I have a 3 year old and I want to introduce her to Fosters. Do you think I should? I've actually never watched it...

I have a 3 year old and I want to introduce her to Fosters. Do you think I should? I've actually never watched it, but it looks like a nice, innocent show about kids bonding with their imaginary friends and seems like the kind of show with morals and educational value. She really likes Barney, Sesame Street, Anything Mickey Mouse Related, Blue's Clues, Bear in the Big Blue House, Winnie the Pooh, Jungle Cubs, and Mister Rogers if you're wondering.

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She also loves Doc McStuffins and PAW Patrol

Heads up not a parent.

Still, as someone who loves Fosters and grew up with it, don’t be fooled by appearance — it may have friendship as a central focus but it’s not explicitly an edutainment show. It’s a comedy so none of characters are really role models per se, expect maybe Frankie and Wilt.

It’s rated TV-Y7 anyway, and that’s a fair assessment, some of the humor can be a bit rude for a 3 year old but fine for 7+.

TLDR: great show outside of a few legit terrible episodes, but wait till your daughters a bit older.

>3 year old

that narrows it down greatly

No (it's not suitable for a child that age)

try Pete's Dragon (the original movie, not the recent one), 90s MLP, Care Bears

oh shit, i forgot.

Fluppy Dogs, Enchanted Elm Forest, the strawberry shortcake cartoon movies from like the 70s or something (with the purple pie man from porcupine peak as the villain), Rainbow Brite movie, and the Fantastic Adventures of Unico even though the villain is for older kids to understand completely

Railway Dragon, Rupert the bear (that one 13 minute video where the frogs all sing "we all stand together"), i remember hearing about Babar a lot but i only saw the first few episodes, Reading Rainbow, the original Magic School Bus, Bump In the Night...

some of these might be too advanced but if she can't understand them then just save them for later

Remember not to show her spongebob
It's a scientific fact it makes kids stupid

Show her Phineas and Ferb; it has bright colorful artwork, slapstick, songs, and plenty of references and jokes to make it worthwhile for adults to watch too along with some good messages about being creative and trying new things.

Have her watch George shrinks (pbs), Wishbone (pbs) or silver spoon ( the anime about agriculture school) ( i forget if this has any fanservice or language in it)
Most important of all be sure to preview all things your daughter watches by yourself to be aware of what you want to avoid and promote.

Too many cartoons ( especially in west) don't have a plot and if they do the main character just kind of idles around or is gifted with the knowledge of how to do something already. They don't show the main character struggling to become something that is actually real ( like a movie producer, scientist, supportive and responsible boyfriend/father, a good employee, or a businessman).
It h
Just seems to me that if you don't want your children to become Sup Forums anti-social autists you should spend the first years of their lives making sure they connect with real world like things and concepts ( even if these are cartoons.

But take this with a grain of salt and dont go by me because I don't have kids.

in that case, gumball too

> gumball
Are you insane?
Gumball is on an equal level of annoyance/disobedience as bloo from fosters

Show yer kid snow white or cinderella and banish paw patrol

or buy her a book

Yep, it's a bit too meanspirited.

No show her Wander Over Yonder instead

Mr Rogers is the best children's television program in history and is my hero

The man has done so much for mankind an it's children both on and off screen.

>I've actually never watched it, but it looks like a nice, innocent show about kids bonding with their imaginary friends and seems like the kind of show with morals and educational value.

This isn't true at all unfortunately. After the movie, the series itself goes downhill. Everyone in the show except Bloo turns into a pretentious fuck. Bloo is the only decent character since he's the closest you'll get to a PG Cartman.

It's more creative than other cartoons of it's era, but you can find the same level of creativity in more modern cartoons like Adventure Time or most of the new Disney cartoons that keep coming out.

Sarah and duck

This user speaks the truth. Try VB instead.


The faggots here got it down wrong. You shouldn't show your child ANY cartoons whatsoever, if you want to be remembered as a good parent who didn't fuck up your daughter's attention span. Read her a book instead, literacy is something almost moribund this generation (let alone the next).

Since when is literacy moribund? Just because people aren't reading books every moment of their lives doesn't mean that books are dying. But yeah I agree that OP should read books to his kid and avoid cartoons until she's older.

Your daughteru isn't real user.

Kids these days read more books than any other generation, children's literature has never been more richer and diverse in genre and topics.

>Sarah and duck
Patrician's taste.

Show her Jelly Jamm nigga, that shit is good.
