We all know it's coming no matter how much you want to deny it.
Your expectations for MVC:I season 2?
It's nice to see they're doing a Samurai Jack crossover!
What expectations? I'm waiting on DBFZ for my team fightan fix.
Gwen pool!
I expect it to die.
I expect it to be the last season.
Game is dead except for the diehard whales.
Well I can't have dead pool because he's a mutant I want Gwen pool for fun 4th wall gimmicks
A whole bunch of more boring characters.
>the diehard whales.
You mean the entirety of the FGC?
How bad did the game sell? Do people still play?
>How bad did the game sell?
>Do people still play?
I don’t get it. People loved MVC franchise and begged for more, what happened.
Bad PR, blatant shilling for the MCU, and some nasty ass character designs.
Speaking of which, season 2 will be more MCU people and MAYBE two more Capcom characters recycled from 3.
Nu-Marvel and their "fuck Fox" policy, meaning no X-Men despite the whole fucking series having started with them.
>Nobody remembers the X-Men.
>However people love Ms. Marvel-I mean Captain Marvel and the green chick from the Guardians of The Galaxy nobody cares about.
People didn't like the art style for starters, and I don't fault them for that. Might be bad timing with all the other recent great fighters.
Breaks my heart, my boy X not only gets in, but is front and center and nobody wants his game.
I would like a game that isn't ugly and for all the DLC to be free because Capcom shit the bed really hard.
I have no real reason to use this any more, but pic related for new additions.
>waifufag roster
That "waifufag" poster actually selected 3 male Darkstalker characters.
And none of them are Talbain.
Yeah that's cool
Roster is not terrible but it still kinda sucks. I like Darkstalkers but do we REALLY need 6 characters from it?
Fuck off Boco, he's annoying as all fuck and so are you
Pretty much what said, but there's also a big factor, and that's the fact that the cost for the production of this game was half of the cost for Season 2 DLC of Street Fighter V.
No, seriously, it's true, then again, the last time they tried to go with a big budget (MvC3 and UMvC3), the games weren't sold enough to support such a cash in.
>but do we REALLY need 6 characters from it?
Yes and they should all be palette swaps of Lord Raptor.
I like you
>17 characters there are female out of 60 characters
>9 of which were in previous vs games
>new additions like Wasp, Emma Frost and Invisible Woman deserve prominence
Lets see your roster, friend.
Fightan games are a bubble. There's too many good ones already out and the core mechanics don't shift enough between them to really warrant their constant production.
"Better Graphics" can't even push the genre forward anymore, games like Guilty Gear Xrd are too fucking beautiful.
Captain Commando, Nero, Barry Burton, Rashid/Necali, Tron Bonne never
CapCom only had one game to his name.
>game features X
>series starts dying
>series heavily features comics characters
The fucking X curse strikes again.
I'd probably buy the game if they put Protoman and/or Vile in it.
>You mean the entirety of the FGC?
less than 10k people
>You mean the entirety of the FGC?
don't be retarded, the game is known for being a huge dissapointment for the fans
no x-men, no buy is the popular mantra around the game
Assuming they'll balance the roster and make it 4 Capcom characters and 2 Marvel characters, I'll go with:
Captain Commando
Juri Han
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil 1)
(Any X-Men character that has been missing since MvC2 and further back)
Doctor Octopus (Spider-Man 2 design please, it is kino as fuck)
Whaddya think?
make the capcom side better. which they're not going to do, since they'll be putting in marvel characters mostly not capcom ones. and any capcom ones will be recycled from 3.
just give me nina and gene please
not with current Capcom in charge.
hmm who is the Capcom counterpart of Ike Perlmutter?
The game is not only ugly looking and the roster and story suck, but also it just gets boring to play after a while.
Overall, it's not worth anyone's time and money.
I expect to somehow be disappointed.