>First movie is good
>Second movie is the best
>Third movie is entertaining shlock
Why did other superhero trilogies avoid this?
First movie is good
I don't like how Spider-powers worked like erectile dysfunction in SM2.
Captain america - Good / Awesome / shitty
Thor - shitty / even worse / Good
>Iron Man - Awesome / Bad / disaster
There is no solid superhero trilogy so far.
But considering spider's web was a natural body liquid it's pretty believeable.
>Captain america - Good / Awesome / shitty
>Civil War
OK you don't know what you're talking about.
Man of Steel, Batman VS Superman and Wonder Woman.
but that other user is right. civil war was shitty.
Why? It made sense and was realistic and believable. Getting spider powers means getting the full package.
That would be like seeing Aqua Man using a scuba tank. And he's the king of Atlantis.
implying it's other user
No, no it wasn't.
Is there even one other trilogy that had the same director all the way through
Only the Raimi ones for cape films but there are other examples in other genres
I loved this scene, it was so bad it was good.
How many of you fags are gonna complain about the running sequence?
It's getting real tired.
I mean, his powers fluctuated in the comics without reasoning too in the comics, so it’s not that weird
>government blames the avengers for destruction caused when fighting aliens
>government blames captain america for bringing down those death planes even though he prevented countless murders
>government blames every avenger for sokovia even though only stark and banner are to blame for ultron
>stark for some reason agrees with all of this and says they need to submit to the same government that was infiltrated and compromised by hydra
>big airport fight where the team is finally ripped apart and everyone is quipping at each other between punches
and that's only like the first half of the movie
it's really really dumb
It only sounds dumb when retards like you who clearly didn't get the film try to explain it.
I'll never understand how Marvelfags are blind to the similarities between Civil War and BvS. They're on par, solid 4/10's.
>They're on par, solid 4/10's.
Ebin trollan friend.
Don’t forget how the plot is completely disregarded and never once talked about again, and becomes a “muh feelings” battle
this is snydercuck level pathetic.
here your (YOU)
What the fuck are you talking about?
Everyone who sided with Cap is still on the run as a fugitive.
Name three interesting scenes in civil war that you remember and enjoyed that didn’t introduce new characters or was an action sequence
Russo force captain can damage Iron Man suit with his bare hands, the same suit that tank missiles at point blank range and furious Hulk/Thor attacks
Yeah, for siding with cap. Pretty much no one cares about the accords or talks about it anymore. Tony doesn’t even mention it in homecoming, even though that’s like one of the few reasons he recruited spidey
>government blames the avengers for destruction caused when fighting aliens
>government blames captain america for bringing down those death planes even though he prevented countless murders
>government blames every avenger for sokovia even though only stark and banner are to blame for ultron
I don't really get the logic that the government WOULDN'T want to have some kind of oversight over superpowered individuals. You forget how boneheaded the government can be when it comes to things out of its control. In real life the government would want to regulate and control the fuck out of the Avengers in order to prevent some huge conflict of interest down the line. And who gives a fuck which Avenger was responsible for Ultron? As far as the government's concerned any one of them could create a situation like that. Why single out Stark and Bannon? You act like they would give a shit about fairness in this situation.
>stark for some reason agrees with all of this and says they need to submit to the same government that was infiltrated and compromised by hydra
Did you just fall asleep during AoU & IM3 when you watched them? You do realize that Tony doesn't want to play god anymore, right? It's severely fucked him up and he's ready to keep his ego and intellect in check. The fact that he can accept responsibility like this shows he's not a completely narcissistic asshole.
>big airport fight where the team is finally ripped apart and everyone is quipping at each other between punches
Oh, I'm sorry. They should have all been crying and screaming incoherently at each other. That would have made for a much better scene. It's like you don't even know what fun is. If you weren't grinning ear to ear seeing Ant-Man turn giant and Spider-Man mentioning this "really old movie he's seen called The Empire Strikes Back" while he tries to tangle him up then Marvel probably isn't for you. The rest of us enjoyed the fuck out of that.
You see, you're looking at the events in MCU universe from the outside perspective where you have all the time and information to analyze them logically, and none of them really have anything to do with your life so you're not biased, i.e. prone to acting irrationally.
But to the people inside the universe, it's not as fucking clear. Just as real political events are not as fucking clear to real life people. For example, we still don't know exactly how many people Stalin killed. Some sources give ridicolously huge numbers and demonize him, while others try and play Devil's advocate significantly lessening the number of possible murders. Or the 9/11? All the conspiracy shit about who really did that, people being so shocked they were getting up their own asses, their own little conspiracy theories, emotionally unable to think rationally and listen to anyone else? Yeah, that would look just as retarded to you if you looked at real world from the outside perspective.
>Jack Sparrow
It's more like MoS, BvS, JL, which fits OP's format well.
"The Dark Knight Rises" is too drawn-out to be entertaining.
Spider-Man 2 wasn't better than 1 though.
Name three interesting scenes in any modern superhero flick that you remember and enjoyed that didn’t introduce new characters or was an action sequence
First Class/Days of the Future Past/Apocalypse
Cap trilogy, best trilogy. Fight me.
I agree and I think that's why the Cap trilogy takes it for me.
The First Avenger is roughly = Batman Begins because both are solid starts that drag in places, both have really solid main characters with great motivations, love interest is better in TFA while villain is better in BB so it's kind of neck in neck for me
The Winter Soldier > The Dark Knight mostly because I wouldn't change a thing about TWS while I feel like Harvey Dent's descent into Two-Face came off pretty forced and undermined a lot of the good that preceded it
Civil War >>> The Dark Knight Rises because TDKR is littered with plot contrivances and bad writing to the point of absurdity, there's way more in that movie that doesn't work than does, even if you don't like Civil War I think it's pretty hard to argue that TDKR is better
Peggy's funeral
Tony trying to get Cap to sign the Sokovia Accords
Black Panther's talk with Zemo and intervening in his suicide attempt
Wow, that was fucking easy.