>It's a "meek character becomes hall monitor and lets the power go to their head" episode
It's a "meek character becomes hall monitor and lets the power go to their head" episode
Other urls found in this thread:
>"asshole character becomes hall monitor and rules with an iron fist episode"
>"meek character becomes hall monitor and does a bad job, chaos ensues"
Have you ever seen a forum moderator? The meek or nerd types always become nazis when given an ounce of power.
Goddammit, Barry.
It's the Maniac!
>Jimmy Neutron
>Phoebe in Hey Arnold
>Max/Pete in Goof Troop
>Johnny in Ed, Edd, n' Eddy
>Hall Monitor squad in Recess
>Cartman in South Park
>Tina in Bobs Burgers
>Bart Simpson
>Really the entire premise of Filmore
Goddamn this did happen a lot
Power tends to go to peoples heads
Are hall monitors an urban myth perpetuated by cartoons? Like school nurses?
This type of abuse of power frustrates the shit out of me, honestly. When you have a guy who is, objectively, a fucking nobody, and his sole responsibility is just maintaining proper language in the hallways or a free of spam chatlog and the power goes right up to their heads.
Hall monitors exist, but never had any real authority
>You now realize we got those episodes because the creators were too scared of the backlash from calling real cops out on their bullshit, and decided to stick with limiting it to the donut memes.
You didn't have school nurses? The fuck?
>It's a "character ovehears their parents talking and thinks that they're moving away, so their friends try to have one special day to hang out and bond before they leave, but at the end it turns out that they're just moving down the street or something and all of this could have been avoided if the kid just spoke to their parents" episode
We had them in high school, but they were hired adults.
>Cartman in South Park
how often is the "meek hall monitor gets blackmailed into turning a blind eye by their asshole brother" type of episode?
That episode chickenlover from season 2 where carton pretends to be a police offier and just tries to wack people with his nightstick while screaming RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH!
Insubordination towards a Monitor. That's two weeks in detention, creep.
Does this actually happen in America though? Don't they get beaten up for acting like twats?
We don't have hall monitors in Australia, but I'm pretty sure one of the Kiwi kids would slap the shit out of them for trying anything.
>We had them in high school, but they were hired adults.
At my high school we had to walk through metal detectors and we had security guards from a private firm that has contracts with pretty much everyone in the city.
Hall monitors are always told they have no real authority. If someone is causing problems, they just report said person to someone who has acutal power.
Or the episode where he actually does become a hall monitor, and goes full fucking Dog the Bounty Hunter, spraying kids with bear mace.
Yeah, but Cartman isn't a "meek character", he's the opposite
Just like middle management.
Are you implying this man has no actual authority
Clarence went another direction with it.
Instead of Jeff becoming an authoritarian,
he keeps quiet about a night club in detention
and gets to feel cool.
Being cool is what goes to his head
and ultimately leads to his downfall.
Malessica using her wiles to get what she wants.
Lord knows what he can get Jeff to do with "show some leg"
Yes. Wally is the only one who has realized this and is able to do nothing because he knows there's no reason to fear reprisal. PHB himself isn't even aware of this and takes Wally's lack of fear as a sign that he has no reason to worry because he's doing nothing wrong.
Pole here.
In my highschool (equivalent) there was a different hall monitor every week, and every student had to be on monitor duty at least once. It was treated as a sort of responsibility training.
Most people just leaned against a wall next to teacher's lounge or strolled across the most busy halls back and forth.
But there was this one twat, short, high pitched voice, rich parents, incredibly insecure. When put on hall monitor duty, he would walk up to every group of 3+ people to "make sure they are not causing trouble", loudly berate people for "littering" (trying to throw something into the garbage bin and missing) and randomly announce how he's gonna make sure that everything runs smoothly now.
He caused more scenes than there would ever happen naturally, and his final monitor duty ended with him getting punched in the face and supposedly thrown down stairs. Although I still believe that he intentionally fell on his own, just so that he could frame the guy who punched him.
He sounds like he would love to be a janitor here