This show is TOTALLY gonna get a 3rd season, obviously.
This show is TOTALLY gonna get a 3rd season, obviously
stop making me sad
In about 20 years.
At least they're happy.
>mfw I'll never get to see Wander fuck around with Hater again
Why live?
"It's not bad to be sad."
that doesn't mean i want to be
Just gonna say this I fucking love this show's animation.
no, but this show is
Don't fucking remind me.
Really puts the mad in star nomad.
The theory about the season 3 villain is basically deconfirmed, right?
Sadly, it's been destroyed and will never return.
Reminder that Dominator is worst character
I think so.
[spoilers]I didn't really like it anyway so I hope so.[/spoiler]
Porn when?
pickle and peanut is great bro
Do not sexualize Breeza.
Dominator is just Hater if he was competent, right down to the fact that she's a shit-eating dickhead when on top and a rage-fueled, socially inept manchild when she's not.
Given that Hater is the best character on the show, it stands to reason that Dominator would be on-par for best with him if they capitalized on this and pulled it off properly, but as is she's fine. She just hasn't had time to grow like the other four.
Even if it was better than WOY, WOY didn't deserve to get shoved off the boat like it was.
I never said she was bad, but compared to the rest of the cast she's definitely lackluster. Dominator development was definitely another reason for people to want season 3 though.
She and Dominator need to trade makeovers.
*Moves on from this show to create a show that is already in its third season*
She worked on WOY? I'm glad she wasn't a writer, otherwise it could've turned into Wander x Sylvia or some other dumb shit.
She does look a little like Dominator.
alright guys
We're living in the age where quite literally ANYTHING can get revitalized. So, how long will it take for Wander Over Yonder to get its 3rd season? What will it take? How likely will it be?
Once Adult Swim picks it up, Comedy Central will decide to make a new season of it. Unfortunately all characters will be replaced by Tosh.
It would take most of the original writers, storyboarders, and the same animation studio. Craig has already said that he'd gladly work on it again if it got renewed, but I don't know about the other team members.
Who is Tosh?
modern day Ray William Johnson
I'm not telling you. You'll be happier not knowing. It's where joy goes to whither and die.
Just looked him up and I remember who he is now, but I don't get the joke. Why would all the characters be replaced by Tosh?
Shut up
im only stating the facts
She's obnoxious as shit and waifufags just want someone to step on their dick and say something mean.
I have never once gotten aroused by Dominator, and I still like her. There are literal hundreds of better things to beat off to. Also after 2 seasons of watching Wander do shit her upbeat attitude doesn't even faze me desu
why do you hurt me so much
>implying Disney would ever give up something they created and own to a rival company
>forgetting about Doug
Nick gave up Doug, not Gisnep.
Holy fuck I love that AU.
There's a CHANCE. There's just that that chance is pretty slim.