Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Last weekend's thread:
Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.
Last weekend's thread:
Other urls found in this thread:
Last time:
-New pics
-The Breast Wars plot outline is done
-New Golden Girl pics, villain ideas, and comic WIPs
-Momo color patterns
-More about Trine
-Seasons girls meet a dwarf
-Wine elf adventures continue
-BreastQuest is still discussed
-Other stuff I didn't mention
Last thread hit bump limit, that's two weeks in a row.
PSA: Plus4chan is shutting down at the start of 2018, if there's anything of value or interest to you there, save it now.
>-Seasons girls meet a dwarf
If they get their powers from the sun and the earth's passage, are there characters who get their powers from the moon?
Should have used the Bullion design with her bomber jacket for it.
There are werewolves in the setting.
I wanted to use the one that also has Sup Forumslette in the pic.
Ok, than i propose you the Sorority of Sentinels.
From a hidden society around the blacksea, a female lead society of scythians amazons that got converted by christian bytantium, she is sent to fight for christianity and find a strong leader to marry her and continue the blood line of warrior nuns.
An android/cyborg build in the appearance of his daughter, a professor hoped to rescue whats left of his daughter. After criminmals killed him, his "daughter" is lost, left without emotions but revenge, she seeks to regain her quintessence and human emotions.
Athena, an athletic archer and Robin Hood fan, couldnt achieve with her wealth to make archery for women olympic, so she decided to fight crime instead.
>the Black Rose
Former french resistance spy traveled to america to find and kill former nazis that fled europe.
>Water Girl
After an accidental mishappen she spilled an experimental fluid she and her father developed to breath underwater. But besides being able to breath underwater she can controll water.
>White Ghost
After flying with her plane above the bermuda triangle, her plane exploded and she died. Mysteriously she came back from the triangle, with ghostlike powers and a ghost plane that follows her orders. She doesnt know if she is dead or alive, she woke up and has the urge to find the one responsible for her "death".
Hit by a magic lighting from a magic storm that the dying Thunderman infight summoned, she gained electric abilities to defeat the villian. She bow to that ancient power to protect humanity.
>Crimson Cat
This archaeologist found an ancient cat stone in her museum granting her catlike powers. She decided to use it for good and fight crime in the night as Crimson Cat
>Star Princess
Send to earth by her father to investigate powers suddenly awaken on earth that could destroy the whole universe, she protects and study humanity.
Question i have is how Golden Age is Golden Girl?
After some research its described as "Golden Age". So is it 1950-1960? Since we have Rocker Billy it could be around 1955?
Late 50s is what I gather.
It changes over to silver before too long, so elements of the silver age are already present, but not yet dominant.
Yeah, things actually start at the beginning of the Silver Age in 1955, though we've talked about Silver Queen having been around fighting Nazis during the 40s, and GG would've been around for a few "real-world" years before puberty struck.
Yeah, i looked up that some see the Golden Age to be circa 1950 or 1955 where it transitions to Silver Age.
Ok, than its loosely mid `50. Thanks.
About in that area.
It's been kept intentionally vague.
I'm not massively keen on this one. SQ already has a sort of ancient civilization theme to her.
Robot hero's are cool, but at the same time we've played with the idea of a giant multi-room filling supercomputer which revolutionize how hero's fight crime by doing really mundane things like monitor lots of radio frequencies simultaneously. I feel like this hero's existence would undermine this.
Really like this one. But I would say that a hero named Athena should have a costume which evokes ancient Greece more than robin hood.
>the Black Rose
I also quiet like this one, but we've been avoiding Nazi's so far. Is this something we've been doing intentionally or just by accident?
>Water Girl
Good concept, needs a new name.
>White Ghost
I like this one.
These thunder men seem like a pretty big thing to introduce for the backstory of a minor character.
>Crimson Cat
I like the concept, but having her get her powers from an ancient artifact seems to overlap to much with SQs concept.
Perhaps she could be re-purposed as a not!catwoman for the setting?
>Star Princess
Space princesses are always welcome. But similar to thunderwoman intelligent aliens seem like a pretty big thing to introduce to the setting as part of the backstory of a minor character.
I'm also not sure if 9 characters might not be too many. Would the strip where they get introduced just be giving their names or would it also give some backstory? Because if it's the later 9 hero's almost definitely wouldn't fit comfortably.
the artist of this asked if i would post this as well
they got banned for some reason
Have you ever read any of DC's Metal Men comics?
Super advanced robots running around in 1962 with "responsometers" being why they were so intelligent and human-like, but the man who created them being unable to successfully duplicate the process.
I'm just saying, an android hero in that era isn't unheard of, they'd just be so 'advanced' they'd function more like magic than like science. Meanwhile, the big reel-to-reel computers would still be more practical for the time.
And it's mainly suggestions for character to fill in this strip from last thread.
Ok, NOW here's the end to Saudra the Wine elf.
>Weekend Golden Girl fetish thread
>hurp talk about something else then
People try every single week, but it either gets drowned out, or the person replying to them does so hours later making any possibility for discussion dead on arrival.
>Would the strip where they get introduced just be giving their names or would it also give some backstory?
The SOS strip doesn't go too deeply into their backstories. Right now we just need designs to fill the room, though some details about the team as whole would help make the strip less short.
Last week we discussed mostly about Trine.
Week before that I don't fucking know. Breast Wars or something.
Week before that it was dominated by Sup Forumsle. I'm still wondering when to start discussing that again.
Pay the fuck attention instead of just complaining. Every time I start a thread with a GG image you show up and bitch.
Just hide the thread and do something else with your time.
Pay no heed to this guy. There's been a steady rise of people trying to start shit.
>PSA: Plus4chan is shutting down at the start of 2018, if there's anything of value or interest to you there, save it now.
What is there that needs saving, anyhow? All the old content got lost in their archives.
>haha there's passing mentions to other things (which you already brought up) that means you're wrong (even through my arguments against you prove you right)
Or maybe there's people who want to discuss something besides one person's personal fetish project they conned people into drawing art off?
Everyone forgets when these threads went through a dead patch so they just started making Golden Girl threads on the board in general.
All this dominance does is drive away people wanting to discuss other things, and all the defence of this dominance does is make arguments for why they're right to want to not bother.
There hasn't been any new non-Golden Girl content for months.
I dunno what, I'm just putting it out there encase there is.
Maybe someone will mention something about one of the few threads up on plus4chan's /coc/ board that we need to backup somewhere.
Seems that site died when the change over happened and all the old threads got lost.
>One person
This is immediately disproven by the amount of different artists who have done stuff with it.
>they conned people into drawing art off?
How does people freely spending their time drawing stuff they took interest in count as "conning" in any way? There's no logic to that.
Same with BreastQuest, many people like Briana's design for her features be it her tits or whatever else so they draw her.
>they got banned for some reason
Why are you reposting garbage from that containment thread, then? Shitposting on /aco/ is reason enough.
Guess it's a month until we know the fate of the Desu archive, right?
Needs a patriotic heroine. Stars and stripes were all over the place back then
>There hasn't been any new non-Golden Girl content for months.
That's a blatant lie, seeing as how the artist that gave us Golden Girl specifically drew stuff for the ninja-verse and said it was so that he could contribute something other than boobs.
Pic related is evidence that even the fetishfags are capable of talking about other things. You're the only one with myopia here.
I know, but i kinda thought some warrior is a must have. Think of her more like a christian sect that is a mix between old greek motifs and byzantium.
Is this from GoldenGirl or other /coc/ project? Because im not that well-versed wit what in /coc/ threads are discussed. But we could just change it that she seek revenge for the feath of her father.
Good point. I started first with the name and since many Golden Age heroines have that kind of name i went for athena as godmother. But her design changed in that hooded avenger.
>the Black Rose
I just liked the Blonde Phantom design and changed it more into a spy version. Than i came up with the name and somehow she felt very french.
>Water Girl
Can agree, i named her that because somewhere i wanted a name with "..girl"
>White Ghost
You are kinda right, but i had some kind of Miracleman or Shazam in mind and that she has this magic power.
>Crimson Cat
Since Jade Empress is on the hunt for magical artifacts, i thought that artifacts are rather often an origin. But not!catwoman would work too. It isnt a important part, so she just could be a crimefighter.
>Star Princess
Ok, maybe she doesnt have that star power i scribbled. Maybe she is more of a soldier, only having flight and a laser pistole?
>I'm also not sure if 9 characters might not be too many. Would the strip where they get introduced just be giving their names or would it also give some backstory? Because if it's the later 9 hero's almost definitely wouldn't fit comfortably.
Could be too many, i just collected ideas and developed them. These are the ones i liked and developed further. But after looking at that page, i thought too, they are many.
My ideas for the crimebusters were 5 heroes with 6 sidekicks that could build a teentitan like sidekick group. Which seemed for me that 5-6 members are rather optimal. Maybe these 9 are changing roosters?
While coming up with Omnia, i kinda had Maria-Automaton from Metropolis in mind.
nigga, stop. If he wanted to actually contribute something to the thread, he wouldn't be fishing for (You)s
I was here for the past couple of weeks but it didn't look like the writer was interested.
Oh, kinda
>Yeah for Golden Girl
but i kinda feel sad at the same time.
Hope i didnt pushed too much Golden Girl with my posts.
That also works.
You mean about Sup Forumsle or something else?
Sup Forumsle
So you have a character that looks fine from the waist up and then the artist can't draw anything below that and fucks up the whole character because they don't know how to draw hip, thighs, and legs. You want a metal for that?
We could always just make a Handbook style entry for them. I dont know if america had that too, but i read several old comics that had some sort character fact sheets of random characters in the middle or at the end.
That might not be a bad idea.
Do you have any examples you could post?
>If he wanted to actually contribute something to the thread
No one wants to contribute things. There has yet to even be talk about British folklore monsters that the Magical Girls can fight against, or even a concept of a villain that isn't just Tommy.
I want three medals. And a parade. And a cookie. And a musical rock opera commemorating the occasion. Get on it.
Just read Black Hammer today, that's a good idea.
I think i saw an older /coc/ thread (3 months ago?) some sort of character sheet, more like a powerchart
I grew up with the MarvelHandbook, i found some old ones in our LCS way back, i thought they were cool.
Wow, Rom looks like a homosexual outside of his armor.
Britain is too boring for this setting. Boring folklore, boring history, boring landscape, boring people.
If you want interesting cultural backdrops, then set them in America, or at least somewhere in Europe.
What did you expect, it were the 80s.
Still having the disco fever going into heavy sci-fi with the dark age on the horizon.
It's not that Britain is boring, it's that it's overdone. Fantasy is by default kinda British so that ground has been tread so many times it's perfectly flat.
And while i looked up, most of these character entries i found are mostly just a big picture with a text block. But i found while searching someone tried a Golden Age Handbook 3 Years ago.
Is plus4chan going down due to lack of interest? Place has always been dead as fuck.
>Fantasy is by default kinda British
Thanks Obam- I mean, Tolkien!
I think more than lack of interest is the fact the site itself is broken, has no way to curb the likes of the bots spamming illegal material on it and other issues.
They guy in charge would basically have to rebuild things from the ground up which is just too much effort to ask of someone for a site that gets so little traffic.
Here's an idea. Let's get some ideas flowing with random scenarios. Choose two random characters from the Sup Forumsnservatory and have them be pitted against each other.
I pulled The Veil and Delta
The Veil could be stealing another rare tapestry and throughout her entire heist she doesn't realize Delta was there all along hidden in plain sight. Delta was disguised as the guard, the pedestrians, and finally the person on the roof Veil bumped into. After their fight, Veil confronts her in the middle of it asking why they were following her. Delta just responds with just that they were bored then leaves. It's then revealed that Delta stole back the tapestry throughout the fight with the Veil's knowledge and keeps it for themself.
Could turn it into a textboard.
But I guess that would just be another slow-moving site for a paradigm that people aren't interested in any more.
Which breaks my heart because I love text boards.
Kind of, but really it operates on a sliding scale of how much modernity is in the "fantasy Britain" setting. If you make it too modern it just feels like Harry Potter.
Well I'm down to talk about Sup Forumsle again, we were getting near the end of the "issue run".
We were figuring out how the fight with war god was going last time, wrn't we?
Need to re-read the pastebin to refresh myself.
To be honest the name ringed a bell, but i dont know what that site is about. After looking up, i saw its a smaller Sup Forums but for me with less interesting looking threads.
Guess lack of interest?
The problem i have is that most ideas or things are discussed for 1 or 2 threads than vanish from the schedule.
That and there is already many things discussed make it hard to enter that.
Since i like the concept of GoldenGirl, i know more and could look up some infos. Maybe she is rather new, have many pictures, strips with background and i was there while she was developed heavily, i have a better grasp on her than BeetleKnees for example.
Something along the lines of having Sup Forumsle punching WG in the still smarting cheek, throwing him to land where the seasons and Skathi can all gang on him.
How about character profiles written/drawn by Iris, as to chart the happenings in Platinum City?
You probably know more about Golden Girl because its been over half every thread for about a year.
As a drawfag I'm gonna lay a harsh truth down on /coc/. The reason GG gets so much art drawn isn't tits, it's because her design is easy to bang out in five minutes. Marley and Motion are similar in terms of simplicity. That's why they have a lot of art as well.
Most of the other stuff is floated around in these threads is clearly designed by a committee of idea guys and writers that don't understand that all those little character building details just make the drawing process take five times as much effort and time. Simple is better if you want drawings for free.
Well, I know what got me in here was the discussing of characters, not one autist that polices what does and doesn't belong in the thread.
Motion really doesn't get much art at all.
And it's hard to argue that GG's attraction isn't tits when so much about it is centered on tits and there's always a dedicated thread on the porn board.
Is there more than just rough sketches, characterisation and the concept of 4 seasons?
And has oit to be magical monsters? Maybe just medievil or fantasy like monsters?
Thx, i mean Beesknees.
Thats what i mean with newer and i was in these threads.
Sure thats always downing. But its just one opinion that there is too much GG and he cant force others to stop to talk about her. If there is something to talk about and people still interested, they cantdo anything against.
Thats a really cool idea. Like its a "Iris journal of Truth" or "Behind the mask by Iris Lodell " or "Secret Journal of Iris Lodell"
Autism is gonna autism.
I dont think that many are that complex in design. Or you can always decreaase the complexity of designs.
No, Delta was disguised as the tapestry.
And Delta wouldn't steal and keep something that's been stolen.
You guys are all replying to an old troll.
It's a dead giveaway when you see him trying to force anything from Europe into America. He's a fooken jessie and should be ignored.
You're all probably too new to know about him, but it's the truth, he shits up threads constantly once he's in them. He hasn't shown himself in months, but now that he's here expect him to try and retroactively force anything from Britainment or Europe to the Americas. It's his fucking calling card.
Seems we're actually past that now with the clothing goddess taking the reins of main bad guy.
link to pastebin? fiefox updated and didn't seem to keep all my bookmarks
Firefox's new look is still weird as hell feeling.
>You guys are all replying to an old troll.
Did we get new people last week? Still, you don't really have to be that much of a regular to these threads, and not tell bait that blatant apart.
I legit thought for a minute they got rid of bookmarks.
>Sup Forums
>able to dicern bait
She could sketch still life drawings of Audrey in her free time, and keep her hobby a secret to everyone.
We've gotten at least a handful of new people since the last time that guy shat up a thread.
I honestly can't believe he's still doing that.
He's always had a hateboner for the seasons girls and anything set in Britbongland.
And now magi's normal tumblr has been blacklisted by tumblr's new bullshit policies making it unviewable unless you have an account.
Fair enough.
I guess that old adage still stands, Sup Forums is the easiest board to bait.
>that old adage still stands
I wish we could swap those for a bit. If we could only get /tg/'s "gets shit done" for like a week, that would be hype.
yeah anyone knows what he's doing that warrants needing an account for his SFW blog. are nipples banned even when clothed?
Maybe one day...
/tg/ hasn't gotten shit done in forever though.
I think the bar is set too high for what qualifies as actually getting something done around here.
Breast Wars getting an outline actually done after 2 years of nothing should count as getting something done.
Trine still being discussed and moving along would new plot bits and the story evolving should count as getting something done.
Sup Forumsle being discussed and the issue outlines forming an actual story should count as getting something done.
GG getting actual new comics made should count as getting something done.
wow, even the normal one?
I have ac110 put in my rss so I can still see updates, but that's the nsfw one.
I pulled Betty Baker and Squid Pro Quo as the next scenario.
On one of the Justice Coalition's training excursions, Betty takes the younger members out for more intense training. On the way there drones from the Sageworthy Society intercept them separating the younger members one by one. Betty takes out drones one by one but then finds out she's surrounded. And in the swarming drones emerges Squid Pro Quo monolouging how Betty is his real target with her infinite power source in mind.
Not to get too ornery with you all, but if you already go through those loops for pixiv shit, and for the likes of sadpanda, why are you even getting mad about this?
Sorry for the off-topic.
Heyo, good morning!
Thatcher here!
I've been thinking to draw "Trine" art to maybe expand appeal.
Yeah, ac120 is blocked by tumblr's bullshit "safe mode" and I really don't want to have to make a tumblr account just to VIEW an artist's page.
Sounds like it could be a precursor to the Thanksgiving reunion idea between her and her General Freedom.
If he shows up to help or if he shows up at all (he wanted to surprise the new recruits?) then they'd probably have a family argument right in front of Squid Pro Quo.
I don't go through those hoops to view pixiv or sadpanda though.
I've never cared for bothering with either of those sites.
Maybe try drawing a cover for the first issue?
because sadpanda gives way the fuck more, and pixiv is at least viewable without an account. With tumblr you get a huge nondescript message that is not unlike the "blog got deleted" one.
And I don't feel like registering just to view a guys personal blog.
Fixed image dialogue for authenticity.
I don't even know who you are but it's cool.
Either way, uh, if any of you guys feel like editing Saudra's Sup Forumsntraversy page to completion, then now would be a good time.
until then, see you guys later in case i ever feel like doing something /coc/ related ever again.
I feel some more action, you got enough cheese/beefcake.
That's the other thing missing in firefox, does the old method work to getting into sad panda?
I'm not finding Betty on the wiki...
Alright. It was fun while it lasted watching you talk the piss out of the setting.
She goes by Liberty Lass
See ya, dewd. It was nice having some consistency in the thread, as short as it was.
Should I story time it?
Like in this thread or a new one?
lol no
Not in this thread. We seem to be dealing with some issues in here.
But I'll probably post the whole thing one day in one of these threads either because I can or because someone will be necro-bumping it on a Wednesday.
I didn't realize that this happened. ... I am guessing its the Rococo with the crotch plate. In fact there are occasional nudity way back in around 2011 2012 ish, but its too late now. Bummer.
I don't want to create just another tumblr blog, although I am not sure where I can keep this kind of stuff. I try not to post too many doodles on pixiv. Sad Panda is for porn, I don't do too many for coc nowadays. Its vexing that they choose to do it now to my regular blog.
Even if I were to get setup regular website, I doubt they would let me keep more nsfw stuff.
Do girls/women actually call each other "mate" as well?
tumblr is terrible for artists.
You might fall back on dA since they've at least fixed their shit enough so you can still view stuff that's been deemed "mature" by entering your birthday even without an account.
I feel unclean suggesting that for some reason.
>Trine #1 cover
Would you like to tell me your ideas or is it all up to me?
>I feel some more action, you got enough cheese/beefcake.
Yeah, I kinda jumped the gun on that one still being an early concept.
Here's the next roll.
There's no way the doctor can defeat all 12 Kings, maybe not even 1. Maybe the scenario is a goose chase out of all the Hells.
I really like this idea.
>She could sketch still life drawings of Audrey in her free time
And this. She'd probably focus a lot on incidents where people SHOULD have noticed her chest.
Maybe have Ghost leaving a tail behind him as he looks to the sky and sees Archenemy with his archbots looking over the cityscape?