>Every person is born with one special talent, always knows what it is before the age of 20, and always enjoys doing the thing they're talented for.
>If you feel like you're bad at everything, it's just because you haven't found your special talent yet.
No, it's not just one currently-airing show that has this message, I remember seeing it since the 90s.
Lies perpetuated by cartoons
well, it's true. don't tell me you haven't found your special talent yet, you must be broken or something.
Being a cynical piece of shit doesn't make you a better person OP, it just makes you even more worthless.
people with no talent are people that just gave up too early searching
also sometimes you are talented in things you don't like
Being smart means being more likely to be cynical and depressed.
I'm smart?
Kinda like a Cutie Mark? Is that it? You are looking for your Cutie Mark, user?
t. blank flank
Most people got no talent and a lot of people are simply bad at everything.
Some of us are dumb, some of us are weak, some of us are ugly and some are all 4 things and more
The truth is that most of us are not special in anyway and got no relevant quality, but that's okay you don't need to be good at anything, you don't need to be special.
You ponifags are surely autistic.
What did you expect?
Fuck off.
Good ol' Fox News.
This is pissing me off.
You’ll get that butt-tat someday, OP. Keep believing.
Well did you think they were going to tell kids the truth of growing up?
>Alright kids listen up
>most of you will end up in debt and working at a dead end job that you kinda hate, If youre lucky you might find someone to spend your shitty life with
>out of 20 kids in this classroom, only 1 of you Might be worth something in the future. But even then you probably wont succeed.
>oh and cut that being shy shit out before reaching high school, being shy at anypoint during and after is very likely to screw you up in the long run.
Iunno about you but most people dont really like being told how worthless they are in the grand scheme of things. So of course they teach you lies so you can atleast be somewhat happy
>"undercover I'm depressed feel bad for me Sup Forums" thread
Go fuck yourself.
I wish someone would have told me that rather than trying to convince me that I could be anything I wanted.
Setting some realistic expectations would have saved me a lot of wasted time and money.
That's not really a cartoon specific thing. It's more just an indicator that your characters are one-dimensional. A good story about someone striving to hone some skill should show the internal struggles of them trying to figure out what they really want out of it.
Be yourself.
that meme gets old fast since most that have high IQs tend to be happy smug bastards
Probably, but again, it's just safer to have them believe theyre the master of their destiny rather than risk making a young teenager, who's anxious about the world with fluctuating hormones depressed and whatnot.
I suppose it would be better to tell kids that there are other options than ,"go to college and you'll be successful no matter what you major in. follow yer dreems!" In hindsight I shouldve went to trade school and taken some apprenticeships.
Look up the sad socrates effect. Most slightly above average people are smug, most geniuses are very modest, and most sub-genius super-normie people are messes because they have a conflicting senses of a relatively normie worldview and the cosmic worthlessness geniuses have without the introspective element.
Fuck off you sad sack.
when will fucking Sup Forums brainlets realize that being a black pilled faggot is infinitely worse than being unrealistically optimistic?
Like seriously, what does sitting and crying about how you'll never be a genius/prodigy actually accomplish?
For the love of God, this.
Biggest lie in history DESU.
It would probably help you if you actually tried at something, though.
It's not that bad advice unless you're actually messed up. If you spend all your time trying to pretend to be something else you'll end up surrounded by people you can't connect with.
The trick is to improve yourself to a point where "yourself" is somebody people want to associate with.
If nothing matters and you can't fix it then you have no responsibility.
If everything matters and you can fix it but refuse too, then you are ruining your own life everyday you don't face your fears.
It's not a lie so much as just poor answer to a bigger idea.
You need to be honest to yourself and what you are. You should only put up as much of a front that is needed, never going past that. That's where most fuck up, they create something they are not, and it works for a short time but then it all comes crashing down on heavy days where keeping up the act is to much. You should never change yourself into something you don't want to be and that might come at the cost of losing things you wanted but in the end being something you don't want to be has real no reward in life, you will be found out and suffer twice as worse for it, more so in dating.
"be yourself" don't be too agreeable and spin in your head that you should be happy someone stole your bike.
Not exactly. The whole "be yourself" lesson is valid because if you put up so much of a front that you find it hard to keep up the act and/or get deep into something you really dont want then when you drop the act either by accident or on purpose then it's going to get bad.
The problem is most shows simply stop there when there's more to it. If you "be yourself" but it's not something that you or anyone else desires then that doesn't mean you just sit there and go "oh well...". No, you go and improve yourself. to the point where being yourself makes you somebody people want to associate with.
Like, you cant be a huge asshole and go "well, I'm just being myself" when people get mad at you. You should probably stop being an asshole.
>ITT: first world problems
WHo the fuck give a fuck about being "special" or "good"? The most important thing is: feed yourself and your family, doing what you like is a bonus, being the best don't fucking matter.
Comparing yourself to others is not healthy, is not logical we are all born with a potential, we can be the best possible we can possibly be but being better than others is not your choice, is pure luck.
>WHo the fuck give a fuck about being "special" or "good"?
Those of us in the first world, my man.
We don't exactly have legitimate problems because we can solve those pretty easily, but somebody somewhere convinced us all that we should not be happy with ourselves. So really, our only problem which shouldn't even be a problem is figuring out our self-worth.
Some of us are just not satisfied with simply living. nah we gotta figure out why we're here and what's our purpose. And the way I see it, that's only a problem when you have everything else rather than a legitimate problem to struggle with.
>is not logical
We're human. Of course you should fight the thoughts of comparing yourself to others, but it's in no way surprising that it still happens even when survival is no longer an issue.
Ah but if being a huge asshole is who you are, at your very core, wouldn't trying to stop being a huge asshole be abandoning who you are? At what point is it you trying to be a better person and/or trying to become something you are not?
It's not supposed to mean accepting you're a piece of shit if you are one. It's about not pretending to be something you aren't, which is objectively bad as it causes cognitive dissonance and unnecessary stress trying to maintain a persona.
If you're unhappy with yourself, actually try to change it. People always see right through charades and it makes you look pathetic.
Jesus, this is just pathetic.
yep, I'm bad at fucking everything and the only reason I haven't killed myself is because I've accepted my mediocrity.
>Some of us are just not satisfied with simply living. nah we gotta figure out why we're here and what's our purpose.
So you gotta waste your life after a subjective question without a definitive answer, you're here because your parents didn't used a condom.
Hell Yes the fuck I am my dude, because nobody taught me how to find value in myself. That's my one character flaw and probably the same for a few other anons on here.
For me to say I am a person worth being acknowledged for whatever reason would be like if I walked around with an undeserved sense of accomplishment and paraded it around as fact.
Sure I may have the nicest family and friends on the block but I cannot for the life of me understand why they would waste their time with someone undeserving as me when there are clearly better things or better people they could be tending to. So nah, gotta make sure I earn their kindness by being somebody worth befriending/giving birth too.
Makes a shitload of sense why the only time I ever feel remotely good about myself is when I can safely shit on others whom I believe are lower than me.
people reject your message user
they hate you because you tell them the truth
You look like a big fucking dildo, Uncomfortable Truthasaurus.
>rabbits love carrots
>cats love milk
carrots are poisonous for rabbits and milk gives cats diarrhea since they're lactose intolerant.
So is this user trying to beat his chest and pretend he is somehow partially to be given credit for blacks getting civil rights?
What a crock of shit. The US has garbage for social programs, ghettos out the ass, and war on drugs policies thay target the poor and black specifically for further disenfranchisement. There's plenty of reason for blacks from poor families to still be poor here.
>any special talents
Unless they're criminal special talentes I find it hard to buy. (although niggers suck even at crime, so that joke doesn't even work)
Seems like Uncomfortable Truthsaurus denies something too.
>tries to be cynical and realistic
>uses the talent meme
I think what you mean is most people are either unlucky or lazy, god forbid you are both.
But user, the special talent was inside you all along! You just couldn't see it.
It's extraordinary self-defeatism
>tfw one of the unlucky ones who are bad at literally everything
Put down your copy of Fight Club and go outside.
this but unironically.
We reject your law, Murphy.
>tfw dad said to be anything i want as long as i'm good at it
>even said I could be an illustrator or make comics
>that's exactly what I do now.
I chose that at 11 yrs old. Spent my teenage years see most of my friends be aimless and take on career paths because "why not". It was always weird.
DWK, go back to /mlp/
Go to sleep, Rumble. You can still be a Wonderbolt in the future.
I thought that was bullshit too. I somehow made it to 30 without developing any marketable skills. I blame autism and videogames.
Shit had to get pretty fucking bad before I was fed up with it enough to try anything. I was like "What are my assets? What do I even have?"
At that time I was homeless, living under a tarp shelter I made in the woods. I realized the one thing I had in abundance was misery.
The thing about art is, it can be anything that provokes a strong emotion. Even negative ones. I mean shit, how many good happy songs are there compared to the number of classic sad songs?
If you've had strong emotions, and can figure out a way to package and sell it in a reproducible format for other people to experience, you're in business.
In my case I wrote about it. I never took more than one writing class, I have no idea why I was any good at it. I think just because the feelings were authentic and I knew I'd done a good job if reading my own work made me cry.
I was met with almost immediate success. The reactions were all good right away, all I had to do was build an audience. It took less than five years before writing was paying all my bills, and bought me a car.
Supposedly that's rare. Even most acclaimed authors were only recognized and became famous after their deaths. In most cases because they only wanted to keep writing, not to do any self promotion or networking.
Anyway, if I can do it anybody can. Take inventory of what you've got to sell people. It doesn't have to be anything tangible. Anything at all which elicits a strong emotional response is possible to monetize.
I like writing because it makes me happy. Does that mean I'll never make it big?
I'll still do it because it's fun, but will it be able to pay my bills?
You can't be a nihilist and consider a life wasted
If you do a good job of capturing the feeling you're trying to. Then people who want to feel that way will buy your books.
>My Hero Academia
Oh well, I won't know until someone reads my work then.
Isn't the main character of that given a talent because he lacks his own? That seems to have the opposite message to me unless you count bravery or what ever as a talent.
There is no such thing as romance, period. Just horny retards trying to justify themselves being animals.
I went outside. Shit sucks there.
What if being useless is a special talent in itself? Like hitting a leaf node in the search algorithm which is existence. Maybe it's not meant to lead anywhere but at least it stopped there.
That fourth greentext is actually good and necessary advice. Shyness is a horrible defect and a total turn off; no one likes shy people.
Technically when you like something you do it a lot and thus become good at it. The only limitation is sort because of DNA and age. But for trivial things it's perfectly valid.
It's not Murphy's Law. Its the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which is science and thus unquestionable truth.
Millions of people write stuff every day, every second. Your best bet is to spot market trends and pander the shit out of a demographic. I don't know what's "in", but I hear that YA novels are dead.
The message is: people without superior skills are worthless chaff that no one will notice they exist. Period.
I'd like to write something creepy, but which kids can also read.
Because it most stories that involve 'be yourself', the person faking it wants to be popular or well liked but they're trying so hard to be something they're not that people can see right through them and/or they toss away the friends they had who were fine with how they really were for new people. When they stop it turns out that they're still pretty decent as a person and learn their lesson, they just have some nerdy hobby or whatever.
If you're an asshole, sure you can be an asshole but at the same time you can't sit there and wonder why people dont want to put up with you
>falling for the IQ meme
globalism enslavement working so much better than expected, damn.
I think YA novels are dead because they never really connected with the youth. Many of them were about young people in dystopias for the power fantasy.
I dunno about you, but I've managed to find happiness in my mediocrity. I'll spend my whole life without producing anything that's worth an inkling of attention, and instead I'll consume as much media made by actually talented people as I possibly can. I've made peace with myself and I'll be content and satisfied.
Why won't you join my creed?
Actually, in that currently-airing show the white horse doesn't really enjoy doing what she's talented for and works in an entirely different field.
But yeah, still the message is there as well as in countless other products for kids, and it's really bad, cause it leads to kids thinking that they only need to learn just this one thing they think they were born for.
what if that's his special talent?
>tomboy girls like the nerdy guy
>vegetables taste terrible
May as well.
When you're born with a disability, and your family blames you for not overcoming it no matter how hard you try and treat you like burden, and your peers ostracize you, and you can't find work, and you fail at suicide - twice - I mean, where else there is to go? It's either this or give into hopelessness, and the latter wasn't doing me much good anyhow.
I'm in.
>>vegetables taste terrible
but that's true. at best they taste like nothing at all.
Welcome aboard. Might I ask what your disability is?
Tomatoes and sweet peppers taste great.
Carrots are fucking delicious.
Tomatoes taste like dirty water.
Thing is it happens specifically when survival is not an issue. We have nothing else to stress us out so we imagine problems, because the human condition craves struggle apparently.
Maybe they weren't prepared properly. In my experience it's a lot easier to fuck up veggies than, say, meat. Or it could be a matter of taste. I hated them (with a few exceptions) until my late teens, then I suddenly loved then. Rutabaga is still shit, though.
Carrots are water sticks unless they're old and dried out, then they reveal their vile, slightly bitter true nature.
>Some of us are dumb (1)
>some of us are weak (2)
>some of us are ugly (3)
>and some are all 4 things
I'm going to assume you're at least the first thing
It must be so sad to be those people.
Presumably being untalented is the first item.
>be an artfag everyone says is talented and have an industry job
>only really got into it cause its the first thing I was good at
>really just want to get a medical school degree and an engineering degree and vivisect roadkill and make frankensteins for scientific research
Various mental illnesses. Not so bad that I can't function, but it does make day-to-day life very difficult.
Why's it so important to be special? Can't we just...live and be happy?
I'm sorry to hear that, user. You should focus on making yourself as happy as you possibly can, given the circumstances.