Louise Belcher shouldn't be getting so much porn of her because of how unappealing Bob's Burgers is, both stylistically and writing.
Louise Belcher shouldn't be getting so much porn of her because of how unappealing Bob's Burgers is...
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Don't forget how shitty the voice work is, it's a fucking struggle and a half to jerk it while thinking about their grading V.A.s
>it's a fucking struggle and a half to jerk it
"user have you heard my latest erotic fanfiction"
nope, dick works just fine thanks for asking
Eurofag here.
Why is this show so popular in America?
Also because she's nine.
Go figure
age is just a number, user. As they say "When there's grass on the field-" So on and so forth
Its funny.
Because it's good.
>not being attracted to Linda's voice
sorry about your shit taste
And what do you consider funny besides all your neighbors converting to Islam
Bob's Burgers is perfect for porn OP
inb4 Bob's Boners
We all want to fuck Louise and Linda. They are ideal American sex symbols.
>Foot Feta-ish Burger
Yes yes, it’s just a number, sort of like an address. May I have your address user? Just maybe to send you some discreet stuff you might like, wink wink. After all, address are just numbers, yes
I vote for Polyle to be god.
Louise's personality lends itself well to sexy off-model fanart but her actual design in the show is hideous and no screenshot from the show could ever be sexy to any neurotypical person.
Beats me, seems like more of the same family guy shit with a different title. Watched 4-5 episodes and couldn't stomach it.
She also came up with the Child Molester Burger
Alright... that is an incorrect opinion. I'll leave it that because I don't want to get riled up and roast you too hard and hurt your feelings.
>Sourlime Mango
Funny enough today I was just fapping to her on Rule 34, god she's so hot.
It's like early Family Guy except less shit.
It's absolutely nothing like modern Family Guy because the characters are more just annoying but overall likable and surprisingly charming, as opposed to being contemptible pieces of human shit.
I'm guessing it's mostly the personality.
She acts like an early adult tomboy stuck in a loli body.
Now do the math why that equals so much r34.
H Jon Benjamin
For me I think it's funny, extremely charming and likable, great characters, just a fun, feel good show. It's like the only show my whole family watches together.
Though I feel like it's kind of running out of steam, It was great for a long time, and still at least has some enjoyable bits.
We've been pretty starved for a good family-oriented adult cartoon since Family Guy started falling short and The Simpsons shot itself all those years ago. Plus, they're the same guys who made Home Movies. So there's some gems in there.
Not the same guys. One of the creators. Brendon Small is not in Bob's Burgers.
you've activated my trap card...
Ahh, that makes sense. Sorry, I never really cared about the show enough to look into who was still there and who wasn't. The art style was a dead giveaway though.
what style lends itself to porn easily?
growing up in the 90s i always thought simpsons porn was inherently disgusting
besides the fact that early western porn was drawn in this awful tinged style as i think most early stuff were scans and not drawn in photoshop
the anime style seems to transition into porn easier
He was in an episode.
Furry porn usually looks good because it is easier to draw cartoony animals than humans that don't look shit in a style like The Simpsons and Family Guy.
Your attempts at reverse psychology are mediocre at best.
>it's kind of running out of steam
I’d say that while the number of great episodes has dwindled it’s still consistently good. There has yet to be a real jump-the-shark moment and the characterizations and tone are remarkably consistent (having the same writing staff the entire run helps a lot).
Cautious as to how the movie will turn out with the increased meddling that comes with working with a film studio. If they do the smart thing it’ll be the finale, but with how Fox is I doubt they’ll stop until it’s run well into the ground
I've seen weak begging threads before, but this must be the weakest I've seen.
It's a light hearted, absurd and yet accurate depiction of the American working class. It's like the good seasons of the simpsons in that regard.
polyle can make any loli fapable
>read all of that in her voice
Worse than shit.
Sup Forums hates her because Schaal
>which is a man's voice
>He doesn't know about the Dr. Mrs. The Monarch clause
>look up Bob's Burgers porn on sadpanda
Comics do just fine. Cartoons are a little more challenging.
Family sitcom that doesn't rely on edgy "adult" humor or references/guest stars.
It's satirical while still remaining wholesome.
It is? No one ever mentions or talks about it, not even on Sup Forums.
It's popular enough that it's getting a theatrical film, something that took years for Family Guy to get executives considering and even then produced zero results.
Though this is largely due to the fact that a couple of extremely wealthy and powerful executives actually enjoying the show themselves quite a bit. So it doing so well is largely due to an extremely rare case of immoral and soulless executives actually having a heart deep deep down.
Why the hate for Schaal?
do we know whats under her bunny ears?
Her character's usually tend to be "lol so random and females are better tough too" usually which when accompanied by her strange voice tends to get annoying. She also a liberal which tends to mean jumping in with the crowd to complain about obvious things or criticize things. Though to be honest she restricts herself more than most. I feel the character issue is also a result of type cast rather then her pressuring creators. Too sumarises it's not very fair but it is understandble why Sup Forums hates her.
Gene Belcher should get more porn instead
Honest answer, All the existing animated family sitcoms like Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, etc. were so comically unrealistic. Bob's Burgers by comparison feels a lot more grounded.
Hair that looks like Linda's, but she doesn't have Linda's massive forehead. Maybe she is just a weeaboo.
>good seasons of the simpsons
I'll stop you right there, because what you're thinking of is Zombie Simpsons.
Her pulsing, evil brain
>natural brunette
what a surprise
Do yourself and the world a favor and go jump in front of a moving train.
"Sex sells, so all we have to do is find some sex and sell it."
American here.
I have no fucking idea.
Gib sauce
A birthmark that looks like a tattoo that declares love for her fellow man.
What's slut
Power vacuum left by King of the Hill.
What age do you think she'll finally stop wearing the ears
annoying voices =/= shitty voice work
What do you even do if you come across Louise, looking like that by a street corner, soliciting her services?
some women wear rabbit ears, even as adults.
I inform the authorities of a child being trafficked and I await from a distance waiting to repel any one who approaches her with deviant intentions.
I then watch from a distance as cops manhandle her and pass her around like a hot potato
The strong arm of the law delivering justice and protecting the innocent, once again. Salute the proud men in blue for their noble service.
I think Loren wants them the characters to always be thought of as the age they were conceived to be (like Home Movies) so it’s probably not something we’re supposed to ever see.
But speculate all you want, we already know she’s straight and kinda kinky I’d guess she’ll get a boyfriend pretty soon after puberty hits (assuming she doesn’t get a real thing going on with Rudy soon) and that’s when she’ll rethink her need of them. A lot of psychological changes wrought by hormones around that time
>When polyle draws your waifus
I wish i was rich to draw 2 of them together.
Polyle is great!
Pedo scum needs to stay in Sup Forums where they belong or fucking neck themselves.
never Satan
I still don't understand this pose
she was on a swing and jumped off, she is holding her skirt to hide her butt
I disagree.
It's literally in the name.
Don't tell me what to do
>visible bra
I hate this in the real and even more in fiction
we need more Adult Louise, also some Adult Tina(I'm honestly amazed I haven't seen any for her)
also have a higher resolution for that second pic
got sauce boss?
Does anyone have that pic where she's wearing sunglasses and has a toy badge and is saying "I need to inspect your computer"or something?
I stopped at season 3. Most episodes are just too mean spirited with no payoff.
you model that, user? looks pretty good
> I hate industrial strength bras and the enormous breasts they contain
You cannot be helped
Because it literally works with tumblr people in general and it's relatable with it's constant cringey humor and dialogue that most people always show that are the atagonist for the show entirely.
A character that's involved with the story can basically come around and no one likes them. Look how things that they do that people don't like -> then Gene says something random -> causes an off spurt of random topics and a conversation -> followed by getting off topic for a couple of minutes. Rinse/Wash/Repeat.
She looks like a potato who finds that sexy?
>you will never sleep with a girl who tugs at her rabbit ears as a response to receiving pleasure
goddamn it, I didn't mean to quote anyone
what did she mean by this?