>Feminist (this probably answers my question)
>horribly disrespectful to her mother that tries her best
>Cucks her brother
>An annoying bitch to her father
>Always giving Klaus the business when he doesn't deserve it
>Cheats on her boyfriend
>Breaks up with him over the most trivial things
>The one time he broke up with her she trashed an entire mall
>She treats the one other guy that doesn't like her for just her body the worst of all
>Made Stan's hero tell him off for calling her a lost cause even after she took the beer
>Makes everyone bend backwards because she's some hippy yet doesn't do it herself
>The anti-Christ is running off somewhere and it's all her fault
She's almost as bad as Summer Smith.
Why was she such a cunt?
I would literally eat my own shit just to get the chance to eat her shit
Abusive. I left out abusive. And cheater.
As much as she can be a bitch, I would love to fuck that tight ass with my bbc.
This makes it even better for me
Big Black Chicken?
No with my big black cousin
>Cucks her brother
When did that happen?
But yeah she's a bitch that's what happens when you're a female(and not Meg) main character on a Seth McFarlane show, the show goes far out of its way to claim women are wiser/righteousness while constantly showing that they aren't and never get called on it.
You also forgot the time she dated a illegal alien to screw with Stan and then sold Immigration when he left her
>When did that happen?
>She got drunk and killed that girl with the fake honkers
>She forced Jeff and Steve to go to a movie and dragged everyone out when it turned out to be about some guy seeing some girl's tatas. >When Steve wanted to stay she got some usher to toss him out
>Steve tricked her friend into showing him her boobs and she ratted him out
>He was about to have lucid dream sex and she woke him up for some stupid reason
literally none of those things are cucking
Yeah it's cockblocking at most.
that's exactly what it is, though to a small degree
Ah damn, I got those two mixed up.
that's ok
I don't care how much of a cunt she is, I just want to fuck her
Like 3/4 of all humans have that by the time they turn 20
The British broadcasting Corporation?
They literally do an episode about why. She was traumatized by seeing footage of a baby seal being clubbed on the news at her birthday party as a kid.
Oh please that constantly changes, either it was the clubbing of a baby seal, CIA brainwashing, or the conscious decision to be a bitch to her dad.
I know where this pic is from, hehe
She was only really a cunt in the early seasons, which were also when Stan was a massive hardass, especially towards her.
That's the percentage that don't have it.