Be the change you wish to see edition
Talk about your comic, the making thereof, ask for and give feedback.
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Be the change you wish to see edition
Talk about your comic, the making thereof, ask for and give feedback.
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Here's a list of sites that any new webcomic artist or writer will find handy:
> Fonts for your webcomic on Blambot:
> Create your own FONT:
> Dont forget to brush up on that ANATOMY:
> Whats a list without some reference STOCK IMAGES?
> Here's a big fat compilation of CHARACTER DESIGN REFERENCE:
> Links to get a rough WEBSITE started up:
Easy to use tumblr webcomic theme:
Dos and Donts for starting a site:
> Contact sheet if anyone wants to put information down, like their site and webcomic:
> DISCORD CHAT going on:
> Wise words from John Cleese:
> Invisible Ink:
> Paper Wings
> Writing Resources:
> Guide to promoting your comic:
> Comics for makin' comics!
> Tutorials
>Or just ask YouTube
>How many 'first chapter's did you make before settling on one?
>I've written a story about a music CD, one about trading cards, one about a swimsuit contest, and now one about a harem protagonist seeking help. I wanted to strike a balance between my main characters for the opening story, to establish their goals and weaknesses while keeping their strengths relative to the narrative - prior stories felt like the characters were just going through the motions (someone needs help, save them), or there was too much focus on one person over the other. Not to say these were bad stories necessarily, but you want the first impression of your characters to clearly convey their, well, character.
If you're still in an experimental phase, to see what kind of story you want to tell, try making short, self-contained stories. If one clicks then you can turn that into a 'first chapter' and continue on from there. Otherwise, if it doesn't work out, then it's not a big deal to leave it as its own thing, and move on to something else.
Don't worry about whether things are 'canon' or not. Freely re-use characters in different stories, to see where they fit. Don't be afraid to simply abandon something if it just isn't working (though you can always recycle some elements that did work into a new project).
I still working on stuff.
The short, self-contained stories you mentioned are the kind I wanted to go with. I set up a few formulas to churn out ideas (character A wants X but Y shows up as a roadblock; character A and B fight over Z; etc) so there's no shortage of inspiration, I just wanted a particular story that anyone starting the series can turn to and understand the characters immediately, without feeling like any one of them is the dominant protagonist. I think I've got it now, though. Later stories will obvious prioritise one character or couple of characters over another.
>tried to create my own font
>can't add negative space to 'Y' and 'T' without paying eight bucks
I've set up a 20-page story in Clip Studio Paint, adding panelling and text for every page. It's complete, save for the actual drawings. I can't motivate myself to do the actual sketching, inking and colouring. How do you motivate yourself to start drawing? Do you have a routine that's most comfortable/encouraging for you?
Typically, I just draw something that I think is interesting and engaging as I'm creating panels. It makes me want to see it complete.
Also helps if you color code your thumbnails. A color for the background and for each character. It gives a feeling of incompleteness that's only satisfied after you ink it in black.
if i could actually draw good that would be motivation enough for me
Still thinking about lolis being abused
We all know you are, cf
That middle panel on the right - does she have her hand on his or is that hair spikes from the overlapping close-up?
If she's touching his hand, then her arm anatomy's going crazy.
I think she might have both her hands on his - you can just see the left hands at the back. But that would make her right forearm crazy long.
Also, it's probably just the pencils stage, but the creases on his shirt are creating the illusion that she's bending her left arm at the elbow.
If you scale her up a little that might improve things. It would also make her larger than him (they both appear to be the same size), and bring their faces more to the same level.
>How do you motivate yourself to start drawing?
You just start drawing. There are no magic words or tricks, you simply start whether you feel like it or not. Stop procrastinating.
>Do you have a routine that's most comfortable/encouraging for you?
See above. I'd add "stay the fuck away from the internet" but I'm not doing it myself since I need to look up references every now and then.
It's hard for me to just say 'the anatomy is correct' and expect you to believe me because I erased the proof.
What's going on is she's resting her fingers on his hand. Her palm is next to his hand. You can kiiiiind of see it. If you look at the Luna in the bottom panel, in her hair, you can see a slightly tilted horizontal line that has nothing to do with her hair. That's the bottom of the hand of Luna in the previous panel. You can also see traces of her arm and the angle that I originally drew them in.
I might just erase it to avoid confusion.
>>the creases on his shirt are creating the illusion that she's bending her left arm at the elbow.
Woah, good catch. Didn't see that at all.
I'd like to add some input in the writing department if you're open to it.
I think the comic would benefit from being switched from some odd amalgamation of Loud House and SVU to an original story. I've seen your work the past couple of threads and for the life of me I couldn't even tell that was Luna and Lincoln. They come off more as people cosplaying as the two, both appearance and personality-wise.
An original story has the added benefit of attracting more readers. It stands with a very niche appeal, I think, relying on both someone who
>enjoys Loud House
>and stories of abuse
If you cut the Loud House bit out, you've got yourself a broader audience. Not to mention all the benefits you'd have from making the characters and interactions more unique and not going out of your way to keep to its roots.
That's just my take on it though. Love the art!
You won't believe what I'm going to tell you
Whatever, why do you care?
Let's see how well you can keep up with me!
Your English is improving
Might want to work on your grammar first.
Today I've made a couple scetches of the background characters. It's a bit rough, but I am working on it. Also, is it only me, or a white skirt doesn't fit with blue-black top? I feel some doubts.
>They come off more as people cosplaying as the two, both appearance and personality-wise.
That's how fan art and head-canons work.
The problem is showcasing something white below something black when it should be black under white, for implicit reasons.
We gettin some Addams Family fancomics? That's something I'd love to see Bridgefire do.
The issue, i think is that a white skirt looks odd when both the top and the leggings are darker. It makes the groin area stand out brightly. Something else with a more even value would be better
Noted, I will see what I can do.
It's visual novel with Hotel Transylvania. Long story short - more darker version, with black humor and blood.
thanks as always
>Your English is improving
You think so?
I probably won't post new pages next week because I'm working on swimsuit contest comic but after that I'm gonna update regularly
I just love how many new ways people think of to do fanworks. That's why webcomics are so special. There's no other venue in which anyone would try making that. Good on you, user.
You're making fewer mistakes, let's put it that way.
>thanks as always
Much as I'd like to gank all the credit, actually there's several of us who've been helping proofread. Best to just have a generally warm feeling towards everyone.
made some characters for my universe
Very Golden Age.
Very cool. I like the look, the legit combination of origin factors, and the solidly legit excuse for a native american superhero (I mean this one's an antihero?) to look like he's from the 19th century
Okay, so, let's chat.
I'll say that I've thought the exact same thing before. I like The Loud House and all, but I didn't strictly set out to do a Loud House comic.
I read someone else's comic, Sketch-Toons, and I wanted to adapt it. Their version is more pornographic. I omitted such scenes, but the dialogue is almost exactly the same.
So I'd need to get their blessing if I can copy their comic but make the characters original people.
Since I'm in the sketching phase of the pages, it shouldn't be a problem. Their designs are pretty distinct from the cartoon version.
The only problem would be the colors. I already made two covers, so I'd have to go back and change them. Or do you think they'd be okay if I just left them? I'd probably have to at least take out the logo from Luna's shirt. And I'd have to come up with new names...
I feel like I should say you're ripping it off and you should be more original, but honestly if you look around, you will find all kinds of professional products that are just serial-numbers-filed-off versions of other things. Sometimes even recursively.
All I will say is feel free to make any changes you want. The more you change, the more it's your thing.
>same exact build, pose, and legs
>Okay, so, let's chat.
I think you'd benefit from asking SketchToons permission. From my experience artists on the internet don't mind passing their stuff around so long as you ask. Might as well, considering you're taking their writing and general concepts regardless.
Not everyone uses templates when designing characters, but some people do.
>I'd probably have to at least take out the logo from Luna's shirt. And I'd have to come up with new names...
Why are you worrying about originality when you're already ripping off somebody's work? I could only see this being a problem if you're planning to profit from this, which you should be upfront about.
they're different versions of the same character
M8, you're outright plagiarising someone's work.
Like said, it's okay because other people do it too. Because that's how the world works, right?
Just report them, mods will clean this mess up.
Cause Lucy is a fucking idiot.
>one thread for webcomics and one thread for shitposting
This is the natural evolution of the thread, a split between /hyw/ and /cf/
New page!
I'd say we're at the halfway point for the introductory chapter. (also doubles as a Tumblr blog)
>>You're plagiarizing
lol, sorry, I mentioned it in other posts, so I didn't say it in this one.
First, whatever I have posted online, I gave credit to the original artist.
Second, before starting the comic, I told the artist what I would like to do and I got their permission. They were very excited by the prospect. They even reblogged my covers.
My current concern is going to the artist and saying that I want to adapt their comic but change a major core element of it. And I'm not sure what about the characters' designs I will definitely need to change.
Asking them now.
New thread, get in here
I love you
>Witchway's is actually a place
Oh now the title makes sense!
Pack it up, guys. Time to move on:
In case anyone missed the update.
In case it isn't clear, how the two characters conceptualize gods is going to carry over to how they act when they get superpowers.
The Bad Guy doesn't instantly go full evil though. He slowly gives into his emotions while the Good Guy tries his best to hold him back with reason and words.
Eventually reason isn't enough and he has to fight.
The Bad Guy becomes a super strong bruiser who is both troubled by his inability to have children and the fact that the gods seem to ignore him and normal humans don't seem to understand him And he goes on the be Gilgamesh and Hercules and Beowulf, the great strong men of mythology who were neither god nor men and left no sons
The Good Guy becomes the tribe's Story Teller (taking over from the old man seen earlier in the comic) and a shape shifter. And becomes both the inspiration for all the stories of Zeus and Odin traveling the world in disguise while doing good and tutelary tricksters like Coyote and the kitsunes.
I think they're a nice way bit of prehistoric worldbuilidng for hte Capeworld setting. They're better than Avengers 100,000 BC at least.
let this be the last
>my comic is better than popular comic, take my word for it!
Not exactly, yours is just held to a lower standard.
Please teach your letterer how to letter
Oh I see, so it might actually be worse to make changes, due to the OK you've gotten in making an adaptation.
If you were adapting something of mine, I would appreciate that. I say you just stay in contact with the creator, run the changes by them. They might even have ideas.
>Avengers 100,000 BC
>Not being received worse than the Justice League Movie
user its getting worse hype than Ms. America and its not even out yet.
Do you have any advice I can pass on to him?
> Do you have any [lettering] advice I can pass on to him?
Here's an place to start, whether you're using Blambot fonts or not.
Even though it looks to be hand-lettered onto the original art, you can still use basic image editing to move text around and clean parts up.
>tfw never actually started making one -due to lack of real motivation and being scared of the coming failure.
A little way past half my storyboards. If I had time, I'd clean them up much more and fix the obvious mistakes, but looks like I have to prioritize getting the basic stuff done first.
Thanks user! It is hand lettered, but I'll be looking into image editing to move text around and help him out. I didn't think there was really anything that could be done about the hand-lettering. There's really basic image editing that can help us out?
How long did you practice animation before getting to this point? Have you considered going pro? have you already?
>going pro
I mean god knows we could use storyboarders this good on modern cartoons, and studios are opening up all over the place, not just LA anymore. If I had this kind of skill I wouldn't hesitate
You pretty much only need to cut/copy & paste, make use of layers, and paint/fill in gaps. While having a tablet would make things easy, I'm sure you could do it with a mouse without problems.
FireAlpaca and Medibang Paint are both free and simple, though I'd imagine anything with just a little more functionality than MSPaint would suffice.
>How long did you practice animation before getting to this point?
I did some small animation stuff before. Usually fan stuff, but nothing longer than a second or two. I didn't really get into it, until just two or three months ago.
>Have you considered going pro? have you already?
It'd be nice, but I don't think I'm there.
>I didn't really get into it, until just two or three months ago.
You are a natural
>I don't think I'm there
maybe not for Yotta, but you're way past 'there' for anyone else still doing hand-drawn 2d.
I've been spending the last couple months trying to learn drawing from scratch but recently i've hit a wall where I don't know where to expand into. Does anyone know any tools that would help me specifically or methods I should be using to improve?
I'm practically drawing-illiterate right now, never even drew as a child.
same but even less skilled than you
bumping for answers because drawameme grinding isnt cutting it for detailing
First of all, if you're getting frustrated, chilly down. It'll be alright
Second, have you checked out ? Ignore the fact that it's in the less-legit thread. I only mention this specific one because it's really formulated for people having trouble getting over plateaus in the process. It might show you which area you have to practice yet, to add a new dimension to what you have so far.
Thanks! That looks like exactly the kind of direction I needed on where to focus effort.
I'll come back to this general in like a year when i've actually learned to draw
Does anyone have a link to the discord Coldfusion hangs out at?
I don't want to troll. I just want to talk to him.
Ok troll
Am I only person who gets triggered by pencil on /hyw/ OP image. It's so fucking crooked. Somebody should fix it
It's like that to conform to the shape of the title, how do you not get that? It's called 'style', maybe you could learn a thing or two about it.
It's ColdFusion#6205
You've never done the ol' rubber pencil trick? yeah it bugs me too but duplo took the time to make us a pretty rad image and put a lot of work into it
Chapter 05 comes out next week, get ready for some twists.
You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Apologize to Sean Remel for last thread.
yeah, and this is called 'style' too
I just hope Coldfusion has learned a lesson about sharing stuff online. Here's hoping it won't get worse. I'd hate to see him get documented to the extent Chris-Chan has.
So believably cheesy. So the baseball team has written all this fiction for their mascot's franchise, right?
I also think literally using strikeout on his name is a nice touch
Sean who
or rather, a lesson about other people sharing some of your stuff online without your knowledge and then someone else taking that and putting your name on it
The patreon thing though, yeah. Lessons all around.
Thank you!
To be honest I'm not sure whether the team made the comic to support their mascot or they chose their mascot because of the popularity of the comic.
Guess we'll see. Figuring shit out as we go.
CF's nudes got leaked last thread.