What exactly are her powers?

What exactly are her powers?

No one knows

Vague bullshit mostly

Chaos Magic and probability-manipulation.

Probability manipulation.

Like what are the chances of her suddenly obtaining godlike abilities due to hack writers.

Asspulls like every "magic" character in cape comics. It's impossible to take any of them seriously.

>Doctor Strange


The power to destroy the mutant race, then to get retconned into never being a mutant in the first place.. impressive

Its not even really magic....I think.

Initially - hexes. As a mutant she maked superheroe skills, abilities, magic, tech devices etc to malfunction. She was like a sexy gremlin.
Nowadays it's "chaos magic". Like regular magic, but chaotic. Marvel magic allows to do anything, but there's payback. Though only Steven Strange have to pay for it.

You thought wrong.

She's a mutant with probability control.
The magic she learned from this old woman.
It's all gypsy stereotypes honestly.

"She's weird."

Somewhere between having a little magical training from Agatha Harkness and killing her, and erasing her own memories to live on a mountain after wiping out the mutant race, Wanda became an expert in "the inherent magic of women" on the level of Doctor Strange

Judging by all her heroclix dials. She has probability control in common.

She does NOT have anything that resembles telekinesis

Has any other character been shitcanned lore-wise as hard as Wanda?


I haven't been following but I hope this isn't canon

Jessica Drew is fucking porcupine

Hexes causing her target to have bad luck ex missing their target or slipping.

They tried to explain it as probably manipulation.
She's a nexus being
Basically every thought and possible outcome is a universe Wanda can see through all of that and select the worst possible out come and best possible out come for her

Ex. When Wolverine throws a ball at her she can either select the "universe" or outcome where the ball explodes at wolverine's hands before he even throws it at her.

Mutant powers
Isn't she omega level or something?

What stops her from being overpowered? In all her appearances in the brotherhood, why didn't she turn the x-men into pas-

nevermind lol

Right so Carol has settled for her second choice.