HEY Sup Forums!
19 DAYS TILL Sup Forums DIES!
HEY Sup Forums!
19 DAYS TILL Sup Forums DIES!
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Sup Forums will handle it
I could never be angry at you, Helga ;3;
Who dew you think you are?
What the fuck? the movie already aired, what you want?
network neutrality
ISPs will block Sup Forums, just like they did before 2015. wait a minute....
They would be right to do so. 4chen is the central hub for racist right wing extremists.
In 2015 there was a court case that made it so that they could not enforce net neutrality unless internet was classified as utility. If they remove utility status the court case would remain.
keep crying your reddit memes.
You used the same picture you dope!
>implying google isn't doing that already
>implying having the FCC stop all these cancerous social media platforms is bad
Sage for Sup Forums
obama protected neutrality, trash fucking idiot trump is selling it to the highest bidder without even understanding the consequences because he's too old and too selfish to understand whats going on
One of the people supposed to vote to repeal apparently flipped.
Keep the pressure up. One more flip and the repeal is DOA. Call your reps and all that.
That's not what net neutrality is about you fucking retard
It's about preventing corporations from segmenting the internet and being able to charge you more or less for access to certain websites
Who wants to annihilate D.C with me?
It seems odd seeing this unconnected to the Hey Arnold movie, but I guess it's fitting.
I think if enough people actually bother to bring it up to Trump and try to get him on-board with net neutrality he would. Killing TPP was one of his campaign promises that he actually kept, after all.
>It's about preventing corporations from segmenting the internet and being able to charge you more or less for access to certain websites
Limiting access to individual websites has never happened in the history of the internet. Not even in the DPRK.
This is a post reminding us to fight for Net Neutrality.
The FCC is planning to vote on repealing it on December 14th.
Sup Forums is getting bombed with NN shills right now, it's a complete clusterfuck
it will die when hiro get rid of legacy captcha next year.
>thanks hiro
It's not limiting, it's giving you discounts or charging you more for using certain sites. It's complete nonsense that does nothing but give ISPs more money for stuff that doesn't cost them anything.
This is how fucking stupid people are, they're so insanely obsessed with SJWs they'll support legislation that doesn't benefit themselves in any way whatsoever except giving companies more ways to screw them solely because SJWs are against it.
Yeah, even if it doesn't cause the end of the internet, i cant believe anyone here is seriously supporting this. The only ones who benefit from this are the corporations.
The average user can only suffer from this change.
>Sage for Sup Forums
Dude the fight to maintain Net Neutrality is the most reddit thing to happen since Szechuan sauce
It's not limited to reddit you contrarian faggot. Anyone with sense wants to maintain it. Even Sup Forums did until SJWs started supporting it.
It should be the one issue that everyone agrees on, because it has literally nothing to do with partisan politics or personal ideals.
The only people it benefits are corporations. There is no reason whatsoever for a person who doesn't own an ISP to support it.
People who are trying to turn it into a partisan issue are the definition of "cutting off your nose to spite your face".
>There's something you should know about me various Internet Service Providers....
Sup Forums doesn't want it inbred nigger
The only people against it are alt-right manbabies who cry Jew because George Soros is behind the repeal this time.
It's a nothing issue. Sup Forums will still be shitty if it passes. Who cares?
>implying having the FCC stop all these cancerous social media platforms is bad
Man, I WISH that's what the situation was. I'd be up on Capitol Hill every day championing the repeal of Net Neutrality. Unfortunately social media would probably see a huge upsurge with corporations in charge.
but the basis of that was MURICAN CORPORATIONS AND WORKERS ARE GETTING A RAW DEAL. He's probably for this regardless of his ignorance.
But killing neutrality is as bad or worse for certain corporations as it's good for the ones that are pushing it. It's telecom companies against every one that uses the internet, including Google.
I hope it is repealed desu
>i cant believe anyone here is seriously supporting this
It's because Sup Forums is full of edgy teenagers that get all their political intel from encyclopedia dramatica.
I'm glad I lived to see the end
I'm at a moral quandary here. On one hand:
>small and medium businesses would be fucked over
>censorship abound
On the other hand....
>ISPs can silence cancerous websites that defame people and fake news which has damaged the US for a decade and a half now
>critic sites like Rotten Tomatoes, Red Letter, Channel Awesome, ANN, etc might also be censored and they've dragged down industries with their endless /y/ning and propaganda
It's like Death Note almost: Bad shit is going to happen but the result would be a lot of good shit in the long run. The US is on the brink of a second civil war yet this might actually save us as unlikely as it is, but I see no other solution since congress can't get jack shit done since the Tea Party invasion.
>The average user can only suffer from this change.
Well normies do a lot of stupid shit and cyber bullying is common, maybe this is comeuppance?
Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck. Most of us want to go back to bbs style days, and sincerely hope the net gets throttled. Fuck thus website.
/m/ supports the end of net neutrality because it's a giant middle finger to everyone that came into their social circle and fucked shit up. The normie reception to the last gundam series pissed them off royal as the last straw that broke the camel's back and this seems like the closest thing to payback against placed like Anime Suki, MAHQ, Evageeks, Macross World, Anime News Network, etc. A lot of them were (wrongfully) banned from these sites and want some retribution. Why? They have little to nothing to lose and they're too divided among themselves to enjoy anything these days.
Trump only uses Twitter, he gives no fucks about the interweb.
Why the fuck would ISPs do anything like your proposed benefits instead of simply prioritizing clickbait and outrage culture websites, since those generate massive revenues? For fuck's sake Rotten Tomatoes is owned by Comcast.
See, this is the problem. People seem to have gotten it into their heads that this has something to do with censorship when that has nothing to do with it and is a completely separate issue.
Net neutrality means corporations can't charge more or less for different types of internet traffic or for traffic to certain sites. For example you buy the "social media package" and get a discount for all traffic to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You buy the "movies and music package" and get a discount for all traffic to Netflix and Spotify. This would encourage using the sites whose owners bribe or make deals with the ISPs and mean people who don't use those sites have to pay more.
It makes no fucking sense because traffic to different sites doesn't cost the ISPs anything different. It's like if power companies charged you extra for using your electricity on appliances unless you paid for a certain plan.
The only people who gain anything from repealing NN are the ISPs, and they're doing it because they're buttmad that the law is keeping them from nickel and diming customers even more.
>It makes no fucking sense because traffic to different sites doesn't cost the ISPs anything different
Bandwidth is different for different types of sites.
>The US is on the brink of a second civil war
t. brainlet
How is this Sup Forums?
Hate sites and fake news are bad for business, alt right sites are the first to go.
I rest my case.
This meme is getting stale, seriously.
Do you actually think an ISP can somehow section off the Internet into packages? Do you know how big the internet is? Furthermore, do you honestly think these ISPs will immediately enact bullshit policies as soon as this passed? You have no idea how these people work. They'll wait for a year or two and then come to fuck you.
>b-but that Portugal image
Literally an extra data plan that allows the customer to get seperate data for what they want without spending their other data.
>inb4 I get called a shill
Not a shill, I'm just sick of the fearmongering bullshit. But I do support having some sort of government power over these corrupt fuckers
I could have sworn I first heard about this in Sup Forums itself a while back
>They'll wait for a year or two and then come to fuck you.
So you admit that without NN we'll get fucked latter than sooner?
>do you honestly think these ISPs will immediately enact bullshit policies as soon as this passed?
Some would. When the supreme court said racism was dead states enacted shit within hours because they could.
Yes user, that's what I fucking said
So why not fight to stop it right now while there's still a chance?
Have you not paid attention to news in the past three years? That is Russia's plan and both twitter and FB have had Russian bots playing up every issue they can.
Because thats fighting the symptom of a bigger problem.
Because there's not much we can do. Pajeet doesn't care what we say and only 2 of the 5 FCC disagree with him. After it passes though it'll definitely get taken to court and there'll be a long ass battle over it
>Even Sup Forums did until SJWs started supporting it
Sup Forums is split 50/50.
I think most Nazis on there are for it, while Libertarians are against it.
t. Nazi
Fuck off
Could you imagine if NN dying brings down sites like ED? More people would support the decision to kill it over time, most people don't like hackers and doxxers ruining lives and archiving personal information.
This. You can sell Pai's gutting to parents easily with something like
>"that site which humiliated my child might never be seen by people that don't bleed their money and might make them broke eventually? I support this guy, he must have a good moral compass"
It's not that hard and given how SJWs can be pro censorship and have already gotten the mainstream media this mindset could influence the public.
>Literally an extra data plan that allows the customer to get seperate data for what they want without spending their other data.
Only idiots think it's "sectioning off the internet". What it is is charging you extra for fucking nothing.
If you honestly don't think they're going to raise data rates at the same time that they give you these "discounts" for going to the sites owned by people who give them money you're naive.
The whole point here is not about censorship or ending muh freedoms on the internet or anything like that, it's that ending net neutrality does not benefit anyone except corporations, and opens the door to potential abuse, so what the fuck is the point of allowing it to end?
The fearmongering is retarded, but I'll admit it's a necessary evil to get people to actually do something and not just go "oh well watcha gonna do, just let them corporations do whatever and I'll pay for it"