>Japan likes Justice League and GOTG Vol. 2 better than Wonder Woman, with Justice League currently averaging around the same score as Logan
What's with the cultural dissonance? Do Japanese people just not understand capeshit?
>Japan likes Justice League and GOTG Vol. 2 better than Wonder Woman, with Justice League currently averaging around the same score as Logan
What's with the cultural dissonance? Do Japanese people just not understand capeshit?
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They just have good taste is all.
I live in Japan and saw it in theaters. Yes, Japan doesn't really invest much thought into capeshit.
>Sup Forums is an anime and japanese culture site
>Japan loves Justice League
>therefore Sup Forums is required to like Justice League
I don't make the rules
now imagine how they feel when weebs eat up the latest shounen/SoL trash
If you notice, those movies are ranked by how much big flashy CGI they have.
translation into backwards broken chinaspeak made it a far more coherent and enjoyable film
That Jastice Rigu poster is fugly
Japan has a secret hunger for characters who aren't 14yo boys but their marketing masters don't listen and think they know better.
Japan liking JL is the equivalent of people like shit like DBS.
>Japan likes super teams with their quirky sets of characters
Golly, who could have seen that one coming?
It kinda makes sense. Justice League and Guardians are probably reminiscent of sentai while WW isn't girly enough to be a magical girl series
>Justice League: 469 votes
>GotG 2: 3314 votes
>WW: 3436 votes
The score is skewed by early adopters/fans. Give it time.
The first two are just sci-fi plots, WW is a sci-fi period piece-slash-war commentary of sorts as outlandish as it goes about it, so I figure if someone isn't invested in that it's just not as compelling regardless of whether it achieves what it sets out to execute.
Probably can throw in that JL and GotG are teams so there's more super powered characters, as for Logan X-Men are fairly known internationally and especially characters like Wolverine, so that's butts in seats and likes by default.
>Liking JUSTice League
>Good taste
notice the numbers on the rating scale, and the number of responders
Of 3,314 reviews of Guardians, 59.5% gave it five stars
Of JL's 469 reviews, 39.4 gave it 5 stars.
This is comporable to WW, save for the fact that that movie has 3,436 reviews
Look at the two numbers just under the stars, as well. The left is "want to see", and the right is "saw log".
When anime is dominated by perfect bodies and massive tits, it makes sense they wouldn't really be fans of Gadot
>implying japs don't have a superior understanding of the cape genre
>Do Japanese people just not understand capeshit?
They are just not used to hollywood cliches and eat it up caus they are different than Japanese media cliches
>Sup Forums is an anime and japanese culture site
It used to be when it started. But it has always been much more for a long time.
Lets end this discussion here before it gets too meta
They should make a nightwing movie to appease the Asians
The Japanese are our guys and completely understand what capekino should be.
isn't that basically The Crow?
Based Japs not afraid to give bad reviews to a movie made by a woman starring a female lead. America should take notes
Can't wait for them to start parodying the slow mo fight scene
The Gal Gadots fear the samurai.
Those misogynist pigs are just stuck in the stone age. IT'S 2017, SWEETIE.
Executives are the same everywhere.
Ghostbusters reboot did get a bad review though. Awful movies do get get bad reviews generally no matter how much PC bullshit apologists try to throw
Wonder Woman was the best DCEU movie by far, although that doesnt say much really but it truly was a good movie
How popular is cape shit in japan anyway? I feel like I've been seeing more western influence and references in anime lately.
>liking wonder yass queen
both are shit tbqhf
Japan has the best capeshit so they understand it pretty well.
Japan has absolutely terrible taste in everything
Sentai, Rider, Ultraman and similar shows are capeshit no matter what /m/ wants to delude themselves into believing.
Both are better than redditors of the galaxy 2 "I don't know that daddy and father means the same shit"
Guardians was still better than Spidertwink tumblrcoming ps2 and Thor and the shitty cgi rock vs grandma.
>Nips liked JL
>Brazilian Monkeys REALLY liked JL(biggest box officer in the country)
>Nig Nongs also liked JL
Why Americucks doesn't like their heros? Why did it floped in their home country?
>Lmao my family and people suffered genocide lets quip
At least the skeleton nigger was cool, what was his name?Valkyrie?
>Movies with big flashy action scenes score better than or equal to those that don't in a society that still loves giant robots and is on season 27 of Power Ranger
Boy it's a mystery, OP.
Japanese fans aren't subject to the Marvel/Disney bias
But Wonder Woman was good, whereas Justice League is Thor 1 or 2 quality.
>used to be
the internet was created by US army to communications at war.
Unless you are a soldier or veteran of any NATO country fuck off of the internet then.
Yet here we are in a Japanese inspired board...
Pretty much this user has it spot on, Japs will show that they have no interests in Disney/ Marvel films.
Or however Japanese show their displeasure.
The Platonic Form of the Internet has always existed, US military just actualized an instance of it.
Gundam Seed homey.
>Japs will show that they have no interests in Disney/ Marvel films
Yet Frozen was fucking huge in Japan.
To the Japanese, Just(ice) League is kinda like Sentai.
Just like Sup Forums was based on 2chan that was based on Ayashii World a random site to talk about anything not manly anime and that was based on american anonymous forums
Again, posting anime everywhere is just like talking about Iraq war everywhere
Because the leads were pretty much 3D anime characters in terms of appearance
>Wonder Woman was a good DCEU movie that most people enjoyed
>DCEU fanboys hate it
What the hell? Are DCEU fanboys really just Synderfags?
more than "they're not used to hollywood clichés" is more like "they don't like hollywood clichés"
yeah but Sup Forums is still bigger than Sup Forums desu
yeah I can tell by how shit Sup Forums is
41st actually
By a tiny margin. Meanwhile, neither of them have shit on Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums in terms of traffic. Proving that Sup Forums is more shitposting site than anime site.
>Do Japanese people just not understand capeshit?
They have their own capeshit you ignorant fuck. Ishinomori made more comics than any other human being in history and it was mostly superheroes.
Also the Japs probably got insulted by how WB tried to make Gal Gadot look more Kawaii in asian advertising, it probably backfired hard when they saw she doesn't look like the drawings on the posters
/m/ here, we never denied it dumbass. We even have Adam West Batman threads over there sometimes because its essentially western Tokusatsu
>Thinks Super Sentia started in the 90s and not the 70s
>Thinks giant robots are any more silly than superheroes
Fuck you faggot fite me irl
Japan has terrible taste, they thought frozen was the Best foreign film of 2014
They are literal retards and I am glad they are dying faster than they are breeding
Still better taste than Americans and chinks
>listening to /m/
They are bigger, stupider and more delusional weeaboos than even Sup Forums
>Japs invade and destroy Israel
Giant robots are basically dead in Japan outside of Sentai. Mecha anime is past tense.
>What's with the cultural dissonance
Might have something to do with the cultures being dissonant from each other.
Why'd they like GOTG so much? It relies on a lot of references to American pop culture. Is it just because of the flashy space adventures?
There's still a lot of mecha in TV anime, it's mostly all 3DCG though, the studio behind Knights of Sidonia and the New Godzilla series gives you a better idea of where modern mecha is in Japan, it'ts in a weird place but it keeps it alive over there and the newer generation likes it.
>weak characters and script
>bad animation at times
If that is what japan likes then I have no respect for them and I will never take " but it was loved in Japan" seriously as an argument ever again
You guys understand that Japan isn't on another planet right? They listen to American music and watch American movies. People in buttfuck Africa watch American movies.
Brazilian here. Most screens around had the movie dubbed. I've watched Japanese commercials for JL while streaming Japanese channels and they were dubbed in Japanese. Maybe that had something to do with it?
Dubs as opposed to the original performance/script?
Perhaps they aren't afflicted with the various forces that pushed for the popularity at the box-office for Wonder Woman? Feminism, is an example, but also several allied political factions.
The better question is: Did Japan allow Wonder Woman to sink or swim based on its merits as a story and film, and not as a political pawn piece?
I'm pretty sure marvel still sold better than DC movies there.
>DCEU fanboys hate it
>implying those weren't just fellow Sup Forumsntrarians
So wait, are Japan more Marvelfags or DCfags, because they seem to be shifting towards DC these days.
Wondey obviously isn't magical girl enough.
No jew media pushing mediocre movies as the greatest thing ever because its about destroying the white male patriarchy
because its a fun space adventure filled with weird and interesting characters
Going by daily reply count Sup Forums and Sup Forums are about equal with each having nearly twice the traffic of Sup Forums
>nippons and kikes killing each other for no reason while Chinks and Sandniggers watch.
That would be fucking hilarious.
What are the radar charts?
You're fighting a losing battle here, people on Sup Forums aren't going to magically just stop posting anime because of how hard you rationalized it away. It's just the culture, you can't change it anymore than you could try to make Minecraft enthusiasts less autistic or Hollywood less corrupt / jewish.
This is probably the first decent post on Sup Forums in a year. Sad, but true. And it was probably effortless.
More than 98% of his work was not superheroes. He made comics of all genres.
>What's with the cultural dissonance? Do Japanese people just not understand capeshit?
It is harder to detect bad dialogue with foreign films, because either the translation hides it or you assume it is the translator who fucked up.
Japan has their own internal capeshit market.
The sheer love Spider-Man has in Japan overshadows every other Western superhero.
Reminder for Snyder worshippers that Marvel did Snyder better than even Snyder did Snyder:
They made Skurge's last stand even better than the Spartan's fight at the passage in 300 and the fight scenes on the bridge were even cooler looking than the fights of 300.
Japan has great taste. We all already knew that. All the west has is an obesity problem and a love for Marvel.
Batman's got a pretty respectable fanbase over there too.
I dunno, Kikaider, The Cyborgs and Kamen RIder are basically superheroes.
Disney make sure that some of the costumes (just look at Antman, Wasp, and Black Panther's outfits), architecture, and cinematography of Marvel movies are reminiscent of Power Rangers shows to attract past fans of the show and to have greater synergy with the Rangers due to Disney owning Power Rangers in the past.
Marvel movies with the main villain looking like they came straight out of a Power Rangers movie should be doing better in Japan.
Marvel might be lowering their planned marketing spending for Black Panther and Antman and the Wasp in Japan due to Rangarok's reception there.
Now I want a sentai based on the Avengers or just American heroes in general trying to cash in on the wave of superhero movies.
Anime is fucking shit and you should stop posting it.
League will drop for sure. As for the difference between Guardians and Wondy, one of those has both a kawaii mascot and modestly shy alien qt.
Man has over 770 titles. You mentioned 3.
Elephant in the room: Japan doesn't care for strong woman characters.
They like their nice and quiet, submissive little housewives.