why is starfire so cute?
Why is starfire so cute?
The cute
Tameranians are the niggers of the rest of the galaxy
Comic starfire is slut, but cartoon starfire has one redeeming trait: she's super cute for a troq
Not as cute as big sister
BEcuase she’s not Comicsfire.
>Upbeat, optimistic personality
>Always excited to learn about new things
Raven was my favorite but I have been coming around to starfires bubbly personality now that I am not an angst teenager myself.
Can we get some Starfire x user stuff pls?
Me too. Now that I'm older I see more value in Starfire's optimism and outgoing personality. I now realize I need someone to get me out of the house, but who isn't afraid to be seen in public with me
This, Komand'r is superior in every conceivable way.
Slutfire a trash. A TRASH
It’s one of them threads right?
Now I want to see Supergirl or another alien ussing the T word with Starfire.
Orange feet
She's s fucking bitch.
I'd say Blackfire is pretty and Starfire is cute.
She awakened the 'slutty sister corrupting her innocent sister' fetish for me... and I feel so empty.
Might be able to post a demo of my Blackfire/Starfire game soon if the stars align
...pun not intended
She's based off of the grandmother of all energetic anime love interests.
so pure much innocence
I could knock out some simple pics or animations with the models if anyone has a request?
Upbeat attitude
Even porn Starfire is cute.
What was comic Starfire like before Nu52 and the cartoon.
She didn't seem like the naive goody-goody of the cartoon nor the "Will fuck any man" superslut she was in Nu52
what kind of game?
Blackfire only hates Star because of penis envy.
I thought Blackfire would have the bigger penis.
Can I request a good model?
You would think that, yes.
maybe its not how much dick kori has, but how much she's getting
You're making a game?
From what I understand, old comic starfire was a very attractive girl, but didn't know she was attractive by earth standards and she was very ignorant of earth customs. That's very different from nu52 comic where she's a complete slut and she knows it.
Post them hugging
Troq Now that she is black in the Live action show do you think they are going to use the word? Is basically space Nword
>Starfire is black now
Will her sister still be called Blackfire?
Seems redundant.
Pure Sex.
Welcome to DC.
Because she's funny, playful, and best girl.
This is an extremely high quality fetish, and it deserves more attention.
Do you want to tell us a little bit about it? Give us the elevator pitch?
They'll have generic ebil conservative who will be ebil raycist bigot towards star and call her a troq all the time
Well, there is that Perez page with the blatant incestuous anal rape.