So after all these years he's still selling the same stock of beepers from 1999...

So after all these years he's still selling the same stock of beepers from 1999? Why didn't he just sell all the extra stock and then move on to cellphones? He had his flaws, but he was always shown to be a shrewd enough businessman to know when to move on.

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So this show takes place in the 90s still orrrr...

Rhonda asked for Wi-Fi for her cell phone. The movie is apparently modern day.

What I don't get was how he was still unboxing new beepers. Who is still supplying them?

Aren't Beepers super niche or still needed in some circles of professions? Like I hear Doctors and Lawyers still use them

Hospitals still use them, but it's not a big enough market to support a whole store. It should be "Big Bob's Phones and Electronics" by now.

The name Wi-Fi, commercially used at least as early as August 1999. Could still be early-mid 2000s.

Why does he hate Helga so much? That was never even addressed in the movie. It was just a fact of life for her.

He's a 50-year-old man with a drunken wife, no son, and two useless daughters. Beepers are all that keeps him alive.

YFW Bob's Beepers was a front for pseudo-mafia money laundering

Because Helga is a cunt, and he already has one good daughter so why bother?

It was implied that they had hard times so clearly Big Bob is now within the super niche market for beepers and probably only has hipsters buying them. Remember the city they live in is supposedly inspired partially by Portland, Oregon.

What they showed was that they had to downgrade their jetplane because they couldn't afford the better one.

pretty sure Rhonda had a modern tablet-style phone too

I was really hoping that Bob and Miriam would get worried when Helga wasn't there when they liberated the camp

But they just didn't even acknowledge her absence

That's childhood neglect, user.

Do you even watch the show? Olga wasn't useless in her parent's eyes.

She must have gotten the first iPhone before they hit the market because she is incredibly rich.

Yeah, but Bob should have realized that beepers were on the way out by the time the first Nokia phone hit the market.

They were probably too excited to see Olga alive plus they somewhat care for Helga during the Thanksgiving special.

>She must have gotten the first iPhone before they hit the market because she is incredibly rich.
Nah you're just really reaching at this point. There is no reason for him to still be firmly invested in soley the beeper game.

Bob seems too stubborn to adapt

You seem to forget that there are still outdated businesses in the world, you retard. Portland, Oregon, the city which their city is inspired by, tends to still have video rental stores.

He only sold beepers because they were trendy, and he had no problems adapting his business on the show.

lol I actually know of a beeper store still in existence in my town and I always questioned how they are still around.

Probably a mob front.

Hospitals still use them because of concerns about cell phone signals disrupting equipment.

Why so mad you dumb faggot? Find me a single beeper store in Portland that doesn't also have cellular in its name. It's obvious that they just didn't care to make sense of when it took place.

Bob does what he wants, bub.

When they were clearing the store there was cellphones too, dingus.

I had one when I worked medical transports, some fire departments still is them too.
I dreaded that noise during nap time.

does it beep?
then the name still applies.

Big Bob got some nice arms

>That scheme is alleged to have taken place from January 2010 to about May 2013,
> New Jersey

There's no way random pirates from Central America would have wifi in 99.

My assumption was that there's a year long timeskip between the end of the show and start of the movie, in which some of the girls start to sprout boobs and there is for some reason a huge sudden shift in technology after cell phones are popularized and upgraded to tablets in an extremely short amount of time.

Because she spelled qualm wrong.

This is one of the reasons why we need a season 6 or at least the Helga spin off to explain this.

Sliding timeline like Marvel. Also it's a fucking children's cartoon, did this shit really bother people?

He would have been implied as a wholesaler for those purposes now. And I dig 's words: his sales would've been so huge at that that beepers might've become synonymous with his shop, and he decided to make them part of his trademark.

I reckon that it might help with the willing suspension of disbelief when it comes to getting immersed in a work's setting and time period, and I kinda understand that bewilderment...I've been there.

i'm certain there was an episode where it hinted at Bob selling cell phones

I thought it was kind of depressing that the whole family is now living in a defunct beeper store

>Portland, Oregon, the city which their city is inspired by
I always assumed it was Seattle due to the Pig War reenactment episode.

No, it was Portland.

It was a combo of Seattle, Portland, and Brooklyn.

People still need beepers even today. Mostly fazed out, but there's plenty of hospitals I can think of that still use beepers. If he's the only beeper supplier left, then it would make sense he can still do enough business to survive.

Here OP

I bet Bob fucks Miriam with a crown on, and demands that she calls him the Beeper King.

Arnold's last name is Shortman?

in the time frame of the movie they did have wifi and smartphones. my wealthy family was running around with a smart phone or two in the early 2000's

They got a pig and a stapler onto a fucking place. Must be pre-9/11.

here you go