As the title says, fix this show to something that can be considered good.
Fix Steven Universe Sup Forums
Remove tumblr.
Kill Steven off.
get rid of the fucking perspective rule, even if you only broke perspective for special episodes it would be great
You fix it by punishing everyone that talks about it.
>1. Longer Episode Time.
If they wanted this to be a cartoon drama they should have given it 22 minute episodes
>2. Have an actual plot.
Like pay actually writers to come up with an over arching plot for the show and not have just some vague idea of the plot like Sugar does
>3. Change perspective often.
I'm getting tired of Steven, we all are. But most of all I'm getting tired that we aren't allowed to learn anything unless he does first cause for some reason this is the least curious child in the world.
>4. Have real animators.
The animation needs to be constant, nuf said.
>5. Take it back to action adventure.
There was a time in the vary first season where the characters went places and did things. can we go back to that please.
>6. Have Steven stop fucking crying.
Like all the fucking time, Jesus Christ, like I get it, I do. He's supposed to be in touch with his feelings and shit but this is not a person who it in touch with his feelings, this is a boy who never learned to control them. Fucking hire a psychologist to consult about it if you really want.
>7. Less Townies, More Gems.
Look, I like the Townies, I think they're funny but they are useless fucking characters. Remember when I said there was no plot, well these guys are exhibit fucking A for that. The main focus should be the gems and their effect on the world around them, then you bring in the townies to show how they effect and interact with real human beings.
>8. Remove the SJW angle.
They used that shit to make their poorly made show more popular. You think when Sugar first wrote this she even cared about all this SJW stuff? This show stared out as a rip off of anime. And then once they heard that Tumblr thought it was the coming of Tranny Jesus they changed gears quick to sell to that audience. Too bad for them that Tumblr is tied for the most fickle audience in the world cause even there people are saying Steven Universe is bad because they got some SJW shit wrong apparently.
Have Andy slap Laz's shit up till she realizes just how shit she's being.
>"Bought myself some shares in Nerf housewares, just in case I need to 'go hard' 'bout my FREAKIN' BARN!!"
i don't mind a protagonist that cries but steven has got to the point where he cries over stupid shit that takes away from it. townie episodes can be good if they have actual writers and consistency. most townies have been flanderized to the point of no return, and they stopped dropping lore nuggets on a majority of those episodes.
that being said the episodes about the story are good, even with the flaws that a kids show will undoubtedly have.
>"8. Remove the SJW angle."
But, but - but... how else can I stew in my own rancid juices over a plate of half-eaten chicken tendies when Tumblr's down for maintenence!?
This times a thousand.
Keep the storyboarder from early season one. Keep the world feeling large and mysterious. Use monsters/locations of the week to build up the larger plot. (Have you how they stopped adding imaginative locations and started reusing them too much?) No chugging progressive kool-aid before noon. Do not make originally strange characters too mundane (I'm looking at you Lapis and Peridot).
Make Steven a girl and not fat either.
If you were to 'fix' Steven Universe you would end up having a completely new fucking show.
Steven Universe's faults arise from the creators aspiration to be progressive and different, this isn't inherently bad but the problem is simply that the shows creators are incompetent or got caught up in being different that they forgot to be good. for example
>Off Model Animation
The intention with this was to accentuate each storyboarders style so people can see this show was made by people and not churned out through a computer. Now this could've been a nice little thing if used to minimum but it wasn't it was used to the Fucking XXXTREME and now we have characters changing heights mid episode, characters making goofy faces in tense moments, and the end result is a sloppy fucking Cartoon.
First and foremost, tell CN to either air new episodes on a weekly basis or cancel it. Their current idea of dropping 5 episodes every 6 months or whatever is fucking annoying.
OP here, I think you can still keep the "spirit"of Su while still making a good show. The earlier responses shows that a few tweaks can really help the show.
Like for one, keep putting pressure on the characters and especially Steven. The show just loves giving our character some downtime. So much in fact, that's most of the show. And when you pair it up with genocidal race that's know your existence and wants you dead just make it awful. But by actually putting threat on characters (like actual lives in danger) then so much of the show is change. Like Steven knowing the reality of how weak he is compare with an army of two strong rulers, compiled with a third ruler who's going to be strongest. This will actually force Steven to change, finding out actual ways to protect his plant, and making his own army. This one simple change has made the show more tense, more engaging, and hype.
Relocate the home setting to inland America, you cant do much adventures in Beach Shitty.
First off, I wouldn't hire Tumblr artists as storyboarders unless they actually have a FUCKING good work ethic and not value a ship over everything else.
Please. Or at least make him less of an oblivious idiot when the plot demands it.
Honestly all that needs to be changed is pacing. I know people will bitch about this but look at the recent batch of Star vs episodes. every episode that isn't straight up full plot/lore development is MC character development with only a couple "towny" episodes thrown in the middle, and even those often have some small part of plot or lore that shows up later.
Whether you like the show or not, SU could learn from it. Just look at this last bomb, we hit fucking Homeworld and the show focuses on Connie's little fit and Steven moping about it, or about Sadie and her job. The only towny shit that would have been understandable is a focus on Lars' parents and how they're taking their son being a refugee isolated on an alien planet where he could die (again), yet they've been sidelined and don't even get a line.
The progressiveness escalated over time, though. You don't have to make a new show. Not letting it escalate would have helped a lot.
If you want to have Steven refuse to ask questions, at least give him a justification. Maybe have it be some kind of character arc where Steven actively avoids trying to learn anything about the gems after he sees the first glimpses that they're not what they seem, then later has to realize that the mentality is wrong.
no work needed
show is already better than 90% of trash called modern television
If you want me to try and make SU perfect well that is gonna take a lot of work, thing one is find some type any type of consistent release structure for the show, I'm cool with one episode every other week or just one huge bomb every year Netflix style, but just do it consistently
Remove access to series from Sup Forumsfags and tumblrfags.
You're welcome
>5 years after
>Steven now is muscular and not a fucking midget
>the gems are real gems now
>he uses the gems to transform with different armors to fight aliens and shit
>bloody gore
>sexual jokes and steven fucking the gems a la American Pie
>saying for tumblr to fuck off in the middle of the show
Remove Steven, add plucky young shonen protagonist with slight emotional issues.
Add male gems.
Clarify the setting and timeline instead of acting like it doesn't exist while pretending the show has intricate lore.
Make the leadership or Earth and their reactions to the events relevant.
Remove limp moral messages about accepting failure and weakness.
> Add male gems.
World War 2 happens and Homeworld teams up with Hitler while Steven sits in a death camp for fatties.
Ah, 2009 youtubecore.
No. Killing him off is the only way.
>Make Amethyst less fat, less short and stocky, less disgusting and immature, and get rid of her disgusting allergic reaction lips
>Get rid of Garnet's third eye, make her talk more and have an actual personality, reduce hip size, get rid of square hairdo, and have somebody else voice her entirely who has a cuter voice
>Get rid of Pearl's pointy nose, or at least reduce the pointiness.
>Make Jasper shorter, get rid of her tumblr nose, and make her less of a steroid diesel dyke
>Make Lapis less emo, make her look less like a blue Pearl.
>Make Sadie taller and get rid of her disgusting fatness, get rid of her crush on Lars, it's dumb.
>Give Lars normal ears and make him less of an annoying asshole
>Make the Pizza sisters white
>Make Lion less gay looking by giving him a different color besides pink
>Make Greg skinnier and less annoying, get rid of his annoying voice, and make him less of a loser
>Get rid of all the gem fusions, or at least redesign them because they are all hideous abominations that don't reflect the supposed beauty of the gems that compose them
>Remove Stephen entirely or make him a completely different character. If you keep him, make him less fat, make him less annoying, less feminine, less stupid, less hyper, less everything that makes him the annoying little fuck he is currently
>Give Connie have a noticeable bust, since she should be old enough to have some tits by now.
There, I fixed the show.
>Have Diamonds win and exterminate all disgusting organic life in the universe.
Fixed it for you.
>turn it into a monster-of-the-week type of show
>every once in a while they meet a new gem with a unique weapon/fighting style and they actually RECRUIT IT TO FIGHT FOR THEIR CAUSE
>make the villains an actual threat
>turn steven into a kinda reckless and unexpirienced fighter instead of a drooling retard
>steven has only a few powers related to healing and protection instead of having a new power every week
you know what, just turn it into Sailor Moon with gem people, that solves everything
Townies + Magic
Real fight moments
Gems invade earth and have a base for S4
Steven learn you can't save everyone
>when the bait is too stronk
sadly thing is , there is a lot of people that really think like that
Why would I want to fix a show for children
Ban all niggers and jews from the animation industry and hollywood altogether
Frontload the townie episodes. It's that simple, the show should focus on its plot when its ready, not just bring it up and ignore it for entire seasons at a time.
Peridot revolution, replace the Diamond Oligarchy with a republic.
Steven dies as a hero for the cause, along with Pearl.
Connie gives birth to Steven's baby and kicks off a whole new series that doesn't use "bomb" format and features Steven and Connie's child exploring the universe as it grows up.
And no more sjw nonsense.
Anyone remember this shit-show?
Fix SU in the exact opposite way.
Use correct proportions.
That's all.
Even though I still like current SU, I think you make it a really great show it would have been best to cut out the homeworld invasion entirely. Make the entire show take place on earth and be about dealing with corrupted gems and whatever other shit was left behind from the war and rose's decisions. Could still have new gems show up like Lapis and Bismuth, and maybe certain corrupted gems are healed more easily than others so it doesn't just happen all at once.
I just don't think the current story of SU plays to the strengths of Rebecca /the crew.
>25 minute episodes
>Show doesn't revolve around Steven
there. all fixed.
more kirby
>/SUG/ has been on Sup Forums for what seems like many weeks now
>Peek inside
>No discussion(probably more in this thread desu)
>Cringe fanart
MFW /SUG/ Faggots have literally been spamming this board over 5 really shitty filler for WEEKS
>Fix SU in the exact opposite way.
What happened with She-zow?
No bimbo lolis.
>22 minute episodes
>More lore, you've managed to create one of the most interesting alternate worlds, and it wasn't entirely by accident
>Fix the scheduling. It's a miracle it's even running at all, with three episodes here, there and sometime next year.
>Stop taking it too seriously. Hold it to high standards, but don't get pissy that the characters actually act their age
>Integrate townie and gem episodes. The fact that they tend to be one and the same made the earlier episodes great
>More locations. Again, fantastic world building with just the backdrops alone makes the show great
>Have one or two episodes each season from someone else's perspective. Extra points if it starts off whimsical, and becomes plot critical. Still keep Steven as the MC
That being said, this show is still consistently more entertaining than anything else airing, for better or for worse.
Oh, but most importantly, ignore Sup Forums posters. Especially the guy who thinks inland US is interesting in a way that doesn't remind one of Heart of Darkness.
/sug/ has reached critical fanbase - which is to say, it's at the point where the fanbase generates enough art/fanfiction/whatever to self-sustain itself and no longer needs to talk about the actual show. Thus, the show not developing at all isn't a problem.
See also: Touhou, MLP.
We on /co may be good, but we're not that good.
Add writers who can write
Add animators who can animate
Add character designers who can design
Add storyboarders who can storyboard
Add directors who can direct
Add jokes that are funny
Make the boarders use the model sheets
>22 minute format
I feel like the 11 minute format is a massive detriment to the show. A lot of the time it feels like just when things are starting to get good we get the goddamn star iris in. If the show had more room to spread out, it could have it's quiet, character building moments that it likes to have without feeling like it comes at the expensive of things that are actually interesting.
>No (strictly) slice of life episodes
The overarching plot should always be moving forward. Time spent just with the townies is time wasted. I feel like the best use of the citizens of Beach City is when their peace is disrupted by things of a supernatural or extraterrestrial nature. Lars and Sadie are uninteresting when they just fuck around, I don't care about their will-they-won't-they relationship. The Cool Kids aren't interesting either, the most interesting they've ever been is when they find Peridot's escape pod with Steven. I don't really HATE any of these characters, I hate how they're given nothing of substance to do.
>Fucking commit
Steven Universe does not commit to anything. Not Jasper, not the Cluster, not Homeworld, and not the Diamonds. No matter how high the stakes are it's never too long before Steven is back at his house fucking around with Connie or the denizens of Beach City. Seeing the concept art of the Cluster really made me loathe the band-aid they put on that situation. It felt like they had to throttle their plans because of the shows popularity and the network wanted more at the expense of the pacing. Look at fucking pic related, this is the impending doom that they were hyping up. In the end this monstrosity never took form because the power of friendship put it's cluster of gemstones in a giant bubble. Fuck that. How they dealt with Steven going to Homeworld is particularly egregious. Here he was, on trial in front of the Diamonds, and the following episode he's home safe by climbing through a dead boy's hair. What the fuck?
fuck you faggot this show can burn in hell.
it isn't like you made it or anything you fatty consumer.
>Add jokes that are funny
Or remove jokes altogether, they clearly aren't the focus or even well-thought out. Who would have guessed the first Cartoon Network show made by a woman would be terrible at comedy and really good at emotional moments and drama? Really makes me think.
>chicken tendies
Why is this considered a thing?
>Inland America
pretty much all of this except I feel like they could do slice of life episodes if they actually contributed something to character development.
when everyone is the same before/after a filler episode it just wastes 11 minutes.
post more kunis
>If they wanted this to be a cartoon drama they should have given it 22 minute episodes
>Keep the storyboarder from early season one.
of the 6 regular boarders from season 1A:
Joe's been promoted to director
Jeff, Lamar, and Paul are still boarding
Raven only recently left
Aleth only did three episodes anyways and is currently on character design
and if you expand to include the boarders who joined mid-season 1:
Hellen didn't remain on the show long (only doing 10 eps total)
Hilary and Katie are still boarding (though Hilary's confirmed to be promoted to storyboard supervisor down the line)
wow, literally fuck the storyboard artists
Call it "The Crystal Gems" so Steven doesn't need to be in literally every episode because goddamn having to shoehorn him into every plot fucking sucks and severely limits the potential storytelling the show could have.
Wow I agree with If Rebecca is such a weeb, then she should know that "slice of life" themed anime are 22 minutes for a reason! She wants a slow paced genre cartoon to be 11 minutes?!
I animate. My field is storyboarding and concept. I know from first hand experience that an idea can easily stretch longer than intended. For a series like Steven Universe, it needs longer running time so things can flow a bit better and less season exhaustion.
If she wants 11 minute cartoons, MAKE THEM ACTION FOCUSED. SHIT HAS TO HAPPEN!
The only way I could agree to this is if they kept them action/adventure. So many episodes are garbage because in a 11 minute soundbite you just can't care about shit like the mayor, what's going on at the pizza place and if everyone likes each other. That shit needs to be 22 minutes to decompress everything right and get you the investment to care. Hell it's why the town is so one dimensional.
12 episode miniseries at 22 minutes an episode.
Get rid of Lapis Lazuli and Peridot, too much time wasting for too little relevance.
So you are telling me that there are storyboard "witters" that want to make stories about the mayor sucking at his job? A plot that is just two restaurant families getting pissed at what each other sells? A story Mr. Smiley having a comedy gig with another guy? And they felt the best show to make all this in is a show about crystal aliens fighting and capturing monsters and shit? I mean that's where it's fuck up. For the most part Regular Show and Adventure Time work because they have most of their episodes tied down to central themes that the show follows, also neither of them are bond to one character's perspective, that is also hurting SU because you have to stay with Steven in some way no matter what.
I'm fine that SU is 11 minutes, I'm fine if the over reaching plot takes forever to get anywhere. What I'm not fine is spending several episodes that have nothing going on besides "let's check in on the town" that neither adds anything nor is entertaining.
Sugar really fucks up and gets these bigger name actresses/singers and what not to play these parts when they have other gigs and things to do. That's what makes it all a waste of time and no relevance, when about 1/3rds your cast have actual singing gigs outside of the show that's really going to bruise everything.
moar jasper less townies
Exterminate the townies, especially Sadie the rapist. I wish the Diamonds purged Beach City.
More SoL less lore.
Actually the outline writers (story editors Matt Burnett and Ben Levin, creator Rebecca Sugar, directors Ian JQ (before he left), Kat Morris, and Joe Johnston (after Ian left)) are the ones who come up with episode premises and scene by scene outlines: the boarders just write the final scripts as they boards
Choke that chicken, nigga
>not more SoL tied to the magical elements of the show
This is why S1 will always be the best one.
Add more sex scenes, and Pearl has a dick that cannot be contained.
Honestly I flat out loved the show when it was just fantastical slice of life.
>one of the most interesting alternate worlds
>more entertaining than anything else airing
Boy, /sug/ gets more delusional by the week.
this show is the definition of wasted potential
>really good at emotional moments and drama
But that's fucking wrong.
>"We're too incompetent to hold a plot for 22 minutes"
>"We storyboarders want to insert disconcordant drivel into our episodes so we can feel special"
There is no question as to why storyboarded shows should not attempt to do more than comedy.
Buckle down on your animators and make the art consistent. Fire Raven Molisee. Cut down on crying, on Steven's being a buffoon and townie/filler episodes.
This led to Lapidot and they still don't see the problem with it. This same sort of shit is why Valve never finished Half Life.
You have to be 18 to post here
>then she should know that "slice of life" themed anime are 22 minutes for a reason!
what reason?
>If the show were 22 minutes long, we the board artist wouldn't be physically able to finish the work in a reasonable amount of time.
That's gorgon shit and he know it. The vast majority of cartoons on CN that are pumped out are 10-11 minutes long but bulked to 22 minutes to fill timeslot if a special occurs.
Steven Universe took entirely too long to air for whatever reason, and when it does, they cannot keep up with the animation without an error popping up.
Make the animation good. Get rid of all the kid characters. Fire all the janitors who voice the characters and hire some actual veteran voice talent. Make it have actual jokes.
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
Already a thing.
Already a thing.
Keit-Ai has been made into:
>a wiki
>a fanfic
>a fictionpress story
>a manga
>a meme
>a series recognized by TV Tropes
>an anime preview
>an anime episode
>an anime series
>an honest-to-goodness anime movie
>Oscar considered
>a critically acclaimed box office success in Japan
>a worldwide hit
>the no. 1 highest grossing anime film of all time
>a certified fresh movie on Rotten Tomatoes
>a live-action film
Meme magic is amazing.
>Change the approach of the Townie episodes.
Take the ghibli line of actually observing real people and give weight to these peoples lives. Deal with issues like family, finances, death and even mental illness or wellbeing. Or when covering sillier exploits, don't play it as fluff.
Explore how the Gems have affected the town and have the situation be constantly changing in responce to what's going on. In othertimes, have the townie episodes thematically reflect the Gem plotline. With Steven learning things that can be directly applied to the Gem episodes ala Season 1.
Also age down Steven. He does not act 14.
Remove all the lesbian shit and the emotional part of the fusion, townies are boring so let's stop of make episodes of them, Peedee is going to be Steven's new bestfriend because Connie sucks. We need more meany characters because it grows boring when all the characters are "good and correct". Some gems should be just evil because sometimes people is just evil. Give to Steven a damn sword.
longer episode time and actual writers aren't strictly necessary, they just need to have actual fucking standards of any kind.
>8. Remove the SJW angle.
>They used that shit to make their poorly made show more popular. You think when Sugar first wrote this she even cared about all this SJW stuff? This show stared out as a rip off of anime. And then once they heard that Tumblr thought it was the coming of Tranny Jesus they changed gears quick to sell to that audience. Too bad for them that Tumblr is tied for the most fickle audience in the world cause even there people are saying Steven Universe is bad because they got some SJW shit wrong apparently.
I have a long time saying this thing to /sug/ but they always get angry and say "Kill yourself". They just wanna keep living their fantasy about ideals of promote gay people to the general audience when it's clear that Rebecca is just thinking in this:
Remember all those crappy cartoons from the early 80's where everything was really insufferably cute and all the characters had to act nice to each other? Like Rainbow Brite or Care Bears?
Steven Universe is the evolved form of that crap. Wimpy cartoon made for depressed adults who used to be wimpy children.
Because you want the younger generation to have a great cartoon that could inspire them to make an even better piece of media for people.