Marvelfag here. Why isn’t this semen demon more popular?
It’s because she’s black huh?
Marvelfag here. Why isn’t this semen demon more popular?
It’s because she’s black huh?
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that and she looks like a copy of WW.
It's because DC dosen't care about the WonderFam. So she never appears in anything relevant.
Kinda sad, i'd buy such a book.
If you want black Wondy then make her unique
More like because she's a race swapped clone of an existing character.
That, and she doesn't show up very often. Frankly, you could ask why a lit of cool WW characters aren't more popular, and the answer is partly because nobody has heard of them, because writers never use them in anything outside the main book, if there.
>It’s because she’s black huh?
>acts like a steretypical sassy ghetto black female/ gay man.
No, he means make her NAMED Unique. That's a good black name.
It's because she's a Wonder Woman character.
Wonder Woman has a ton of characters that have been created over the years, yet are never used.
>Chronus' underlings which had wicket designs
>Space Pirate Wonder Woman and her cast
>Gundra the Valkyrie
>Queen Clea
The Wonder Rogues especially have suffered, though that's more the fault of decompression killing rogues galleries in general. Though I honestly have no idea where the fuck the meme of Diana's rogues being lame came from. Done in ones desperately need to comeback if supporting casts are to stay relevant.
Mah nigga! I'll admit, I mostly like her cause I'm a Stargate fan, but she's still damn cool.
>The Pit Edit threads
Because she's a shit waifu like Zatanna and Black Canary.
Because the retcon of Diana's mom also making a black sister she didn't know about at the same time is kinda stupid.
Since they keep changing her origins around int he coming they could bring her around with a new one but no one really cares.
What she needs is an animated series. Honestly.
Batman's had a ton to showcase his villains
So has Superman.
So has Spider-man
Wondy needs one too.
>the rogues galleries that are frequently declared to be the best have also prominently featured in cartoons from people's childhoods
>Diana getting her own cartoon
Pffft! user, pls. We all know Harley Quinn clearly takes priority on that front.
For the record, I ain't even mad, just damn tired of Harley. I'm used to execs not giving a shit about Diana, but goddamn this Harley shit needs to STOP.
She's hardly unique - Dc introduced a whole bunch of characters in the 70's that were mostly just there so it wouldn't just be white people in DC Comics. Before anybody starts going HURR DURR DIVERSITY, please remember that DC Comics' titles at the time WERE just nothing but white people, whereas Marvel had introduced characters like Robbie Robertson, The Falcon, The Prowler around the same time.
DC realised they had gotten a reputation as the "whitebread" comic book company (there was Western Publishing, of course, but they'd fallen on hard times as they struggled to keep up with DC and Marvel) so they released this customer survey around the start of 1970.
Sure enough, DC's main titles got a bunch of black supporting characters: Wonder Woman got Nubia, Batman got Lucius Fox, Teen Titans got Mal Duncan and Karen Beecher (later Vox and Bumblebee) Superman got... David Stevens, who was the first in a long line of Daily Planet staff member who were politely forgotten about.
It will not because Harley is profitable.
It doesn't make me mad either. Harley and Wonder Woman are two very different characters that cater to very different audiences.
I actually had not even thought about how absolutely ludicrous it was that Harley Quinn is getting a series before fucking Wonder Woman
I mean, I know it's a cashgrab to get people on their streaming service, but still
With how she has more gold than red compared to Diana, they should have followed suit and given her skirt more white than blue.
*who was the first in a long line of Daily Planet staff members who were black, and also politely forgotten about.
See also; Ronald Troupe, Franklin Stern, Dave Stevens' girlfriend, that other black couple who were hired in the 70's
I need an Amazon gf
Although, you'd think given the popularity of the solo WW movie, a Wondy cartoon would be something to consider.
Like, I know I should be offended, but at this point, getting mad is just pointless. The hell am I supposed to do, go to DC headquarters are start a protest? Fuckin' picket signs for a Wonder Woman cartoon, that'll be the day.
Also, as goofy as Star Riders looked, I'd watch it. I mean, rework it to make the eponymous Star Riders existing supporting characters instead of OCs, but still.
It's because she's redundant. There's no need for Diana in blackface.
no one cares what you have to say you uptight douchebag
Why is it that Wonder Woman writers suffer from such a lack of imagination. Wonder Woman could be a super-powered Lara Croft, globetrotting getting in fights with other pantheons. She could have the most extensive rogues gallery in comics desu
>lol nigger humor is funny and disarming XD
I want Diana, Nubia and Donna to all be sisters together
Because what you're proposing is a completely different character more like Hawkman than Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman isn't a fucking archeologist and her tie to Greek mythology shouldn't completely define her. Her worst stories are the ones that are focused on the mythology angle, like Godwar.
>Wonder Woman could be a super-powered Lara Croft, globetrotting getting in fights with other pantheons
This happened. She fought fucking Quetzalcoatl.
She literally globetrotted to talk to other pantheons
She works at a museum in the movies
How long until that gets transferred to the comics?
I mean seriously.
I'm glad this never happened.
>More popular
Kek, maybe because Kangz are pushing her to be famous nowadays because she was never popular
No, I love YOU the most!
Oh, and eventually The Legion of Super-Heroes got Tyroc, and The Doom Patrol got Joshua Clay.
If it were up to me, I'd do Man of Steel version of Perry White from now on. Lawrence Fishbourne looks great in the role.
>I actually had not even thought about how absolutely ludicrous it was that Harley Quinn is getting a series before fucking Wonder Woman
W-wait...this isn't actually happening is it? Please tell me we have not strayed so far from the light of god.
What's your problem? He's just stating something that happened.
Just stop this stupid meme
Piss off you worthless twat, Mini's intel on minutia is appreciated, especially compared to whatever empty posts you've made in your tenure here.
She does this already.
Don't forget Cassie.
It really beats me how none of these characters tend to appear in the comic together. At least Robin shows up in Batman every once in a while.
Batman appears in Robin titles too unlike Wonder Woman in Wonder Girl titles.
I honestly don't know. The set up is there to make her series an action packed political thriller/pulp adventure series, but nobody ever really does it. Every other Wondy story nowadays is "WHO AM I REALLY?", and the angst got old long ago. Can we please go back to Diana being a fuckin' superhero and dealing with social politics? One of the few big name capes who was specifically designed to be more political, and the book has none of it. The fuck.
>a super-powered Lara Croft
That's Cheetah though. Like, she's even a wealthy British archaeologist with daddy issues and everything.
THe only thing she's appeared in is Multiversity and Injustice. And nobody cares about Multiversity and she jobs in Injustice
This is something I really agree with.
If you're going to have a political character, there's no better one than Wonder Woman. She was MADE for it.
She could be really edgy through it too without having to resort to angst.
Huh. So that's why her villains aren't that well known in pop culture.
He was one of the better parts of Man of Steel. Hell, the whole thing was great right up until Zod and Faora showed up, at which point it became yet another big-budget disaster movie.
Wondy´s villains could have been a big part of pop culture if her show from the seventies had remembered to use them.
But I dunno how it got completely past them to do so.
Doesn't watch sports or entertainment media
>He doesn't know
They probably fell victim to executives, same as The Incredible Hulk's TV show, or whatever the hell this was:
Same reason this isn't.
Right? It's kind of baffling actually. The social politics stuff seems to be in literally every book now, except for the one that was tailor made for it. I just... why? I don't get it.
I've heard that it was a budget thing, but I call bullshit. The other live action shows were getting away with hokey effects even for the time. No way you couldn't do most of them. The only one who's kinda tricky would be Giganta, but The Incredible Hulk had already done the camera trick with size. It's probably just negligence.
Everyone but cloud looks better than their originals
Samurai lookin' Barret is fine as hell.
heck the dreads make the anime hair look good.
Donna and Nubia have both been Diana's twin at one point or another
Cassie is just some rando off the street who worshiped Diana and turned out to be one of Zeus' bastards
>chocolate Tifa
By jove, as if she weren't weapons grade waifu material to begin with. Be still...
>every other Wondy story nowadays is "WHO AM I REALLY?", and the angst got old long ago.
I think this is probably more the result of the writers themselves not really having a clear idea of what the character is about, or not liking the way a previous writer depicted her.
So when WW has identity issues, it's just literally the writers going "no, seriously, we have no clue what she's supposed to be"
It'll stop when nigs stop trying to appropriate Egyptian history and culture
Not everyone lives in Americuckland.
The Egyptians didn't ask for your help in defending their history and culture
For the most part it seems like that.
Lots of characters have identity crisis arcs, but I think that when you have them as often as Wonder Woman does it indicates deeper issues people are having writing the character, rather than just a writer searching for drama.
Donna too. This is what especially pisses me off about this Jason business. There's less than no point in giving Diana a twin brother. She already has a twin sister, with whom she has a shaky relationship with that ripe for exploring. That's what the current arc should be about, not some annoying OC.
She's about trying to spread peace, love, and understanding. She's on a mission to teach the world the virtues of compassion. She's a warrior who prefers to negotiate first, and using violence as a last resort if possible. She battles not just villains, but the injustices of society.
This ain't complicated, folks. Diana is not complicated. Stop acting like she's so hard to understand.
>The Egyptians didn't ask for your help in defending their history and culture
the irony is delicious
>He doesn’t know about the Nubian dynasty
>White people now care about cultural appropriation
Black Tifa is far superior to asian Advent Children Tifa
>Nubian dynasty
>a single dynasty who were not native to Egypt and were promptly removed by the native Egyptians
>it's only cultural appropriation when whites do it!
>White people care about appropriation
Well they complain about it the most about white people appropriating culture, so yeah.
>Admits there was a Nubian dynasty
>”B-But it still doesn’t count!”
>Whites now care about cultural appropriation
Stupid Sup Forumsshitposter
>40 years out of 4000 years of history
It's less of a dynasty than the Obama's for shit sake. Don't ty to put a minor irrelevant history anomaly on a pedestal like that.
Everyone but Cloud and Tifa look better, I agree
>he thinks I'm white
Well, that's my life, I'm called white by blacks and black by "whites" (aka Murrikans). Meanwhile my people have more past than both of them combined
I gotta admit those shiny brown thighs look pretty awesome. Would love to munch on those. Toned black girls look amazing oiled up
>brown Tifa
I mean, she looks more realistic with those proportions, it's not lost on me, but the whole point of Tifa's attractiveness is being a STACKED asian
>invaders totally count as a people's culture
Britbongs can claim Indian culture now because of the British Raj.
She looks like TIA before she fucked up her face
Because that's not racist at all
The Confederates lasted how long our if the entire history of the US? And I bet you hicks still cling to that. You’re only playing this “It doesn’t count!” card because you know your stupid meme falls apart without it.
I guess whites can’t claim American culture then.
Not Murrikan, so try again. And I agree, your American culture is literally nothing, what? 300 years? you only brag about civilization because you have nukes
1. The Confederates were American citizens.
2. The Confederacy emerged out of existing ante-bellum culture in the South.
>I guess whites whites can't claim tribal culture then
>She's a warrior who prefers to negotiate first, and using violence as a last resort if possible.
See, this is interesting on it's own. I don't know why she gets portrayed as a less bloodthirsty version of her Flashpoint self sometimes.
Obviously they can't claim Native culture as their own. There's pretty typically a distinction of Actual America vs the guys we ran out.
>The United States of America was founded before whites came to the New World!
I should feel bad for laughing at this, but I don't.
ESPECIALLY because there's so much SJW politics everywhere.
I'd also have her go and fight in the front lines of Syria. Mostly to save civilians.
>literally so butthurt and desperate to appropriate Ancient Egyptian culture for niggers that he's no longer making sense
>the europlebs acting up again
im sorry, but Europe isn't relevant anymore, I know it hurts, but you have to accept it
Amazing to think Ben garrison is actually right when you scratch a little
The Confederates were at least Americans, silly. The Nubian dynasty doesn't count as an Egyptian dynasty because out of the thousands years of Egyptian dynasties they were the only ones who weren't, you know, EGYPTIAN.
>/po/tards playing mental football to defend their wrong meme
Blacks were kangz. Accept it.
>Doing this much mental gymnastics to defend a shitty hick meme