Post sexy cosplays




No I will not. I will not condone the practice of vapid narcissists parasitising everything from my childhood for the sole practice of inflating their self-esteem. I will not condone the practice of the beta males bending over backwards to accommodate them in the hopes of being awarded some pussy.

Boo hoo








Too bad she's a total bitch.


Now now... this isn't CGL, so keep the bitching to a minimum...

Oh, hey, it's the one comment in every thread that gets a bunch of replies

Allow me to be the first to tell you to fuck off

IIRC this girl was cosplaying as Nebula just a few weeks after the first GOTG trailer came out.



I believe there are at least a handful of them that do it out of genuine love for the characters/franchises, but for the most part you are correct.




She was a judge at a cosplay contest. Can confirm.


Too bad susu's sets are still impossible to get, even asking on /r/ gets your thread deleted.
Angie's cosplay's are still getting hotter though

Is this supposed to be Blossom ?
Idk, don't read that much comics


LTG go away


easily best cosplay of the thread


Fucking millennial

No, fuck you. this is the stupidest complain ever. If they have fun dressing up as other character, there is nothing fucking wrong with that. Ever.



>the practice of the beta males bending over backwards to accommodate them in the hopes of being awarded some pussy.
How is "allowing girl to dress up as characters" bending over backward? What concession is being made that we lose something over it?

(please, no slippery slope arguments)

Stop falling for the bait and post some hot chicks in costumes.

I get what the guy is saying. Some girls do "cosplay" for attention. Most of the time tho it's obvious. Met a girl who was "nerdy" in her own words at costume party at a bar. She loved star wars and did a sexy stormtrooper. It was a stormtrooper helmet and a white corset. And she posted her costumes all over her FB for attention. However I have a lot of cosplaying female friends and they don't post their costumes anywhere other than their tumblrs. Theirs merits to both sides of the argument.


>I get what the guy is saying. Some girls do "cosplay" for attention. Most of the time tho it's obvious. Met a girl who was "nerdy" in her own words at costume party at a bar. She loved star wars and did a sexy stormtrooper. It was a stormtrooper helmet and a white corset. And she posted her costumes all over her FB for attention.
Even then, it's not like she is netting any negative effect on the community. Anyway, at this point She is easily outmatched by better cosplayers who put effort in their design (sexy or not).

What it means is that only casual fall for it while real nerd only appreciate quality cosplay.

Fake geek girls can only con fake geek boys, who don't even muster the effort to look for actual good quality cosplay, filtering them away from the true nerds. It all even out, in the end.


Anyway, sorry, for my rants, I shouldn't have polluted the thread, here is some Breath of fire to make up for it.




>Jean Grey
I thpught she was "Batman and Robin" 97 movie Batgirl cosplay

>Even then, it's not like she is netting any negative effect on the community.
I can neither agree or disagree with this statement. In my head I wrote her off because she seemed to try hard seeking attention for being sexy. I think the nerd thing is just an excuse for her to dress slutty.
>Fake geek girls can only con fake geek boys, who don't even muster the effort to look for actual good quality cosplay, filtering them away from the true nerds. It all even out, in the end.
True, or thirsty nerds with no standards.
I'll admit I am somewhat envious the low tier quality cosplayers getting money off of patreon for lewd photos. However I am very salty a patreon lewd cosplayer is allowed to be cosplay judge.

How accurate is this costume?

It's not torn latex, so not at all.

>However I am very salty a patreon lewd cosplayer is allowed to be cosplay judge.
At least that means they won't be part of the competition.

I'd check that double if you catch my drift


That's just her alias.

dem tits


nice nipples
but who is the character supposed to be?





Love the airbrushed abs and real cameltoe.


first glance, I think the anime Chrono Cross; personally not watched it so cannot specify character other then main one.

Google says it's Double from Skullgirls, so I'm gonna go with that.

Alright, I'm done for now. You're going to have to fend for yourselves for a while.

Post some Marie-Claude at least.

Never liked Raven's hairstyle, but here it looks nice.

>just girls
Bisexual master race

The fuck is this unholy Blossom/Harley Quinn fusion shit?

It turned surprisingly good.

Damn she even has the thighs to go with it

A cry for attention.

No. There have been alternative, edgy/punk takes on cute girls that stick to the theme to a T and coordinate. Pic related. It would have been easy mode not include the patches and go for generic black club clothes, but the colors still get the point across and stay close to the original.

Proud incel, hard at work

Male 'bisexuals' are gays in sorry disguise and female 'bisexuals' are just nymphomaniacs.

>A cry for attention.
I say she put quite the good effort and creativity in this call.
It's subjective, but I prefer OP's Blossom Harley to you Usagi Harley.

You have to go back.

Do we have any idea who the woman in blue is or is supposed to be?

My best guess, but a milanoo version.

I don't see how OP's Blossom is any worse than your pic.

I was thinking the pther day. You don't meet many old bisexuals, do you?

Yes you do. Why?

It's all about effort and creativity. I'm not vanilla enough to find titillation in some girl in Rainbow/Hot Topic tier clothing with 3 layers of eye liner. I see it every day on girls twice as hot.

The finer details add to the appeal.

Lol, what a self-absorbed faggot.


cool statues


Is this some cleverly disguised attempt at going commando?
Because her crotch looks quite suspicious.


Fats Domino was black though.

is she pregnant?

No. Or, at least, I really and sincerely hope not.

>nuns who let appear some of their hair out of their headress
S... Slut!

I think its inspired by old rennaisance pictures where important women were drawn to look kind of pregnant to evoke the idea of the pregnant Virgin Mary or like fertility or something

she's not, I checked


Roastie defense force

PLs no more fatties.

Bump for being a pervert

I want panty shots. I need panty shots. I'm a fucking fiend for panty shots. They're my crack. Post panty shots. Please.