Like father like son I guess
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Who was in the wrong here?
All of them. The point of that episode is that teens do stupid emotional things and that they were all in too much of a rush to grow up.
I like how Bobby kicked Joseph's ass.
I like how the first punch was the single most well animated moment in the entire show.
But Dale wouldn’t do such a thing.
>tfw we never got to see naked Connie
Honestly it makes more sense her being with the fit half Native kid rather than some fat piece of White trash but then i remembered that she was Asian and they love ugly frumpy White dudes.
Are you implying Dale fucked Kahn's wife?
No, that he cucked a white man
What's there to see?
So it makes more sense for her to be with the guy she can't stand than the guy she loves to be around?
That's retarded.
itty bitty brown titties
I don't remember it, any links?
It makes more sense for her to be with someone she likes than some dude who she doesn't like *as much*
I second with Satan.
>t then i remembered that she was Asian and they love ugly frumpy White dudes.
the isn't even a joke.I have seen so many decent looking Asian chicks with pretty meh looking white dudes around here.
they do anything to avoid tiny Asian penis
Sheeeit, I finally got trips and they're the best trips ever.
What episode is this? Maybe I'll look for it.
Are you suggesting that Dale tried to steal Peggy off Hank?
Quality title
>around here
Cali dude
Be white (blonde is + plus points)
Above 5'11
Meh face and above
Have a job or go to collage
Congrats and enjoy swimming in the Asian pussy
They're probably not so decent.
If you really think about it it's not that surprising, they're raised in a culture that cuts off all emotions and suddenly they meet a fat guy with high estrogen levels that flood them with emotions.
why 5'11"? asian girls are short as fuck. some are 4 foot something.
because no one can tell the difference between 5'10-6' (especially Asian girls since they're so short)
As long as you look tall to them, congrats
American Asian girls can be just as bad and materialistic as White valley girls.
Can fucking confirm.
My cousin and sister only date white guys, at first I thought it was just them doing some "try out different flavour type shit" but goddamn.
Cousin's elder sister also dated mostly white guys too until getting married to an asian (he never had a girlfriend and was working as a computer engineer, he was cool as fuck though.) to settle down.
And it's always the ones that don't shave their fucking scraggy beards.
t. beardless manlet asian with relatives in California