Who should play Granny Goodness in a Fourth World adaptation?

Who should play Granny Goodness in a Fourth World adaptation?

Ed Asner


I'd choose Kathy Bates or Rosanne Barr.


Kathy Bates actually would really good.

Danny Devito.

Nah Devito should be Oberon.

Kathy Bates would be perfect.
I think if we ever see Apokolips in a film, it should be shot and edited like a horror movie during the scenes there.

Nina Hartley.

Rachel Peru for anyone wondering.

Rachelperu1 on instagram.



perfect casting.

I dunno but I know who should play Kalibak

How do I get a granny like OP’s pic?

Whose this old semen demon


Granny Goodness implies motherhood. And she's older, so two and two

Helen Mirren.

Eddie Asner Or Robin William's ghost in Doubtfire drag.

Kathy Bates, no debate.

Tyler Perry

Rosie O Donnel, she doesnt even need makeup

Margo Martindale

Betty White


>Hillary is Granny Goodness
>Trump is Glorious Godfrey


Who is Desaad?
And who are the Forever People come to protect us?

Granny Goodness will never not sound like a GILF porn site

Louise Fletcher.

>anyone but evil Betty White
Shit taste abound.

With those facts in mind, we all know who Darkseid is.

who is this?

See here

holy shit i would fuck this grandma. is there more? all reverse search gave me was "monokini" :(

woops i just noticed :^)