How did she survive?

How did she survive?

He got a small penis.

Have you seen Jap porn? Asian women have evolved to handle any kind of strange object or dangerous creature being shoved up their vaginas and ass. A large man's penis is nothing to them.

He is only strong in physique. Beyond that, he is a beta.

They call him the baguette

Just because a dude is giant doesn't mean his dick is just as big
I would know

Adding to that if his dick were big enough to harm a woman he would pass out trying to get it up.


That's a myth. Dudes with penises as large as 10 inches erect have no trouble getting fully hard, and that size is absolutely large enough to hurt a woman.

Size difference is the best fetish

She knew she had to produce a superior hapa offspring so she endured it.

French people fuck often. Their vaginal muscles can crush cans.

Even her?

Her tits alone can crack walnuts.

Who would crack walnuts with a flat board?

But wouldn't that only be true if he wasn't huge in general


Pretty much these

Does this look flat to you user?



I give em an A

As in A cup

That's the best kind of cup.