I thought being big and burly was only a power fantasy for men, and no girl was actually attracted to guys like that?
DoA - Dumbing of Age
Fuck off Willis.
>thinking willis would ever leave his hugbox
You never noticed in anime how often the main girl starts dripping when she notices how broad the MC's back and shoulders have gotten over the past few years?
I was referring to this.
Wasn't this comic made by a man?
>made by a man?
Depends on how you define being a man
Thought all these were going to be posted as a weekly thing
Well, I meant at least of the male variety of humans.
Well, yeah, you leave your hugbox every day to spam your shitty comic on Sup Forums, and then keep bumping it when it hits page 10 due to lack of interest. Who do you think you're kidding with that shit? Fuck off.
That's an extremely unfortunate looking body in that last panel. I dunno anatomy well enough to know if it's proper or not, but my natural reaction is poor.
Joyce is a character from those "/fit/ goes back to the gym after New Year's" comics.
you seem to take a lot of personal investment into this thread, enough to even make up lies.
i-is that
So youre saying that a guy who is literally incapable of handing criticism of any kind is posting his work that he considers to be VERY serious business to a forum that he knows full well mocks and derides it?
He's not going to post anything where he cannot control the narrative.He's not going to set himself up for abuse, at least not knowingly. He's too much of a narcissist for that. He can't delete or ban anyone here.
So you can drop the whole "OP is Willis" shtick because it's literally impossible for him to.
Some of us enjoy making fun of Willis's shitty comic and are sad that the mods kinda cracked down on these theads for too much negativity and half killed them.
Oh, it's you again, desperately adding kindling to a dying fire. Who do you think you're fooling? At this point you're the only thing bumping threads up.
>I, a male comic writer, shall speak on behalf of women in regards to what they find attractive
ayy lmao
>females such as myself
Anybody got the Terry McGinnis edit?
Nah, Willis is a hermaphrodite, like all worms
>Joyce is becoming a coalburner
That's genuinely the only thing worse than her getting with Becky.
don't ever stop, yoto.
>little white girl wants the BBC
How original
I remember when I showed this to my lifemate ;she laughed her ass off, even moreso after I told her it was written by a dude.
This, x a million.
I hope they help spot her. Things might get dangerous if she doesn't know what she's doing.
>tfw you still ship JoycexJoe
I love this sort of spiteful, righteous fury. Sauce?
After a surgery, I started reading webcomics--as many as I could find--when I wasn't able to sleep. I looked at this comic about a woman who works at an abortion clinic amd ends up getting pregnant. I was pretty doped up on pain meds for weeks, so I couldn't pinpoint what my issues with it were. Turns out it was written by a dude.
I'm all for people having main characters with genders unlike their own. But people like Willis have absolutely no idea what it's like to be a woman. It bothers me that he tries to present himself as an authority on women when he just doesn't get it.
What was the name of the abortion clinic comic? it sounds familiar
I'm not yoto, but I second that sentiment.
This is.
New strip!
Also the main site is updating again.
It's "you're", not "your". I wouldn't mind so much, but you got it right in panel 4. I appreciate you just rattle these strips off, but taking an extra 30 seconds to do a quick proofreading would help a lot, imo
for what purpose?
I realise I'm the minority here, but I do like his stuff.
>not running multiple ships involving the same character so that no matter what happens you'll always be satisfied
I feel he's a bit like a worse version of Willis as a writer; there are moments of something that could interesting if developed with skill but the ball is always dropped.
I think his version of the Rapin' Ryan Party plot where the MC actually gets raped was the one time it actually functioned as a legit parody.
So you're the type of person who thinks marriage is oppressive, right?
I ship Joyce with like 5 (maybe 6) characters at this point.
I run JoycexJoe, Jacob, Dina, Sarah, Sal, Carla, and Becky.
I loved the whole sequence of these strips.
Me too, user... me too.
M... more?
People would probably hate you less if you kept it to a weekly thread, instead of literal daily spam.