what America can offer in terms of tech and content in this day and age.
they don't have much sway, but they are sitting pretty on the wrong side of this
Sad as it is, I doubt changes will occur overnight. They'll most likely do it gradually so nobody, specially normies, notices what they're doing right away. By the time it hits them they'll already have the internet by the balls.
Still sad, don't get me wrong.
Comics, cartoons, vidya, tv shows, movies, etc.
Don't judge, I got them from work for free since they had extra.
>pretending to be sad when Sup Forums dies
>Wanting the government to apply Title 2 regulations on the internet
You do know that Title 2 allows the government to ban "obscene" material from being transmitted, right?
Where will I get my hentai doujins?
Where will all the lewd drawfags go?
can't wait for this site to be full of brits and shitskins.
>implying it already isn't
So wait, is this going o be like SOPA as far as voting goes, or has the whole thing been decided at this point?
It'll probably be decided by the bureaucrats at the FCC. Damn, thing were going so well when the bureaucrats had unrestricted powers and they did what I wanted.
I won't miss you fags
I'll miss you.
I'll miss your insults.
How long would this last?
Till a competent human gets power in the white house.
Until the economy crashes again.
How likely is the government to intervene against a private company they've supported so far?
The internet has been around for a long time without NN. You'll live.
So how are the Trump Humpers defending this one?
Joe Duo reporting in
ignore that, is just another prank
Do you even know exactly what the regulations do?
Not over the internet, I can tell you that much.
harharhar har ;______________;
You are comparing the internet of the dial up and usenet era to today's.
I wouldn't need to pay for packages to get access to several websites then; corporate America has become stronger and more greedy than ever.
What will be the new Sup Forums?
No, I'm comparing 2014s internet to todays.
It keeps ISPs from going "Hmm porn is a big market, lets charge a ((adult package)) of an added 12.99 to their bill or else slow down the flow of information to Pornhub until it's impossible to stream."
Trumptards are allowing corporations to make us their bitch since ISPs have the biggest legal monopolies in any business.
It'll pretty much be the same, except you are only allowed to talk about superhero movies, no comics no cartoons.
You are also not allowed to shit on those movies, or the people making them, or the people shilling them here.
You're welcome.
Do you get all your news from the Daily show? Or do you also go to College Humor too?
Enlighten me then, where am I wrong?
Yeah no shit.
Well for one, Porn isnt nearly as big a bandwidth user at Netflix. Netflix, Google, and other HD streaming services want it enshrined in law that their massive internet usage has to be treated exactly the same as the data this post is using.
ISPs want them to pay for the service and attention needed to transmit HD videos propmtly, and Netflix wants to have the same pricing schedule as you or me.
It's like semi-trucks who have to pay extra through toll roads. The trucks want to pay the same price as the cars, and the tolls want the trucks to pay more for maintenance.
Then you burn down their provable infrastructure, cancel your cell phone or cable service. Do it in en masse.
Bastards won't ignore their corporate dogs barking and chewing their asses. It may be our money they care about, but they'll care even more if we won't give it.
It's cute that you think the masses will cancel their cell phones and other services just to stick it to the companies.
>Sup Forums has become the very jews they bitch about
Still sounds bad for the consumer. Believe it or not, plenty of people on Sup Forums stream legally so why would they approve of something that'll force streaming sites to charge more to consumers to cover what the ISP charges them?
Sup Forums won't die, it'll just have all americans not allowed to reach the site anymore.
So in reality, the site will just become better.
This. I don’t think they have a date set for when it will begin to take effect. How will older computers, modems, etc. work with the rules?
MegaNet will save us.
>t. at&t
Track phones exist fucker
It's about time we make our own internet!
The site is hosted in America dipshit.
Also, what makes you think if it passes the same shit won't happen everywhere else? Give an inch the fucks will take 10 miles.
I can’t believe this is so close to Christmas they are ending net neutrality. This is officially the worst Christmas in fucking history.
Or Zeronet, I2P, IPFS, Freenet, GNUnet, etc. I'm glad that there are so many paranoid conspiracy theorists that came up with these.
The owner isn't even American anymore
He can just host it elsewhere
Finally no more burgers
Netflix is only expanding. And with Disney trying to start up it's own streaming service, the bandwidth usage will only grow. This means more infrastructure investments to handle it all. Fiber Optics and shit isn't cheap. You're going to pay for it, either through your Netflix bill or your internet bill.
But the tension between content producers and the delivery service is pretty old. The Common Carrier laws started up to regulate shipping goods. When they were repealed in the 1980s, prices went down because both sides had to fight each other to lower their own costs.
t. cable shill
Stop joking its not funny
>t. Canuck who is tired of our shitty neighbours down south ruining everything
I'm marking the date you get fucked on my calendar
>Canuck thinking he'll be spared in the fire
You'll be the first to feel it's affects you stupid fuck
>he actually thinks this
lmao, companies will just host their shit elsewhere. You will not be missed.
Don’t worry, when they end net neutrality, there will be outrage all over America over the internet being offline to the point that they will reverse it.
As usual, Canadians being chill.
When was the last time you guys legitimately enjoyed being on Sup Forums?
>Thinking American companies won't find ways to gradually leek their filth up north.
>Thinking Canadia isn't too much of our cocksleeve to refuse and eventually radiate the same laws and rules.
You're in just as much danger as any of us are fucko, I'm only trying to warn you.
But Hey, Canadians clearly know so much more about this don't they? Why don't you come on down and teach us if you're so much better?
I hope the leaf burns first when the bombs go off.
>tfw nothing happens
>tfw everyone forgets about this
>tfw we really are here forever
>tfw you faggots were stupid enough to think the ISPs were going to save you from this shit website