Sup Forums vidya

ITT: Sup Forums vidya
Is marvel vs capcom the greatest Sup Forums game of all time or what

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Is the reddit leak true?

What's the leak about?

Also, a sadly ignored amazing Sup Forums vidya.

How similar is this game to manhunt?

Spider-Man made by Neversoft, Spider-Man 2, Ultimate Spider-Man, Arkham Asylum and City, and MvC3 is better.

Speaking of underrated games, Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage is a pretty underrated game with excellent music. I know Sup Forums hates the comic issue, but the game was fairly good.

Eh, gotta go with the Arkham series honestly.

I'm still praying the new Spiderman game is gonna have Spiderman 2 web slinging. Spiderman 2 ain't perfect but that shit alone makes it the best game he's ever had

Didn't the dreamcast/nintendo 64/playstation 1 have open world like web slinging?

As someone that thought the movie was alright and enjoyed the books this is by far the best part of the series.

No, it was a strict constant speed for web slinging that had no momentum.


A list was leaked a few day ago an it says that Capcom is developing a shit ton of characters as DLC for future seasons. I don't remember most of the names but some of the mentioned characters were
>Star Lord
>Ms. Marvel
>Green Globin
Sorry for the video in Spanish

Not that much. Rooty tooty point and shooty, but with cool torture sections.


How does it hold up to the 1993 version?

If something sounds too good to be true...

I know that thelist is to good but the guy who supports the leak was the same guy who nailed it on the Injustice season three DLC so I go 50/50 with this.

too bad it's gone forever

We still have Snotgirl user.

That game looks cool

Of course it does, its a 90s Capcom beat-em up.

Speaking of 90s arcade games, the simpsons arcade game was an excellent game for the simpsons

Yup. Pity it was made during season two, when Konami had less material to work with.

The fact they did a great job with little material shows how great the game is

i was talking about the game, the game is literally lost forever

What do you mean?


It was a digital-only title on the PS3. It got taken down.

I thought it was also on the xbox 360

Eh you can probably pirate it if you know what you're doing. I know for years after it got taken down you could get download codes off gamestop and the like's websites but I'm pretty sure those are gone by now. Either way it's still downloaded on my PS3 so I'm good.

That game ate my quarters faster than the turtles game did. Any time I saw it I was able to convince my whole family to play it at least one quarters worth.

Not the same game but this music was GOAT

I really liked the theme from maximum carnage

I fucking love the old Capcom fighters so much.

Not bad game for a grand theft auto clone

Ah, yes. Green Jello/Jelly. It's always fun to bring them up to people in their 30s and see the slow resurgence of memories build up in their heads.

EA did a remake and had far more material to work with but it was fucking mediocre. just like most Simpsons episodes around this time