Canon relationships that you hated.
Canon relationships that you hated
That’s not the canon. This is.
I'm glad she's written off
I feel like she would be good if developed more, give her a couple of episode with Star like Tom, also give her some defect.
Hey, they were pretty cute
I don't remember very well. Aren't they cousins?
Kai was a boring Lara Croft Knockoff, and every interaction between her and Ben was as aggravating as eating a sandy sandwich.
oh shit does his belt say 10k on purpose
she didn't end up with anybody
no, everybody in the neighborhood was crushing on her including kevin. But when she started reciprocating his feelings he had too much spaghetti to handle it
>Imagine getting fucked by a different alien everyday
That is the face of a man who is miserable
Nothing except OT is canon
>also give her some defect.
Or a little of personality.
Mm... So... she is black huh? And she use a sword...
She’s Native American, and her three personality traits are bitch, xenophile, and Lara Croft-Indiana Jones Hybrid Knockoff.
Not sure if they count or not considering they never actually get together.
Even though we're supposed to view them as the alpha couple in the show...
Completely unnecessary
Oh wait
Ah, yes:
"Neverending Shipping Tease: The Show"
let's get rid of romance in cartoons altogether
>giving a shit about fictional relationships when you were a kid
unless you were a literal girl, you weren't supposed to do that
Sounds like someone didn't get their dad's approval
That’s not “Star vs.” or “Friends”
Yes they were endgame but they were a shitty endgame.
It's true future ben10k so yes.
She has personality you fuck, sorry it's not a toxic one like Tom's or janna's.
Even if she is Native American she is still the Black Token Girl that CN loves so much lately
Wasn't her Ulrich's girlfriend? I remember that she even called herself his girlfriend in an episode.
She's been around for well over a decade now.
Sam is a shit
Jesus Christ, the things he probably did with that bike...
user you are very young to be here.
Good grief CN loves that stupid token since long ago.
Shame Valorie didn't get more of a chance to shine.
The black chick was better
Kevin was such a dick
William was Ulrich but better
Totally accurate, though. Naz is a dumb ditz and Kevin's a chad. He'll fuck her and dump her later on and she'll bitch to the next dude how much of an asshole he was.
Kai/Ben has always been canon and will always be canon.
Unintentionally the reason season 3 was so bad. Marmel was keeping all of Butch's shit together, but the push for Sam was so hard that he just said fuck it and stopped associating with Butch all together.
Now he's just making shitty Disney sitcoms while Butch has no limits on the shit he can put out on Nick.
What you're saying is that there is no justice in the world?
Funny cause I hated her too.
Tygra x Cheetara
Helga is kind of unlikable and creepy.
This, Ulrich, was an asshole throughout the series. Although Yumi was no better than him. Willaim deserves better.
At least Bryke finally got its head out of it's ass.
tfw redhead but no big tiddy goth gf
Richard is way, way beyond the "idiot dad" trope and it's just unlikable to me.
That and the fact I really like Nicole. It just feels like I'm getting cucked everytime they display affection to each other.
As much as people bitch over Korrasami, at least it not fucking Makorra.
Then again, Bryke and Dante can't write romance to save their lives.
My favorite part of S3 was Jerry being miserable and out of the house. She can do so much better.
She's not real user
Ben was basically a harem protagonist, and like all harem protags, they always choose the worst girl.
She was an asshole as well. Both of them deserve no one.
Like how Ranma chose Akane.
Sam was worst girl so much she basically ruined the show?
Makes way too much sense, she is not only worst girl in Danny Phantom, but worst girl in all of cartoon history.
t Bolin fag
He had a chance with his firehead cousin but blew it because of Earth societal norms that didn't matter in the end and now is stuck in a loveless marriage with a mongrel son. I'd be pretty upset myself.
But its nice to see Rick actually lose to Jerry just because.
Fuck off, Paul.
How can one person be this stupid?
As Told By Ginger was such a weird show
Darren starts off as a total bro but by the end he's such a fucking bastard. And they still end with him and Ginger together even though every time experience has shown them to be more or less incompatible
No, I'm not JUST a bitter Courtney/Ginger fag
White popular rich girls who are likely closet lesbians is becoming more common in media these days.
Chloe Bourgeois from Miraculous Ladybug strikes me as a hardcore closet lesbian.
>tumblr image
>"haha fuck jerry"
You tried.
You don't need to dig the knife deeper, you know.
Kys Cletus
Googled an image of them because I don't have any lying around and forgot to change filename to avoid triggering autists with muh boogeyman dumblr essjaydabloo complex.
he should have ended with valorie
You tried.
It was funny to seem back peddle back to each other.
>acting like a retard
You tried.
This was actually horrible and just a means for them to shoot some renewed interest into the series before it died. After the embarrassment that was their attempt at character relations in the first two seasons, it's no surprise they dropped the effort entirely for most of the last two. Fuck almost everything about Legend of Korra.
I don't think either of you tried.
Yeah I keep asking me that when I talk with tumblr and /sug/. But it's clear that there is always a black token girl which is always a romantic interest of an important character this happen in many CN cartoons and this girl is one of them.
>wrong opinion
Unfortunately, that is where it was canonized actually, in one of the most boring episodes of the whole series actually. I would be happy to forget That little snooze fest though, believe me it wouldn’t be hard.
>Ken is Literally just a tanned Ben
Alien Force wasn’t the first series to get lazy with it’s designs.
>big tiddy
are we looking at the same character?
But Ranma was the best girl, so he couldn't choose the best girl
I would argue that Kai and Lizzie are worse.
They were never in a real relationship.
By the way, Helga was objectively the most in-depth and 'human' of all the characters. It's part of the reason why even he creators even wanted to end Arnold by continuing it with a Helga spinoff.
That show has no idea how to handle side characters.
It's the way it was written that made it so bad.
Also, BrucexBabs is fucking trash.
>being against Best ship because of something as trivial as cousin-cest between two individuals who’s family’s and bloodlines have no prior history of inbreeding, pretty much minimizing the risk of genetic defects to being negligible
>Being so devoid of actual arguments that your immediate response is resort to ad Hominems by Implying that someone is from the rural southern United States by calling them Cletus, except it fails even as an Ad Hominem because you believe everyone subscribes to your particular arbitrary geography based moral superiority system and don’t even put in actual insults, believing it to speak for itself.
Look upon this plebian and laugh everyone.
>They were never in a real relationship.
Until now.
Raven/Beast Boy
Yeah, I never shipped them myself but I figured I’d be teared to shreds by almost every HA! fan if I ever talked to them about it.
I mean I agree that Helga was dealt a shitty hand in life but her legit stalking Arnold isn’t endearing at all.
And FUCK that therapist lady and entire episode, Helga is hurting herself emotionally by using Arnold as an emotional crutch.
TJM was okay but kind of rushed too
mots in-depth doesn't equal likeable. She got away with a lot of crap on the show. Terrible friend Phoebe, Got Arnold sent to detention, Mean to her older sister Olga despite the fact it's her parents who are mean to her, not Olga, Got her Nanny fired.
Exactly, remember when she kissed Arnold back in the first movie and his reactions were to freak out and back away. Plus, I think Arnold just views her as just friend, but not as a love interest. The therapist was the worst and so is Mr Bartlett for trying to ship them together.
I mean I actually do like Helga and that her morality’s a bit gray but yeah I think the fangirls and Bartlett really play down her creepy aspects and it honestly pisses me off.
Like if Arnold does the shit Helga does to him parents would be screaming from the rooftops
Should of been valarie desu
Yeah, but we're supposed to see it as "cute"....
People always use helgas behavior as an excuse for her behavior. I realize a part of it IS the result of her upbringing, it’s not incorrect. But explanation =/= excuse.
I just wish the show writers and the fans didnt romanticize her Arnold obsession, it’s not hyperbole at this point in time. She even acknowledges the camera footage was the result of stalking!
Shut the fuck up trashy ass hick.