What was Man-Thing doing in another planet?
What was Man-Thing doing in another planet?
What was Hulk doing on another planet? We know Man-Thing exists and possibly escaped. Now we kind of know where he ended up for now
Man-Thing things.
Nexus of All Worlds. ALL WORLDS.
Speaking of the those face statues. They're previous champions, right? So are they all dead, then? Man-Thing, Beta Ray Bill, Ares, and Bi-Beast.
It's obvious that the Nexus of All Worlds exists on Sakaar in the Cinematic Universe instead of on Earth in the 616.
That's because the people who make the MCU just glance at pictures of Marvel characters and comic book covers or the occasional panel out of context and base everything off that while making up their own fucking thing they think that thing SHOULD be based on what they like about other, non-related things they're actually more interested in.
Came here to say this
Man-Thing could have easily stepped into the Nexus of all realities and been brought to Sakaar, and then just went back when the time was right.
He's a nexus doorway? He can travel anywhere as New marvel. Also he's well known throughout the galaxy.
If I remember correctly Man Thing is a race of being, so it's possible it's not Ted Sallis, but rather a different Man Thing entirely. But then again I could be wrong.
Seriously. I hope man-thing shows up in a dr.strange movie or something though.
Fighting gladiator battles, duh.
Wait what do you mean possibly escaped? Was there any reference to him in other movies
Iron Man 3 has Ellen Brandt in it and she was pretty fucked up before getting fixed with Extremis.
Agents of NONCANON also had Robin Sparkles telling someone in an exasperated tone that she doesn't "have time to explain what a "Man-Thing" is."
Remember, if you beat the champion you become the next one and get to leave. I'd say they all beat the current champion and left. Hulk didn't leave because he was having a great time being loved by everyone and fighting all the time.
being adorable, probably
Bu-But I was told that Feige was such a huge fan of comics!!!!
If I was a Shield agent and this was my assignment, I'd murder my superior.
For the most part, at least for the main titular characters, Fiege has at least captured the spirit of the characters.
More than you can say for the Netflix side.
So, Bi-Beast was the first Champion, then Bill Beat him, then Ares beat Bill, then Man-Thing beat Ares? Then Hulk defeated Man-Thing.
Ragnarok essentially turned Thor into Beta Ray Bill
>checks box office
Seems to be working
>"Hey, Taika, you're doing a good job with the movie, but remember to put in some random characters in the background we will never ever follow up on so nerds can make Youtube videos about."
Right after the shot of Grandmasters tower, was a shot of Valkerys ship flying pretty close to one of those giant heads
Specifically the one in the lower left of OPs pic
Looked like Arkon to me....
>people complain about lack of fanservice
>complain when they provide fanservice
Telling you in no unclear terms that this is all you're getting and that you can take it or leave it.
Are you just the dickheads who constantly complain about MCU movies yet don't seem to actually watch them?
Movies should try to be a gateway to comics. "this is a thing that exists in comics".
(even if it is not raising readership, it is still their duty)
Im not american, Is Military service obligatory on the US?
Haven't watched the latest MCU meme yet.
Is Beta Ray Bill in it? If not then Thor can fuck right off.
And it's looked down upon if you volunteer from the upper echelons of society
Unless you're an officer right away
They cut him in the script
Only when the government decides it is, and not if your daddy’s rich even then.
>latest MCU meme
Weird how quick someone can establish themselves as a faggot.
The draft dont work like you think it do
But he was complying.
He offered them a perfectly good frog.
So you're mad about a nod that lasted 3 seconds?
Yeah, we're getting mad at cameos and references now.
Man-thing is a teleporter. He can go anywhere.
Wondering around Florida swamps and/or the multiverse is Man-Thing's entire thing, man.
Or they left. Hulk seemed to have freedom, its possible the previous champion just up and left.
>thinking they give a fuck about the comics
That frog knows no fear.
The registration act was just a way to conscript anyone they government decided had "superhuman powers" into the Super American Army.
A superhuman army consisting of convicts & slaves, who needs the bill of rights?
Was the guy with the taser completly retarded?
I mean he apparently knew who Swamp Thing was going by the previous page, he should have been somewhat aware of his capabilities.
Why did Iron Man won the argument? the writters clearly wanted him to be in the wrong by cloning Thor and making superGuantamo. Was it editorial mendling?
Hell they even jumped in to take a teenager who's only superpower was being slightly too athletic due to a lifetime of carefully regimented exercise and diet. Where does it stop? If they government thinks you are too smart or too healthy then can swoop down to cart you off to a boot camp at gun point then get you killed in a poorly run live-fire training exercise.
That's total bullshit
Movie Tony Stark, Thor, Banner, etc. act absolutely nothing like they do in the comics
I´m from Honduras through the 80s most of central america was under dictatorial rule. Conscripting young men and sending to jail anyone that didn´t comply was a way to keep the population controled.
I never liked IronMan on civil war because the SRA got a little to close to reality for my taste.
Is that money going into your pocket? Why do people care.
wow greggs a fucking cunt
Yeah, all it takes is a single post.
Is it a good idea to shoot someone with a taser while standing up to your knees in water next to them?
Wasn't Beta Ray Bill a champion in the animated movie Planet Hulk?
As good of an idea as attacking a giant plant monster with a taser in the first place.
Yes, he replaced SilverSurfer in the comic. Neither of them was really necesary for the story.
Probably is given BRB is also there. His cameo being cut because Feige didn't want BRB's first appearance to be a single scene
Because good boxoffice returns means it's easier to find investors.
If it's easier to find investors, more likely for sequels and expanded movie titles
So yeah, it kind of matters.
Military service is, right now, voluntary.
Selective service however is not. If you're a man between the ages of 18 and (I think it's 35?) you must sign up for selective service in the united states.
I presume that after some point they get freedom.
Beta Ray Bill might have even won a better ship for himself and his people.
That being said, Ares likely came there on his own to participate.
How do you think I think it does?
Fighting in the colosseum, clearly.
Gregg, you fucking idiot! He's MAN-THING, not SWAMP-THING, he doesn't understand words. It's like you just tasered a deer, or a tree stump!
You gotta watch enough of them to know why they suck dude. I used to love the MCU but post Civil War it just started sucking. In all places too, the shows and the movies.
That's my view too. It's also about respect for the creators involved. Every IP they have has been touched by tons of different creative people building something up.
And the movie people just trash it. It's a lack of respect for source material. I'd be equally pissed about a chef butchering good ingredients if you know what I mean.
Because I want more out of them. Don't give me a reference, give the CHARACTER THATS BEING REFERENCED. I love Beta Ray Bill. His whole concept is cool to me and I fucking HATE aliens in comics. But Beta Ray is that special blend of throwing a weird alien into earth's ancient myths where he doesn't belong and he just somehow makes it work out.
He wasn't. That wormy little faggot undermined what could have been 2 good stories by cramming them together and ignoring them in favor if poor attempts at "humor"
He was right. You must live a sad life.
>post Civil War it just started sucking
False as all hell, if anything they've been doing better, all the films released so far has consistently gotten into the high 80s or low 90s on RT.
>And the movie people just trash it. It's a lack of respect for source material.
No they respect the source material just fine, they just know they don't need to follow it 100% and can still do their own thing, that's the benefit of the MCU being in a separate universe than the comics.
>Because I want more out of them. Don't give me a reference
You mean like how Doctor Strange was referenced in Winter Soldier and never showed up? Oh wait...
the giant skull that was made into a bed for the hulk was the previous champion before hulk killed it
Dude's the protector of the nexus of worlds, he just wandered in and wandered out again probably
Civil War was very weirdly written, either because of incompetent writers or because of incompetent editorial (and knowing Marvel, it's probably a little of column A and a lot of column B). It often seemed, especially early on, that they wanted to try and give Iron Man a legitimate point and make him look "right", but everything he did just made him look worse so before long they just ave up and made the registration side the unambiguous bad guys even if some of them did have good intentions. Add to it the fact that the (mostly pro-registration) civilians managed to hit several new lows even for being notoriously retarded Marvel civilians and you've got one awkward mess of an event.
But then, what else is new?
>what are easter eggs
Holy fuck everyone in this thread is developmentally delayed.
>What is actually using characters instead of making them throwaway background references
Geez does everyone who love the MCU not read comics?
>make a movie with two complete different stories
>people complain it's bloated
>lul just add more characters
Is everyone this assblasted not know what they're talking about?
>These characters need to be in this movie.
>That post was talking about that movie
>Not that those characters can be used everywhere else
>Also why the fuck not have Beta Ray Bill in a Thor movie when he's been Thor's sidekick and friend in the comics for fucking decades?
Sup Forums reading comprehension, everyone.
Why the fuck have Beta Ray Bill where Odin's dead and he can't get Stormbreaker?
Why the fuck kill Odin? Why the fuck say NO MORE SHIELD when there is a show going? Why just destroy Asgard? Why destroy the Avengers as a team before they barely do anything?
Because the MCU is shit now user. It just destroys and kills for cheap thrills.
>Because the MCU is shit now user. It just destroys and kills for cheap thrills.
>Wants the theatrical universe to be the same "no consequences" sliding-timescale shit as the Big 2 comics.
But that's the worst thing about the comics.
And you know, Hemsworth isn't going to do 600 issues of Thor movies.
>False as all hell, if anything they've been doing better, all the films released so far has consistently gotten into the high 80s or low 90s on RT.
That's not even an argument. Rotten Tomatoes is subjective people's subjective opinions that can also be bought and paid for and are also subject to normie trend-worship.
>No they respect the source material just fine, they just know they don't need to follow it 100% and can still do their own thing, that's the benefit of the MCU being in a separate universe than the comics.
They respect the brand name recognition. That's pretty much it. They expect YOU to eat up whatever they create because it has the name of the character on it.
>You mean like how Doctor Strange was referenced in Winter Soldier and never showed up? Oh wait...
Like how Adam Strange was referenced in GotG and is never going to be in the MCU? Cosmo too?
>Because the MCU is shit now user. It just destroys and kills for cheap thrills.
OK you're determined to keep being a fag about this aren't you? Seriously this level of retardation is staggering to say the least.
>>Wants the theatrical universe to be the same "no consequences" sliding-timescale shit as the Big 2 comics.
I want creative people not to completely destroy their setting and characters for cheap drama and big cgi explosion scenes. Because THE NEXT MOVIE ends up filling empty and redundant since they gutted so much of the core of what made it work.
And again it's FUCKING STUPID to sit here and say "Moviestud Actor has signed up for 3 movies as Super Hero Guy" and call movie number one; DEATH OF SUPER HERO GUY! AFTER THIS THERE WILL BE NO MORE SUPER HERO GUY!
This is what Marvel does.
this is the 3rd thor movie?
Keep sucking the MCU's dick then.
>It's a "Sup Forums reading comprehension doesn't understand made up examples" episode
>That's not even an argument. Rotten Tomatoes is subjective people's subjective opinions that can also be bought and paid for and are also subject to normie trend-worship.
Give me than the "critics are paid" bs and tell me beside how you think the general audience doesn't count and you'll have a point.
>They respect the brand name recognition. That's pretty much it. They expect YOU to eat up whatever they create because it has the name of the character on it.
No, now you're just projecting
>Like how Adam Strange was referenced in GotG and is never going to be in the MCU? Cosmo too?
First it's Adam Warlock you pleb second they've already announced he'll be in the third Guardians movie.
No it isn't they've never killed a character and then brought them back you're confusing them for DC.
>Rotten Tomatoes is subjective people's subjective opinions that can also be bought and paid for
Oh, you're one of those.
>And again it's FUCKING STUPID to sit here and say "Moviestud Actor has signed up for 3 movies as Super Hero Guy" and call movie number one; DEATH OF SUPER HERO GUY! AFTER THIS THERE WILL BE NO MORE SUPER HERO GUY!
>This is what Marvel does.
They have literally never done that now you're just making shit up.
I'm not even that guy but I'm absolutely staggered by your shitty points. The MCU has maintained a pretty awesome level of consistency over a decade, while building and expanding new worlds - and introducing characters we'd never have thought would hit the screen. Ten years ago, i'd have laughed out loud at you if you told me there'd be a cinematic universe that spanned 11 years or more and included interconnected television shows and miniseries.
If you're a comic book fan, this is fucking amazing, and will never be done as well again in our lifetimes. This is like someone offering you a month long all expenses paid trip to Europe and complaining that you have to stay in a Hilton instead of the Four Seasons.
So did they not think this trough or are they retarded? Also I don't think Man-Thing would legally sign the accords it be like making a cow sign.
>tfw what happens later