>Best Thor was supposed to be in Thor Ragnarok
>Marvel Decided against it
>We will never get a movie about him
Best Thor was supposed to be in Thor Ragnarok
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You do know why they didnt use him?
They said cause they wouldnt do him justice with such a small role
Marvel knows the Bill is Best Thor
No user, a Jewish feminist the best Thor
gosh i love BRB
Who cares
The comic is right fucking there
Just read that
good thing neta lee hershlag dropped out of the MCU then
Good, they would have just spoiled the opportunity.
He's fine just being in the comics and as a small easter egg in the movie.
If a character can't be adapted into live action they slowly stop existing. See Martian Manhunter and Wally West. It's sad but true these days. Being in a Thor movie means he will never fade out of existence.
the comic doesnt fuck move now does it
No user, they move you.
So? Do you possess such a tiny insect brain that unless something is moving and flashing it can't stimulate your mind?
The comics will never stop existing. They've already been written.
What are his best issues? I want to read his shit but don't know where to start.
I came here to shitpost about best thor, not feel
dont you have another dc property to ruin, zack
What the hell does that have to do with Zack Snyder?
Pretty much the issues of Thor that first introduced him are absolutely stellar and worth checking out, Beta Ray Bill was a stand out character right from the get go.
if thor is the new odin then there is a chance of a new hammer being forged and beta ray bill getting it
If Thor started using Gungnir in the movies then that would be amazing.
His first appearence in Thor #337, his stuff with Sif in Journey Into Mystery, Unworthy Thor, his series Stormbreaker, and Thanos Imperative.
you put a lot of thought into your insult, like zack does with his movies
whyd you come here just to shit on people?
why does he need a new hammer? He's still got Stormbreaker
user please don't spoil a Bill thread with company war hijinks.
We probably will eventually. I mean, with three movies a year, they're going to blow through so much content.
Because I love the character and I love the comics but I hate this mentality that they can only be legitimatized by a movie, as if movies are the only form of art that really matters
Presumably doesn’t exist yet in the MCU.
He'll be played by a negro and will be cucking Jude Law in the Captain Marvel MCU flick.
youre right, i just like using company wars as insults to see if the opposing side gets angered enough
Less of it being legitamized, and more of just getting our favorite character some recognition. He's really Thorse to the general public. I want my kids to have BRB action figures from Target, you feel?
Oh shit thats what you meant.
Didnt the statue face have a helmet on it too? Why would BRB be rocking asgardian gear if he doesnt have a hammer?
This. Feige said if they're going to put him into a movie they want to make serious use of him and not just have a little cameo role
>one day we'll get a thanos imperative movie
>one day
>Didnt the statue face have a helmet on it too?
I’ve only seen the new Thor once. But it looked more like the simpler helm he was wearing when he first came out of cryo-stasis.
If the voice is right then I don't care who plays him.
>Didnt the statue face have a helmet on it too? Why would BRB be rocking asgardian gear if he doesnt have a hammer?
If they ever did put Bill in the MCU and tried to mix up his origin then i'd be alright with the idea that he was genetically rebuilt to be Asgardian-like or his race is also just on the same level of magical science as Asgard. Since they broke mjolnir they can't really recreate his introduction anymore.
What i really don't want is for them to run with a "He uses discarded or lost Asgardian weaponry and he just always looked like a horse alien" cop-out origin, he should stand toe to toe with Thor even before he got his Asgardian powers.
The color of an actor's skin doesn't really matter when they're just voicing a CGI cartoon character.
Who COULD even voice him? It's hard for me to really imagine how he'd sound, let alone look like while he's talking. If they just make his horse choppers clak open and closed like a skeleton then it might take away some of his threat.
Guess youre right user
I relatively trust Feige. He hasn't fully fucked up the asgardians yet.
They'll give him his redemption arc origin, but Thor will probably make him his hammer.
Steve Blum did okay as space english wolverine in AEMH
God damn, i never noticed Man-Thing up there too.
So, Bill, Manthing, Bi-Beast down at the bottom. Who's the one with the spike-mohawk?
I get that, but for me, having these characters in the movies allows me to share them with my normie friends. They're like a gateway to sharing my interests with people who maybe wouldn't otherwise care. It's fun to turn people on to comics after they've watched a movie or two, if only just to find a couple trades for them or something.
I don't see a downside to any story that leads to Carol catching some horse dick.
I thought it was Ares.