Would making Spider Gwen gay make her relevant, again?

Would making Spider Gwen gay make her relevant, again?

No but then again nothing gonna make Marvel Relevant again


She was relevant before?

>t. Faggot.

No, not really. Pretty boring character, but again. Marvel has been pretty fucking boring for a decade now.

At this point, they are just a farm for the movies.

Yes, user. We know you are.

They wouldn't fucking DARE.
MJ is for Peter and Peter is for MJ.

>The Miles crossover killed her

How about a interesting story? God damn, this elseworlds is boring

It's a universe where Peter is dead.

It would certainly make her sexier.

I never read this book but is her superhero codename actually Spider-Gwen? I always figured it was just the title of the book and the actual character was Spider-Woman or Spider-Girl or something that made sense and wasn't completely retarded.

Then she'll never find happiness. Too bad.

Wrong, some times she is made for alternate universe Japanese lesbians.

Yes, her name is officially Spider-Woman. That pic is from some other completely unrelated series.

Read her comic if you want to achieve apathy from suffering

Gwen's ridiculously emo. All her major enemies knows her secret identity. Got blackmailed by Matt Murdock (the Kingpin's lawyer), her dad is in a coma, her spider powers are limited to pills thanks to evil genius Cindy Moon, and recently bonded to the symbiote due to her anger from the suffering

The only good thing there is the bitchy but friendly MJ

In-universe, every major enemy and friend so far knows or has clued in Spider-Gwen's secret identity, so the Spider-Woman moniker is literally useless

Working for Evil Matt Murdock is probably the thing that is going best for Gwen in her life.

It couldn't hurt

I wished the movies knew this
God the "MJ" in that movie is fucking unbearable

>. Got blackmailed by Matt Murdock (the Kingpin's lawyer),
isn't Matt kingpin in this universe?

it's better if she's bisexual.
Gwen X MJ would be pretty hot though.

I need to catch up on the book, I like it alot.

You spotted the deliberate mistake.

Unofficially since Kingpin is in jail and Matt pretty much runs things and keeps the Hand as henchmen

In Spider-Gwen, MJ'a the hilariously insufferable band lead who can't help but be a diva despite being a good friend, and is angry at Gwen's regular disappearances. She correctly claims that Gwen is Spider-Woman, who she's a fan of, but the other girls don't believe her.

So in a boring depressing comic, being a comic-relief is a fresh air

>Spidey's gf cucks him with his ex

Peter is dead in that one, dumbass.

Mariko's retarded death got me to drop the series.


Didn't help Jessica much.