what kinda name is laremy
I'm ready to have a pleasant thread full of discussion, new content, and civility among fellow OK K.O.! fans.
Maybe it's Laramie, like the fort?
Jeremy for people who want to be special.
what if episodes that involved enid or rad with other adult characters were more vulgar and mature if K.O wasn't involved
Might as well ask it here since my art's in the OP: who else should I draw in KO style?
Hey Enid you shouldn't talk to me that way you dumb nigg- er, hey KO!
rhodonite would look pretty cool in KO style
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo.
>Posting horny virgin kappa instead of best child
You're not helping, user.
take your shitty meme rat and get out
oh man I could actually visualize him in the show
I want to fuck this girl.
Oh shit Dinkle made some more gifs? When did this happen?
Just last thread
blue diamond
These are cute and great.
You got it
This monster?
>my show is so shit
>better try to join OKKO and bring my shitpost with me
fucking why , why even start the thread like that?
Nah. How about you make some constructive posts instead of shitting your pants all the time?
Except I didn't start this thread.
I just wanted to start a ko thread with some art I thought was cute. God help me for thinking Sup Forums could ever have fun.
>I just wanted to start a ko thread with some art I thought was cute.
The problem is that you used SU crossover art, that's why Sup Forums is pissed with you.
>Sup Forums is one person
But it's just a drawing.
>wow last thread people shit on that /sug/ art
>wew better start this thread with that bait picture and SU reference XDDD
Nigger is not the art and you know it
i'm gonna try to do more and more often
im gonna do one or two requests. no gifs, just regular doodles
The name of a CUTE ship
Shadowy Figure buying some smokes at the bodega and sweating as KO looks at him suspiciously?
man, half of he main cast are robots and you asked for the faceless guy kek
Ernesto throwing coffee at Darrel.
Robots are neat but I prefer organic things you know? But really thanks Dinklebop I love it, especially the dead enid.
>file deleted
i noticed something
robots are one of my fav things to draw
i forgot to color ko's wristbands
Foxtail in a tight black dress, ready for a date
That Enid is cute.
Why would potato do this to colewort ?
draw steamborg making manly poses
enid is big mood
No, Coleworst is for cucking and suicide
I want to make Foxtail a nice dinner
it was an accident.
poor darrell :(
What did they mean by this
is K.O. cute?
>no one ships silver spark and foxtail
this is a disgrace. theyre perfect
Have the new shorts been MEGAed in 1080p yet?
Cause greyman and spark is a better ship, baka
not the other guy
Got a blog dude?
laserspark is the best nothing can compare but seriously
MMA fighter + wrestler and there is NO art of them together?? they'd be so cute im disgraced
galaxy-confetti m8
Why would anyone break the smile of colewort, just look at him hes precious.
Cucking colewort is worst than murder
Shut the fuck up Coleworst
>that edit
10/10 user
t. Colewort
let's hope that's the last time you smile again you piece of shit
are those the weapons in that pipe
i was doing that one too. there was too much contrast with the black dress, hope this one is k
what meme-ass
I have ascended, you are a blessing
>thread becomes a general
>thread rolls out self-contained meme shit
Great. What good outcome this was, for us all.
Blood Stone
>dress barely able to fit over her thighs
>smaller male to snu snu later
Pic related, it's me at my meat.
Oops clicked post too fast
Meant to post this
Why isnt there more love for these characters in these threads. This show is full of cute girls
I've drawn all of these but Cosma and Shy Ninja
thats what happens when all the posters are from /sug/ :)
>not liking new art
Stop whining about artists taking requests and either draw some content you want yourself or make a post to spark discussion if it buttblasts you so much that people aren't talking about what you want to talk about.
That they're good friends user
Will you lewd foxtail just like you'd lewd rose dinkle?
God I hope so
Could you give us a link to your stash
I've drawn for OK KO threads before and /sug/ needs to get the fuck out.
Would you lewd a robot?
>arm flailing
I don't believe you, put your art where your mouth is buddy, otherwise you're just whinging.
Oh fuck off with your "/sug/ has cooties" bullshit, people can enjoy more than one show.
I think galaxy has drawn three of those characters before, I know she lewded up the dog character
/sug/ is a mentality, numbnuts
So anything that isn't just discussion about canon is /sug/?
I love galaxy version of barista, shes so adorable
I want to rub that melon head
rub the melon and get good luck
probably. i don't know
Why do they love Boxman so much if they're only made to be sent and get beaten by the plaza?
I hope you do, your work is amazing!
What has Gar falling into despair Sup Forums?
thanks user
just drew this, hope it gets some mileage.