>Batman (Armie Hammer) creates a spy-satellite called "Brother Eye" to monitor Earth's superheroes, which is hijacked by his old flame Talia Al Ghul (Teresa Palmer) and corrupt businessman Maxwell Lord (Jay Baruchel).
>Lord and Talia target Superman (D.J. Cotrona), Wonder Woman (Megan Gale), Flash (Adam Brody), Green Lantern (Common), Aquaman (Santiago Cabrera) and the Martian Manhunter (Hugh Keays-Byrne) with nanotech-based weapons, forcing them to retreat to Superman's Fortress of Solitude in the Arctic, where Batman alerts them about the conspiracy.
>The Flash finds out that Lord is the sole survivor of a secret government program that experimented on children with psychic abilities and and wants revenge on Earth's heroes for not protecting him. The heroes confront Lord, who mind-controls Superman into nearly killing Wonder Woman, forcing Batman to break his neck. Lord's mind merges with Brother Eye and unleashes a nanovirus that'll turn everyone on Earth into a hivemind controlled by him.
>The heroes battle Lord's army of robots. Barry taps into the Speed Force and transverses the world at the speed of light, removing the nanobots from every person on Earth and sacrificing himself in the process. Superman then destroys Brother Eye.
>The heroes decide to form the Justice League to honor Barry's sacrifice and defend the world.
If this was successful, would he still have made Fury Road?
Eli Williams
>The heroes confront Lord, who mind-controls Superman into nearly killing Wonder Woman, forcing Batman to break his neck. Don't know why they'd take that away from Diana; she's the one with no qualms about killing.
There's some weird choices but it sounds stellar. Apparently Miller was a huge fan of JL / JLU and wanted the same tone. The story and characters sound a bit lacking look at Miller's Fury Road, a movie with no real script that was plotted by Brendan McCarthy's storyboards. Totally propelled by it's visuals with characters defined by action like mythic heroes should be.
Michael Anderson
Joseph Gomez
>Jay Baruchel
But why?
Luke Young
Canadians are the new jews
Levi Hughes
He made a damn fine Fourth World film with Fury Road so I think he would have done great with the Justice League.
Angel Campbell
Because Max Lord doesn't need a swole dude, and he I assume impressed in the audition.
Leo Evans
He doesn't need to be swole but he should at least be suave, confident, and experienced. Baruchel was only like 28 when the movie was in production.
Jason White
>we could have had Miller & Morrison instead of Snyder & Johns
John Hernandez
Dylan Garcia
Not sold on Ren Faire Wonder Woman
Kevin Campbell
I haven't seen JL, but insted of trying to use the Avengers formula, having Brother Eye and Batman going paranoid would have been a lot better.
Gavin Richardson
Does DC have a serious problem with Blonde people? Give Barry and Arthur a break.
Dylan Cooper
Miller was a fan of the animated series, but he pretty much admitted he was doing the movie for the benefit of the Australian government and that fans would've probably hate it.
Chase Nelson
>Seth Gecko was going to be Superman
Carter Peterson
The entire cast was young. Hammer was only 21.
One of the reasons why it fell apart was because the script was written with the heroes being seasoned veterans in mind, and due to Miller's casting choices, the script had to be severely retooled to make them into young newcomers aside from Martian Manhunter.
Camden Stewart
Baruchel is better than he gets credit for.
Gabriel Edwards
>he pretty much admitted he was doing the movie for the benefit of the Australian government and that fans would've probably hate it
Matthew Collins
> Lord, who mind-controls Superman into nearly killing Wonder Woman, forcing Batman to break his neck. DROPPED R O P P E D
Jace Nelson
your picks are shit too
Henry Diaz
Too bad we don't live in the timeline with A justice League International movie.
Nicholas King
They thought that for Diana's first onscreen appearance she better not just kill the bad guy. They thought it made her look too brutal or something along those lines
Lincoln Clark
>The heroes confront Lord, who mind-controls Superman into nearly killing Wonder Woman, forcing Batman to break his neck. Superfags btfo
Lincoln Thomas
Reminder that George Miller refused to direct a MoS sequel because Superman is totally lame and not cool and complex like Batman
Owen Young
>In 2015, while promoting "Mad Max: Fury Road", Miller revealed on the Word Balloon Podcast that "Justice League: Mortal" would have been very faithful to the comics at the time, though ultimately, he was glad the movie didn’t happen. He said that there were parts that people would have absolutely loved, yet there were also aspects that many people may have truly hated. Furthermore, he admitted that parts of the movie were primarily aimed at a young audience, which made sense, since Miller was coming off a streak of making kids’ movies like "Happy Feet".
I've been here for 17 years stupid cuck and thiese are some stupid fucking picks you fucking soyboy
Zachary Barnes
Well, lurk more. You'll catch on eventually.
Cameron Carter
>Armie Hammer
That's a stage name right? Also as much as i love George Miller, thank god this faggot didn't play Batman. Probably would've gotten another bullshit tacticool Batsuit again too.
Hopefully the rumors of Jake Gylanhall replacing Batfleck in "The Batman" are false. So sick of onscreen Batman being a fucking manlet.
Liam Wood
No, it's not.
His family fortune is in Arm & Hammer. His grandfather is Armand Hammer the first.
These are not lies.
Lucas Brown
Zack Snyder actually borrowed quite a bit of MORTAL for his DC movies.
>Villain is a young Mark Zuckerberg-esque tech mogul who's obsessed with gods and shit.
>Flash is a rookie fanboying over playing with the big leagues and the resident quipster.
>Aquaman is a broody asshole with a secret boner for Wonder Woman.
>Batman talking shit and getting hit by Wonder Woman, Flash quips she was in the right.
>Dramatic scene where Batman shows how utterly bruised he is from a love tap from Superman.
>Superman goes nuclear and fights the Justice League (right down to Wonder Woman trying to use her magic lasso on him and it not working).
>Black guy gets the least screentime.
I'm surprised he didn't go the extra mile and squeeze the superspeed sex scene somewhere in there.
James Adams
>for the benefit of the Australian government and that fans would've probably hate it nigga wut
y'know proving a tax incentive with 40% offset comes at the govt's expense right?