Memes aside what did you think of the Nolanverse ? Should Nolan have helmed the DCEU?
Memes aside what did you think of the Nolanverse ? Should Nolan have helmed the DCEU?
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Second movie was best. Vilans were great but Batman himself was shit and ridiculously fake.
The Dark Knight, and the trilogy as a whole, remains the best superhero movie series of all time. Thats an objective fact. Not a single superhero movie released since has come close to TDK on any level (inb4 some says Winter Soldier or some other nonsense)
That being said, Nolan is not the right person for an entire DC Universe. I still think he should be consulted though - because he does understand characters and storytelling.
False. BB was the superior movie. It's objectively true, get over it.
Best capeshit trology yet
And no simply because Nolan was tired of superhero movies, he's a history fanboy, that's his passion right now, you can see that he loved doing Dunkirk
But if I had to choose I would rather see a butthurt Nolan making DCEU movies than fucking "superman is a broken character" sucker punch director Hack Snyder
Nolan never made a bad movie in his life while Snyder never made a good movie in his life.
I think Nolan's great for Batman, but probably not for most DC characters
>Should Nolan have helmed the DCEU?
Fuck no, he ruined Man of Steel, everything wrong with the DCEU is his fault
I loved all the movies. TDKR wasn't that great but i could still go back and watch it and enjoy myself. Begins is my favorite but I can see why TDK is so highly rated.
The series seemed to have a dislike for the more straight faced supernatural side of the Batman lore, so I don't think the people behind it would want to handle the rest of the DCEU even if they could.
Sure Chris worked on MoS with Goyer and Snyder, and immediately disappeared after, so we know how all that turned out.
Also, you should be asking should the NolanS have helmed etc, because Jonathan was on screenplay for 2/3rds of the series.
Snyder didn't follow his ideas so his work as producer was pretty pointless, he was against Superman killing and wanted to completelly replace the ending, however snyder took complete control.
on MCU when Feige think that something is wrong Disney changes.
Begins was great
Dark Knight was overrated due to Ledger's death
Rises was shit.
Begins and Dark Knight were good
Rises was hilariously bad
Double edged sword. It worked for Batman.
Then Ledger got them an Emmy, so suddenly they just HAD to apply the style to everything else, hoping and praying that lightning will strike twice. And thats why the DCEU is a clusterfuck.
Scarecrow in BB was a nice side character. Shame he wasn't used that much.
And Nolan is a meme master for giving us the plane scene.
>Should Nolan have helmed the DCEU?
What good was in MOS seemed to be because of his involvement, but I don't think he'd take the project even if you offered it to him.
>le movies that got better reviews and better box office and better home video sales and better word of mouth than Nolan's films are actually worse because I say so meme
Nolan doesn't really understand people. Superman also does not fit into Nolanverse. He's way too fantastical and his sheer existence would render Batman not as an equal, but a failed dumbass.
Also his use of actresses are awful.
He would've butchered wonder woman so hard.
Thanks to media overrating ledger's performance in TDK and many fans jumping on that bandwagon coupled with baneposting I have never and will never watch TDKR.
It followed the formula set by the Raimi Spider-Man trilogy where you have two conventionally good films followed by a schlock masterpiece that's entertaining for entirely different reasons
No, nigger. Nolan's grimdark bullshit is what caused the DCEU to eat shit. Movies based on these characters suffer for being too serious/edgy/bleak.
DCEU's problem is that Zack Snyder is a moron, who's good at making good scenes but has no understanding of making good characters or plot.
Snyder only did 300 well because he didn't stray from the source material and the source material was so shallow that it was impossible to fuck up narratively.
C'mon Boco
>He think box office sale, shitty reviews and people's shitty opinion is what makes a better movie
It definitely kept things interesting with the hyper realism with altered common sense, in general, all the movies were extremely enjoyable and they had a decent amount of scenes that hyped you up
Dark Knight Rises was the third worst DC movie after Batman & Robin and Justice League, so no
I didn't like the Joker in it, which is such a problem I could never have got behind the nolanverse.
Felt more like a generic post-911 terrorist than the good joker antics. Scarecrow was alright though.
The general atmosphere, the coldness and "realism" of Batman worked really well with Nolan's strengths as a director. He has his own distinct style and it worked well with Batman in his own new story. I really don't think Nolan's signature style would work well with the rest of DC.
Actually, I think this is the same problem with Snyder. Snyder has a really great unique style to his stuff that makes for a cool Batman, but it just doesn't fit with the rest of the heroes.
>Finally, after all these years, Batman Begins!
Sent the DVD back to Warner Bros. because of that line.
>what did you think
technically competent crap is still shit
>memes aside
you have no movie then, the whole point of the movie was to embed references into society
Despite the missteps of the third movie it was definitely the best superhero trilogy. Cap comes in second in that regard.
I think Nolan could pull it off but the problem is the NOT MUH that would be screamed regardless. The MCU showed that you can get away with anything as long as you are competent and hide behind jokes and lighthearted action.
Not as good as Burton's films. Thank god he didn't get to make the third one, or he would've fucked it up too.
>Should Nolan have helmed the DCEU?
He once did and look where it lead us.
For some reason, the more i rewatch TDKR, the more i like it.
On the contrary, i liked the fuck out of Watchmen when the movie came out, but rewatching it now, i notice more and more flaws and general bullshit in it.
>Superman also does not fit into Nolanverse. He's way too fantastical and his sheer existence would render Batman not as an equal, but a failed dumbass.
Not even because of that. Nolan's Wayne did all Batman thing because he wanted to become a symbol to inspire people and scare the criminalls. Superman in Nolan universe will just make him obsolete.
They're really not my kind of movies, turned me off Nolan entirely, despite Goyer probably being responsible for a lot of my issues with the movie. But I gotta admit they seemed to resonate with other people so I can't say they're bad.
I got a lot of not muh with it: I don't particularly care for the entire League of Assassins thing or how it played into his origin, in fact I don't care at all about how Batman learned his skillset, I also like my Batman to smile and make me hopeful sometimes (no, that's not just a Superman thing), I like my Joker to not pontificate about his motivation (especially when his motivation can't be boiled down to a twisted sense of showmanship, pic related), I like my Catwoman to not have the face of a sweet 10 year old, I like my Gotham to look a little anachronistic and weird rather than a normal as fuck 21st century city, ...
Objectively they succeed in lots of aspects but fail laughably at others, notably fight scenes which is kind of a big thing in cape movies. Another thing is people liking the Joker more than Batman, that's imo a failure as a movie when you tell the story of a madman failing, and people want to emulate him. They just didn't make Batman cool, likable or even personable enough, so faggots rooted for the edgiest Joker yet to apppeat on film.
Almost nobody in these movies feels human to me (Dent being a notable exception, probably the performance), they just do things and say things because the script says so, and since I'm not particularly into the things they do and say, I just get bored.
>Felt more like a generic post-911 terrorist than the good joker antics.
Or a pre 9/11 one even. His speeches and apparent motivations about society getting too comfortable reminded me of the villain in True Lies (a time when we didn't understand shit about Islamic terrorism).
>Not a single superhero movie released since has come close to TDK on any leve
>what is Logan
I wasn't even that huge of a fan of it (I never liked wolverine and didn't watch X-Men growing up, so it didn't have much emotional impact), but it definitely has a lot of merit.
>especially when his motivation can't be boiled down to a twisted sense of showmanship, pic related
They can though.
He specifically robbed the mob and bought a gaudy suit to show skill and callous indifference to expense as long as it makes a first impression.
Setups the IED phone signal thing for a punchline, mind the phone part isn't the gag since it makes sense to use a wireless signal to detonate an explosive from safe distance, the gag is he escapes confinement but makes a point to take his hostage and put himself in front of the other cops, in range of the explosion, so they all witness the gag. He could have just left and triggered the thing without a word.
He wait to burn the money in front of Chechen to make another bit about only lighting his half, with the mob's above it and therefore fated to burn too.
With the mob gone he shows his true colors and calls in to tell Gotham to manhunt NotRiddler because he doesn't see why he should have all the fun and wants participants.
The list goes on.
I don't think there's much of anything Joker did that wasn't for amusement or an audience. He basically says in interrogation that despite what he let people think, which is part of the act, he doesn't want to kill Batman, because Batman provides an excuse to make crooks think Joker's antics are necessary no matter how bizarre, and admits, with visible disdain from the boredom the very idea of normalcy brings him, the reason for said antics are just because he is not content with going back to a performance with amateurs like mob dealers, and wants the entertainment that only escalation from opposing the far more resourced, rebellious and determined Batman brings compared to conventional cops and crooks, who will fail or fold when things get too much.
You don't have to like him, but the idea he wasn't the Joker is only a sign of people who conflate the reception of the character with the actual character.
He has a sense of showmanship, but it's not his core motivation, or if it is it really didn't come off that way to me. He wants to make people feel insecure, he wants to challenge social norms and manipulate individuals' emotions and morals, he relates to people more like a polemyst or a guru than a clown to me. And yeah those are entertainers too in a way, they want to catch your attention and your awe, but entertainment isn't their endgame.
>but the idea he wasn't the Joker is only a sign of people who conflate the reception of the character with the actual character.
That's the stupidest argument. A character that is perceived wrong is written wrong.
Selina would probaly be part of the Justice League.
I am ok with that.
>A character that is perceived wrong is written wrong.
overrated. batman begins was pretty good, the dark knight was alright, and rises was absolute garbage.
i don't think nolan should have helmed the dceu because he's all about muh gritty realism and that doesn't work for superheroes who are superhuman and/or batman.
i meant not batman
One good Batman movie.
One alright crime action thriller with a guy dressed as Batman in it.
One total shit heap of a let down that had zero redeeming qualities.
A story is responsible for making its audience feel the way it intended to make them feel.
If you make a movie that tries to make people hate hiking and your audience comes out thinking hiking is pretty cool, you've failed.
>but muh stupid audiences
is a constant, you have to work with that parameter, especially when you make blockbusters.
Worse than Steel, Catwoman, Jonah Hex, Green Lantern, Superman Returns?
Really you're going to go with Returns instead of Quest for Peace or Supergirl?
I mean those too. i wasn't trying to be comprehensive
NolanBats was too grounded in reality to ever be a viable Justice League member. Worse than that, he was just plain weak. He wasn’t an inventor. He wasn’t an engineer. He had no other suits than the ones Morgan Freeman gave him. He quit being Batman TWICE.
Fuck that.
>NolanBats was too grounded in reality to ever be a viable Justice League member
>He wasn’t an inventor. He wasn’t an engineer.
Not so much. He reads up on the documents for his R&D department's projects to know what he needs Fox to do bulk of work on. Bruce does analysis, tests and minor modifications of his own, he just doesn't get occupied with more since he needs to focus elsewhere.
Lucius was the innovator of ideas outside conventional, practical equipment so Bruce didn't have to wake up in the middle of the night and figure out designs for the microwave gun or cell phone sonar, which Bruce modified later, without prior background in fringe technology.
TDKR even finishes with Fox learning that Bruce had resolved a programming problem in the Batwing Lucius was having trouble with.
Qutting Batman when he did was also sensible since the movies made it a point that Bruce was persistent but wasn't blissfully stubborn in the hopes the narrative would just let the main character win eventually, he was self-aware of what his actions lead to, because of where all his problems stemmed from. Forcing Rachel to chase him lead to his chiroptophobia, which then forced his parents to follow his lead out the cinema, which lead to Chill.
That's just why he started second guessing his impulsiveness and fear though, the reason he becomes Batman is because Falcone laughs in his face when he sees Bruce doesn't understand how they control him and others. So Bruce goes to learn what criminals are to become what they fear and bla bla. When Joker and Bane ignore or see through the theatrics though, it makes sense to re-evaluate what the getup and method are even achieving. With both, doubling down just gave them leverage.
Batman Begins is my favorite capeshit movie of all time, TDK is fantastic too, and TDKR is a step down from the previous one but Sup Forums memes aside it was still a great movie.
the nuke was retarded though
A Nolan cinematic universe probably wouldn't have been great though
The author is dead. The intent of the author is irrelevant. Stories take on a life of their own completely independent from the original intentions of the creators. I really don't care if the creator wanted me to hate hiking, if I enjoyed the cool hiking story than that story is a success regardless of the creator's intent.
>The author is dead. The intent of the author is irrelevant.
Then all that's left is how the audience perceives the movie, the audience can't really perceive the movie wrong, that's my point.
>if I enjoyed the cool hiking story than that story is a success regardless of the creator's intent.
Sure, but my original argument is that audiences enjoyed the Joker as a psycho anarcho-nihilist or whatever, and user went "ackshully that's a misconception about the character".
Some movies also make it hard to entirely disassociate author intent too because they have dissonances, like Scarface is clearly plotted like a cautionary tale, but the characterization glorifies Tony way too much (and makes everyone else seem like failures or pussies) for it to work. And I think the same thing sort of happened with the Joker TDK.
When dissonances like that happen it doesn't make it a bad movie from an audience experience standpoint, but it makes it a failure from the moviemaker standpoint.
Christian Bale was a shit choice for Batman.
What is the problem with this scene? Also TDK rises was pretty good, not in TDK lvl but still above anything MCU so far.
Since silver age, Superman wanted to inspire hope and altruism, not scare criminals and impose justice.
So both are similar but not the same.
I enjoyed the Nolan movies but they weren't magical enough.
I mean it's the kinda universe that Joker would be a guy with makeup not a guy bleached in chemicals.
Could you imagine someone like Wonder Woman in Nolan Batman?
It was good but good for only a Batman centric universe. Superpowers don't work in it
You may argue about both films' artistic merits and objective quality as a whole but I think TWS accomplishes what it set out to do better than TDK did so it closes the gap between them. Yes, TDK elevated comic book movies as a medium but TWS managed to take the goofiest Avenger and create a compelling John Grisham/Metal Gear Solid style thriller around him that doesn't miss a beat. Everything in TWS basically works. It's right up there with Casino Royale in terms of action movies that don't let up and are just quality the entire way through. It definitely deserves the praise it gets. I was blown away by it the first time I saw it.
Sorry, Oscar-always get those confused.
Still the best Catwoman. Michelle Pfeiffer was so hot she might as well have had my dick on a leash.
Tell that to Alan Moore. I think he'd argue that he definitely failed at making vigilantism unappealing in the form of Rorschach. He's essentially a walking criticism of right-wing vigilantism and comic book readers fucking love him and take him at face value.
No he wasn't
They weren't good, especially that turd last one
I liked the movies a lot, but Batman looks and sounds retarded.
Hey, nu-Dawn of the Dead was great.
>Memes aside what did you think of the Nolanverse ?
Best cape-trilogy to ever happen. Yes even TDKR, cheesiness and CIA-aside it took the series' climax to some well-rounded ambitions.
>Should Nolan have helmed the DCEU?
I can't see Nolan doing outright-fantastical things like Krypton, Doomsday or legitimate super-powers in general without giving it some stiff treatment, so unfortunately no. Would've rather taken pre-Apocalypse Bryan Singer.
TDK was a masterpiece. I think I'm gonna go watch it later tonight.