>the Arnold finale is good
Samurai Jack-offs on suicide watch
The Arnold finale is good
give it a couple of days for the hype to die down and the Sup Forumsntrarians will come out of the woodwork
It was a lot better than I thought it would be. I was very skeptical about the South American setting but they pulled it off in a tasteful way, and the subtle changes in art style were also appreciated. Overall, it was a great finale to an old cartoon, on par with EEnE's Big Picture Show.
Unlike SJ it actually gave me everything I wanted, instead of a bullshit finale after all of the cool dark stuff was cast aside within a few episodes.
Good things are good OP. It's not a competition.
I thought people bitched far too much about the art style.
What hype? It never even got a sticky.
That's because mods are retarded. The movie threads yesterday were booming.
The Samurai Jack threads had people bitching about the ending as it aired though.
Based Bob Pataki.
thats because it was garbage
>I'll show you punks why you should've voted for a trusTed and proven conservative in Ted Cruz!
Damn... a little late to the party Craig but well said.
Really makes you think.
Nick does what Cartoon Netdon't
Oh shit, it fucking came out already?
>Arnold is being taken to his school by his parents, when suddenly...
>[Arnold's parents disappear]
>That fake out “it was all just a dream” ending.
Oh that was just dirty movie.
This is why the Jungle Movie was a better finale than Samurai Jacques.
Also someone do a Chad/Virgin meme of Miles and La Sombra
La Sombra can be Una Virgen kek
What is this?
I didn't catch it. What happened in the end?
Only one simple nibbling little tit of a complaint.
Black irises. Would have been nice to see Helgas blues meet with Arnolds greens even once for a moment. But the silent moments were still done very well.
>Would have been nice to see Helgas blues meet with Arnolds greens even once for a moment.
God damn. That would have made it. We already see Arnold's green eyes when he's using the seeing glass thing.
give Craig five bucks and find out (Amazon, iTunes, YT)
If someone gives me screenshots, I can photoshop that shit.
Rhonda a best
>que pasa
It was so good to see the heart wrench of the main trio as well. Totally far beyond my expectations
Makes me wish we had another one. They were really comfy threads.
Wait, you can watch it on demand online? I watched the early leak, but I want to get it legit.
Good answer actually!
>weeps for taking the Pirates way
It's been on Nick's website before it aired on TV. No login required.
>TFW unlike SJ, Arnold and Helga's relationship was actually built up instead of suddenly rushed as well as Shortman getting the girl.
I can't seem to find it. Does it have ads? I assume so since otherwise there'd be no monetisation involved.
What souless bastard isnt happy they both finaly got concluded
They were never in Competion
>Helga gives Arnold her locket to spread the cure
>Arnold can’t get the locket to fit
>Helga turns it into place
>”You’re such a football head”
Nigga it didn't got a special thread, everyone else was busy shitposting
Bob is really weird, he's an asshole to his daughter, but somehow redeem himself by being a total manly soldier
>Helga and Arnold have sex
>Arnold can’t get the it to fit
>Helga pushes it in
>”You’re such a football head”
That was absolutely god damn perfect.
Some people, the plebeians most of them, just want company-wars bullshit to encompass every aspect of entertainment and life and can't be happy about getting nice things and JUST have to make an "Us or Them" issue about everything.
That fucking song that was playing when Arnold was running to find his parents killed me