We wont see an anthropomorphic animal movie (Other than a Zootopia sequel) from Disney for a long time (if ever), won't we?
We wont see an anthropomorphic animal movie (Other than a Zootopia sequel) from Disney for a long time (if ever)...
Who cares. Honestly I don't mind anthro animals, but recent productions are garbage and yes I include Kung Fu Panda.
Western Animation has a bigger issue than using non-humans. Western Animation is conceptually bankrupt. And Disney is a big reason Western Animation sucks.
No, enjoy illumination crap.
Shut your mouth you fucking Heathen! Kung-Fu Panda 2 was great.
source of the image?
>I include Kung Fu Panda
Well, you're wrong.
>kung fu Panda
Just because it never got a cancerous fandom like zootopia shilling it everywhere, does not mean is not good.
Maybe, but I don't see a reason why they would avoid it on purpose.
Artist is artbirchly.
That's good. No more turning people in furries.
>Sexy piggy housewife
Is there any good porn of her?
To be fair, Kung Fu Panda 3 was shit.
>No more turning people in furries.
Poor fool. I can no longer be stopped.
Why is that important?
What they should do is to end furries.
Ow it got really cringeworthy at the last 3 panels, furries really can't do anything right.
Redwall has too many Christian values, it must be ignored.
Why would you want a Redwall movie when you can have a rocking videogame instead?
Fucking THIS. I want to see Constance bashing a rat in a net against a wall until he's a squishy pile of goo. I want to see Cluny the Scourge getting crushed by the Joseph Bell. I want to see Matthias completely fucking destroy Asmodeus by hacking the fucker's head right off. I want to see the fucking Late Rose Summer Wars brought to life on the big screen and given all the respect it fucking deserves.
What game is this?
Well, if some types of groups keeped it in their pants we might have. Sadly that is not the case
Kung Fu Panda 3 was lack luster, in my opinion anyways. It lacked so much in action and story telling, and went over board in mystical kung fu bullshit.
Ghost of a Tale. WIP, will land on Xbone and Pee Sea (maybe elsewhere later)
Ghost of a Tale. Still in early access.
and yet we have /trash/, a breeding ground for this kind of faggotry, and you all are fucking hypocrites so long as that cesspool sticks around
I'd like a link on that article that definitely exists.
Holy shit, not even Overgrowth got this close Redwall perfection, and for awhile it was shaping up to be The Long Patrol: The Game.
I watched Zootopia and I'm amazed how much I liked it
It was like a normal movie that happened to be animated
tfw there will never be a sequel
Forgive my weak Google-Fu this is all I got
it also shits on the message of the first one.
>you are the chosen one because you believe it, everyone has this potential.
>LOL, I was just kidding, you were special since the beginning.
The tv show had already introduced the Hero's CHi concept, they were just staying true to the shared canon universe
Wow, that's actually really good lol
The tv show was shit too.
>The tv show was shit too.
Owls are OP, nerf owls
Thought so. Still, anons will believe anything.
Why did the villains have better motivation than the faggot Panda in 1&2?
Was I not supposed to sympathize with them?
>>Was I not supposed to sympathize with them?
You mean that faggot peacock who cheated by bringing guns to a fist fight?
I said motivation
They were way cooler than Po
>From Disney
Who cares? It was incredibly formulaic. Rock Dog was infinitely better.
you're joking right? both those villains were just envious spoiled assholes who can't hear a no to their face
That skunk is hotter than the bunny girl could ever hope to be.
Way better than I WANNA BE DA BES
>That skunk is hotter than the bunny girl could ever hope to be.
That's because said skunk lady is designed to look like a regular anthropomorphic bipedal animal like from Star Fox or Sly Cooper. Zootopia's anthros are literally upright animals. And those types of designs aren't very attractive. The skunk lady has the advantage of blatantly having a more humanoid body.
>That skunk is hotter than the bunny girl could ever hope to be.
There's a surprising amount of art of her out there, too.
>mfw I knew someone who used to really like this show, dude was a total closet furry too
I want to fug the bun
But she's an OC, so it's kind of....pointless to get invested in such a type of character. Also dislike her hair. Would it kill artists to do a skunk girl without that atrocious overrated dyke hair?
Good. Less furry shit the better
No, the MORE the better. That'll trigger you to death alright!
She's only good-looking when the original artist draws her, though. The other art of her is pretty bad.
Her mohawk is dumb, but I guess it maintains the stripe motif and fits into the Zootopia aesthetic (they don't give the women full heads of hair, but at best little poofs, like on Gazelle).
I like her big paws with the little claws on them. Cuter than just giving her dainty human fingers, I think.
I prefer all that but I'd be cool with none as long as the feast and cooking scenes are in. Hotroot soup, dandelion wine, all the pastries, even the seige food
>Oh god that feast looks delicious
>What the fuck do I have, fucking popcorn and Buncha Crunch?
HERESY AND DEGENERACY! i-is there more?
Look on the bright side, she doesn't have retarded Blob Hands (Bomberman) or Blob Feet (Sonic).
>sympathizing with MUH DADDY ISSUES
Did you even watch the movies or are you just parroting what you've been told by villainfags in KFP threads?
Id rather sympathize with a peacock more than suck cock
What kind of alcoholic drinks do rabbits drink
>classical feminine figure
>big eyes
>long eyelashes
Gee, I wonder why that character is so attractive...
Carrot wine actually does exist. It's pretty tasty.
>not taking in the joys and feasts of nature
Do you even AlfieAestics?
>Constance bashing a rat in a net against a wall until he's a squishy pile of goo.
wait, what?
>Ignoring his unprotected back, Matthias failed to see Fangburn stealing up behind him. The rat raised his cutlass in both claws, but, before he could strike, Constance had hurled the net over him. Fangburn struggled like a landed fish as the big badger picked up the net and swung it several times against the gatehouse wall. Dropping the lifeless thing, Constance plunged with a terrifying roar into a pack of weasels.
People may pretend to hate the comic, but deep inside they love it.
Zootopia 2 will be about the last human and all about how the abimals see him as a wild monster who must be putdown because of storys told about humans as kids to keep the from being bad except judy who must prove the human is not evil in x amount of time
When is po gonna get some tiger pussy
I dont know, but when he does, it will be better late than never I guess
>Judy with boobs
I hate when they draw her off-model like that.
>Le villains were way cooler than Po
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this, i liked it
I believe in JUSTICE but Po was fucking acoustic and whiny
His villains had MUCH better motivations than him, even if they turned into colossal cunts, and you fucking know it
The villains are indeed better than Po. It's amazing how unlikable Po is as a protagonist. An immature literal manchild (hey he plays with action figure toys even by the third film), who nonsensically is the supreme king of martial arts without really training or trying. Tai Lung losing to Po because he cannot injure a fat ass is the stupidest thing ever. Even Majin Buu had an excuse in Dragon Ball Z (his body was magical goo that regenerates similar to Cell, so he wasn't just some obese thing).
There's also the unfunny habit of Po getting all trash talking towards the usually more interesting villains with this "Chitty chat chitta chat chitty chat!" And here's the kicker, original Po was going to be even more unlikable until Jack Black decided "Not voicing this character until he's likable." Mission failed, Po is unlikable an annoying manchild who is also visually unappealing nonsensically beating opponents he has no business beating just because he's a Gary Stu is trash that makes Minions look good.
We had one just this year.
>Christian values
Oh yeah? Where's the real story of redemption in any of those stories?
Outcast of Redwall. Seriously nigga, go read it, it's ALL about redemption.
An actual, not me fucking with you answer would be The Bellmaker, a nice searat gets to live a happy life once he realizes that his boss' MO, i.e. "kill everything what has stuff we want" is a shitty way to live and becomes a boatmaker
I think Po in the first film fills the role he was meant to perfectly. He's friendly and outwardly upbeat, but he's suppressing his disquiet and unease with the way his life is turning out as hard as he can, escaping into fantasy whenever it gets too much. Even getting his wildest dream handed to him on a silver platter isn't quite enough to get rid of that nagging feeling that he just doesn't belong. The scene where he's arguing with Shifu about leaving after Oogway's death hit me just a little to close to home.
>Yeah, I stayed. I stayed because every time you threw a brick at my head, or said I smelled, it hurt... But it could never hurt worse than every day of my life just being me.
And, of course, the ultimate moral is to just accept yourself, flaws and all, while still reaching for growth. Po's still kind of a doofus at the end, but he's found peace with himself, and that's worth striving for.
Or maybe it's just all fat jokes and I'm projecting. Either or.
You son of a bitch.
Am I the only one who'd want a Zootopia sequel that DOESN'T focus on Nick, Judy, and the others, but instead focus on a new cast with their own story?
Affection makes you cringe?
>Guy asks for source of an image of what is clearly an anthropomorphic rabbit woman, aka a furry
>Act surprised and indignant that the source is furshit
The more the better if it triggers you that much
> Zootopia sequel
it's overrated preachy garbage made by SJWs, llet ti die already.
>people still triggered over furries
The more I think about it, the less sense it makes.
Eh I liked that furfag trash though. It had it's sublime moments.
It's funny you should say that. What message do you think it was preaching, I wonder.
Jack Black's voice does pair better with acoustic instruments, I agree and I suppose it proves the point it doesn't matter if you do the wrong thing because you think it's right or the right think without knowing it's right.
Disney made over a billion dollars from Zootopia, no way they don't try to get another anthro movie out the next 5 years.