20 DAYS TILL Sup Forums DIES!

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ITS NOT GOING TO DIE YOU FUCKING RETARD!!!!!!!!! We were fine before net neturality, and ISPs would be fucking killed and boycotted if they banned websites like this place. People wont stand for their shit

Net neutrality actually does have an exception that allows ISPs to block illegal content. If they wanted Sup Forums gone, it would be easy as hell to classify as illegal content due to all of the child porn that gets shitposted on Sup Forums.

Nobody does that anymore, it's all trap shit now.


Isn't it more efficient and all in all pragmatic to keep the site open so they can track down those posters instead of closing down the entire site, leaving more pedos at large?

Thank god I don't life in the land of freedom and I actually have rights that assure my freedom.

Does it really happen in exactly 20 days?

It happens on reddit too, and we all know they wont block that. It wont happen anyways, because enough people in the system will stop it, and even then ISPs are too pussy to do anything to avoid a serious backlash. I hate these pessimists on here who feel as if they want something to happen so drama can take place.

Shills are coming in strong today.

Voting is on the 14 of December.

Oh noes the le 4chins is going to die

Just like in 2011

And in 2013

And 2015

>calling out your doomsday bullshit means im a shill
I fucking hate trump and the alt right, doesnt mean im not some doomsday hype faggot who gets excited when something might take away their rights. Im looking at this logically, ISPs are a business and they dont want to loose customers. If they try any of the shit that people are talking about a massive boycott will happen that will cut into their bottom line. Point is there too pussy to do anything and theres nothing to worry about

>a massive boycott
Problem is there are large swathes of America where the alternative is either dial up or literally no internet.

And people will boycott them nonetheless. Theyll have to give in at somepoint

I want you to be right user, but I don't believe you are

>massive boycott

Not ur personal army

You dont think there arent enough people who would do this? There already protests happening at verzion stores. The ammount of hate and shit ISPs will get will not be worth the time to pull any kind of stunt to their customers

Not if they don't have any other choice. I think you underestimate how people think.

Look at Battlefront II's microtransactions. If people didn't raise a big stink about it, EA would be rolling in the dough because every single kid who likes Star Wars would buy it anyway. Boycotting only works in specific cases.

People will sacrifice internet in order to get their point across. Especially if certain websites are blocked or behind a paywall

fucking finally

>user doesn't know

boards.Sup Forums.org/b/thread/75191/b/751916771

There are plenty of shota/loli/trap threads

Russian trolls never die. Za radinu!

Drawn porn isnt real

Probably will be dunked, it had a cp link

I wish Sup Forums did die. Then we could either get outta here, or rebuild it into a place without redditors and normalfags

I know, but my point was that is not all that about traps. I miss caturdays

Remember the Modern Warfare 2 boycott?

No, i dont follow much on video games

If you are thinking on the goverment then yes, but is more probable that the big companies are going to use the black list resource.

Can we do anything about it? Sup Forums has unearthted some dirty secrets before. are we sure nobody from the anti netneutrality hasn´t pull a weinstein before? Couldn´t we use something like that to hurt their eforts?

Boycotts never work user, the number of people that are to lazy to sacrifice comodity for the greater good or people that jus don´t give a shit is far greater that the nuber of people that care. The big companies study the market all the time they wound´t be pushing for something like this if they knew the backlash wasn´t worth it.

Did everyone call their rep about the FCC being complicit in fraud? Remember, the NY Attorney General is investigating the phony comments on the FCC website.