>Marvel releases a Squadron Supreme movie.
>It's received better than JL.
Post your feels when.
>Marvel releases a Squadron Supreme movie.
>It's received better than JL.
Post your feels when.
>Disney Squadron Supreme movie
>Nighthawk is Black because Supreme Power but is a racist but isn't portrayed as fucked up
>Whizzer is a White beta who gets bullied until he changes his name to the Blur
>Zarda is BADASS action grrl who don't need no man
>Hyperion is Black because gingers aren't allowed in cape flicks
>no NWO
>no cancer
>no B-Mod
>20 quips a minute
I'm not a Mousecuck so this would be even worse than what the DCEU's done to the Fourth World.
Only if we get this Nighthawk.
Squadron Sinister is better
Doubt it
Look I get it you thought Justice League would've been the one, but you can't be a faggot to the MCU because of the DCEU sucking.
Not that hard though,getting a better top score and average rating than Wonder Woman is MCU only challenge, that's the only victory DCEU had over MCU so far.
>I'm not a Mousecuck
No you're clearly a faggot spouting off every fake stereotype about the MCU.
wrong pic
>but you can't be a faggot to the MCU
>while being a faggot to the DCEU
What he mean by that?
What victory? Spidey still beat it at the box office.
Wonder Woman had a bigger profit
No it didn't
Here's Wonder Woman's lifetime gross
And here's Homecoming's
Homecoming had bigger budget and advertisement, also you're goal posting, Wonder Woman was better received than Spiderman and Thor, that's a victory by itself
>also you're goal posting,
No I said Spider-Man beat it at the box office and it did.
>Wonder Woman was better received than Spiderman and Thor, that's a victory by itself
No it wasn't they all have 92% on RT which means they did the same critically.
Honestly? I'd much rather have a show based on their original series and Supreme Power.
Start with the Squadron mopping up after whatever conflict happened to wreck the world and have them proceed to implement the Utopia Plan.
Use flashbacks to fill in character origins with material from Supreme Power and slowly reveal how things went wrong.
Should be enough to make at least two solid seasons on Netflix or something.
Sup Forums? is that you?
>It took Spider-Man (Featuring Iron Man) to beat Wonder Woman
Why is this something to brag about?
Oh yeah, just like how that shitty Squadron Supreme comic book was well received, right?
Marveldrones, you never learn...
>Not that hard though,getting a better top score and average rating than Wonder Woman is MCU only challenge
What, like this?
The avengers also has bigger average score with the same 92% approval, btw.
Too much effort, too risky in case people don't love it since it doesn't pander to the lowest common denominator.
Not gonna happen, ever.
>mfw when normies start to complain that Superman is a Hyperion knock-off
Oh come on that's just hurtful.
Of course it is. But with things as they are there's nothing left to do but laugh about it.
Nice to see faggots can still try to twist shit around, I said Wonder Woman, Spider-Man and Thor did the same critically but I guess when you're losing an argument there's nothing like making stuff up.
Yeah because the critical reception of the comics definitely means something, that's why MoS, BvS, Suicide Squad, and Justice League were all well received right?
Oh wait...
at this point they could make a Malibu Comics Universe and launch it with Prime and it would probably be better received than JL even though JL wasn't that bad
Mildly unsurprised
Homecoming literally deleted Uncle Ben from the narrative because Disney wants happy happy fun fun
Already had one Malibu character in Ragnarok. Not all that outlandish
did we really need to see him dying a third time?
No they didn't mention uncle Ben because this was the third reboot and everyone kept bitching that they didn't want a rehash of Spidey's origin again.
And are you seriously telling me a Spider-Man movie shouldn't be happy and fun? Because if so you are a fucking moron.
>Already had one Malibu character in Ragnarok.
Who? I don't even know the Malibu characters so I almost definitely missed it.
Topaz, the bitch that was with Grandmaster all the time.
No, only DC movies have budgets and marketing. In fact, Marvel movies' gross should be multiplied by 2.5 to determine their real profitability.