My god, the less hair she has the more evil she becomes. What will happen if she gets a pixie cut? What happens!?
Nah, the first three seem to have the same length of hair, but in different styles. The more she covers up however.
haha the joke is that you're retarded. I love it.
user, you have autism, don't you?
Go fuck yourself, you fat fucking shit. It's fucking shitty how faggots like you think that "HUR YUR AUTISTIC" is somehow a derogatory insult, instead of a genuine issue that people have to deal with without assholes like you bringing it up like people should be ashamed about it. I was just correcting him about my chart, you don't have to be a colossal jerk just because I decided I wanted to fucking help a fellow user understand what I was trying to say. Get cancer, kiddo.
I've read this somewhere before, but I'm at a loss for where.
I can't wait for Spidey to get her suit open only to see a mind control device on her chest
Why do people care about this shitty character again? Other than tits, that is.
We want Slott to kill her.
She had a cute thing going with Peter.
(You) need more (you) for that. This is now an angry bait thread.
The wider her hips the more of a bitch she becomes!
THICC is the work of Satan!
>we want her to kill Slott
Cat fur gets all over and smells awful. Spider-Man should get with a cute lady spider.
Already taken.
>inb4 threesome
Jess is 3rd worst Spider-gal
No. He needs to kill the skank.
Slott, you have a lot of work to do.
Maybe have Miles' Uncle kill her since he got that Spider-Man suit.
Black Cat never interested me. Rule 63 Prowler might be fun
Superior Iron Prowler
Slott, we're concerned for your health. Please, don't do this to yourself. You've gotta get some exercise dude.
It's funny to think, if Disney buys FOX, Black Cat and Venom will be the last characters not in the MCU
How/why does the Iron Spider suit give people Spider-powers anyway?
Yep. Need him.
You want that cat to die.
>Other than tits
Tony Stark is a treacherous faggot, that's why.
No I don't. Were you molested by a cat?
Think about. No more Black Cat. Peter will be stuck with the Mockingbird.
Look at that last picturw, user
Why is Bobby flying now too? What, does Daredevil have a monopoly on stick fighting martial artists?
Dan, please. Think of your poor mother dammit!
Cause, fuck it, why not.
Man, could've saved yourself a bit of time by just writing 'yes'
Put me in the screencap