Vailksbum makes me sick. I unironically believe he's worse than Enter.
Who's that?
I hate all these cartoon YTbers so much
So has Victor and Valentino, didn't need a e-celeb faggot to tell me.
Isn't vailksbum a little old for this? Aren't all these e-celebs a little old to be stalking some kind of news related to kids cartoons? Does this even give them enough money to survive?
but why , he presents some good evidenc
Hopefully it gets a good redesign.
Not really. Take TTG's episode Classic Titans for example. He got that from a fan and uploaded a video as fast as he could. Ignoring any and all logic. Thinking it would be about the 2003 series he blissfully spread false info and got BTFO when someone else notified him that this was about the actual original Teen Titans. Reminder that he also made another IT video a few weeks ago and could have got someone in trouble for spreading the news on the greenlit.
Overall his "evidence" aren't his, he repeats the same thing people have already stated, he's just as bland and unoriginal as all the other lore/nostalgiafags piloting the cartoon oriented e-celeb fleet, and if the show doesn't have some kind of story or doesn't remind him of the 90s or the early 2000s (which he probably isn't even old enough to remember) you'll expect him and his fans to jump on the hate bandwagon.
Another animation 'critic' online. Infamous for his ... let's call it tenacity.
What is the point of all these Cartoon Network autism videos? And why doesn't it happen with other channels like Disney or Nick?
Flavor of the month. Back in the early 2010's, they were mostly about Nickelodeon (mainly Spongebob) going downhill.
So he takes evidence from other places, not surprising. He's too retarded to pile up so much shit.
To make money from little kids watching his videos. I bet he's shaking right now with the adpocalipse on yt. He knows no one will give him money on patreon and he knows he won't get any sponsors either. He shits out so many videos because youtube's algorithm makes more ad money from longer videos. He has short videos so he desperately pumps them out. I won't be shocked if he makes a begging for patreon money video soon
The Infinity Train pilot was overrated as fuck. It was good, but I don't get why everyone went crazy over it
It has story and character development. That's all these lorefags need to ape out.
>we will never have e-celebs on the level of Sup Forums's or Sup Forums's
Doubt it, Owen Dennis said that he liked the style the pilot had and he doubts there will be any major changes if it gets greenlit(source: a podcast he did).
This post sums it up nicely Fanbois.
This is the original design, doesn't really work in animation.
>wanting e-celebs at all
Is it a bad thing if I like this more than the pilot?
I can't stand how generic CN Studios' designs look.
It's clearly better, why would it be bad.
Potential for MYSTERIES!
That... that's about it. Lorefags legitimately don't have much to rave about when it comes to cartoons, and live-action and anime really aren't as good at long-running mysteries. As a singular episode, it was decidedly meh.
To be fair, that's because we don't need e-celebs to begin with. Sup Forums and Sup Forums have to rely on reviews because there's SO MUCH garbage out there, and it's hard to tell what's good from what's bad. Cartoons are a whole lot easier, because the big-budget ones are nearly always worth trying out for yourself and the small-budget ones pretty much never are.
>not Twelve Forever
Disney only has star vs. and nick has good shows. Cn is sucking
I don't want to watch a show about Mable and Johnny Test's child.
>waifubait forever
Cautiously optimistic. Something like this needs a proper plot progression and not be be run for infinity.
Don't do that, OP, and fuck off with your obnoxious title too
Stop loving the skank.
That show either got canned or it got picked up for netflix looking at some recent hints, it's one or the other.
Then make something better or do you prefer being manchildren in Sup Forums?
Aren't we a little old to be discussing this on an imageboard?
To be fair, we don't seem discuss Nick period here often except when the nostalgia movies are the topic, even when it has good shows (which it currently has like two of so far).
wew vailskifag, don't be so blatant
No one talks about Nick because they never had good or memorable cartoons.
I take that back, they have Avatar and Sponge meme.
Can we nuke his channel?
Just read the comments from the original link, user.
I remember someone describing the pilot as "cartoon lost" which does sum up the show's potential problems.
The pilot makes itself out to be clever without doing anything to show that it's actually going to be clever. Writing a mystery that asks questions is easy, it's getting satisfying answers which becomes the difficult part.
Pic related is Valiks and his 30 year old neckbeard ilk concerning a certain cartoon they really love to bitch and whine about...
So I guess Victor and Valentino won't be an AS show either, despite the show being included under their production.
There's a whole new speculation/rumor that started about adult swim jr.
>all of it will be on the app and will never air on TV
The state of CN is hilarious.
Did you miss the 10 half hour episode part you retard? That is a lot of content.
So Cartoon Network?
Well everyone gets their slice of pie, considering TTG is finally coming to an end with the movie.
Like said, it is half-hour episodes like Samurai Jack Season 5 which had 10 as well.
No, it may be a new thing, search for adult swim jr. bumper, as teased it was coming in Spring 2018
It is pointless though, since CN fulfills that role.
There is no public announcement, no source and data, just a bumper. I'd assume it's a joke considering this was a few months back, and Spring 2018 is clocking in on just under four months.
No, they will put the story centered cartoons on whatever the fuck adult swim jr is, adult swim may also separate into its own channel
it is a possibility, but what if it ain't a joke
I liked the pilot. Hopefully the story stays good longer than Adventure Time's did.
Honestly, I'd be happy if stuff like Infinity Train and Twelve Forever got miniseries. It worked for Over the Garden Wall, after all.
>Then make something better
I'm refining my movie idea for a conference in a few weeks with a fuckload of executives and CN's president of content acquisition (not for legitimately trying to get it picked up, but for general feedback). I'm working with a concept artist and directing voice actors (basically my friends) for audioplays of two scenes, one of which I hope to work into a full animatic before my internship application to Nick this spring.
I am making something better
>Infinity Train May Have
stop reading there
Why does everyone cream their pants so hard over this? what's it about?
Look up the pilot on youtube. It's been a longass time since I've watched it but basically
>Girl travelling with on an endless train
>Every train car is a different universe (imagine like Rick and Morty)
>On her palm is a glowing green number that changes, she doesn't know what it means
>"Adventure of the week" show with overarching """lore""" for the lorefags
his thumbnails are always so obnoxious
Was this made by vailski behind meme 2.0.?
I remember even casual fans of teen titans being disappointed that the franchise was being remade as a more childish show.
The main character looks good and I would like to insert my penis inside of her.
>green light
>shows a green bulb
>not a traffic light
are youtubers usually this dumb about metaphors?
He's... fine, I guess. If you can get past the moderate autism.
That's not even an insult.
I like Vail.